That's because that's not what the OP was asking. The OP is very straightforward: which is your favorite force user. Nothing about who uses it more effectively or whatever (in which case, EU Wankatine or one of the other wanked out Sith Lords would crush Yoda anyway). He probably only used "Force user" because it's more concise than "Jedi, Sith, or non-aligned character with force powers". Unless there are some invisible words in the OP that only you can read, your extra conditions exist entirely in your imagination.Kotooshu wrote:I won't bother quoting all the flames I got... to rebut:
Yes, I understood the question... Favourite Force User, and everyone's opinions and answers are justified.
My point was that the question seems to want to lead us into considering The way our "favourite" uses the force, not simply who is our favourite Jedi / Sith. This is to take nothing away from Obi-Wan's or anyone else's bility to use the force... But in the movies, "use of the force" is pretty much limited to force-pushing and force-pulling, with the occasional acrobatic leap. But since the original trilogy, Yoda has always been depicted as a character deeply in-tune with the Force, to the point where it was the greatest shock of all time to see him draw a lightsaber in EpII.
In conclusion, the distinction I'm making is this: Everybody in this thread cited their favourite Jedi, and proceeded to defend their choice through argumentation of why that Jedi is great. But in that argumentation I didn't see many attempts to bolster one's pick through examples of how they use the Force.
If you like Yoda best because he mastered the force, great. Super. Say that and move on. Chiding the rest of us for not meeting your imaginary requirements is not necessary and for sure and for certain it's not welcome.
And incedentally, if you think those were flames, you're in for a rough time around here.