We went camping and we're back, lotsa pics!!

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Mrs Kendall
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We went camping and we're back, lotsa pics!!

Post by Mrs Kendall »

Well, we're back... see here for story as to why we're back so soon...

...and here are some pics of our adventure :)

Just arrived

1st tent up, one more to go!

Kids running around the car to pose for the camera

Kids posing for camera...Daddy rolling out the next tent

Hey Aaron! Look over here! Click! Haha!
Ok I better go help with the tent...

Second tent up! Yay!

Firewood & Fire pit

Tent and car

The beach is down that cliff... somewhere... I know it I can hear the families playing... lets go investigate...

Yay! We found the beach... Daddy and Maddy, awww so cute :)

Daddy and kids

In the water!!!

A friendly family lent us their water toys while they had a snack :D

Kids having a blast...

...more fun...

...even more fun...

Daddy splashing the kids...

And now... exciting fun... look at those waves!!

Time to get another toy!

A Boat!!

Lotsa fun and relaxing too!

more relaxing...

Ahh! Now that's refreshing!!

Time to go...

Back to camp...

This is the nice family who let us borrow their water toys :) The one thing we forgot :oops:

Dinner time, hot dogs and corn on the cob, yumm.

Busy day, full clothesline

Time for a campfire

Come on mom! Lets make some smores!!

Time for bed

Kids getting ready for bed

Mommy! I haven't finished my smores :(

Alright Maddy, finish it quickly please :)

Yay! This is yummy!

Kids got scared around 3am when they heard two loons going at it on the river :lol: That was cute.
And... 6:30am came too fast when we heard really loud and long thunder sounds, we quickly packed up stuff that couldn't get wet in the car and drove out to get breakfast and a few things we thought we would need... more ice for the cooler, newspaper for the fire, etc...
The restaurant we ate at to avoid being rained on at the campsite

Back at the beach after the storm passed

Pretty skies, windy day.

Our picnic table after lunch at the beach.

More pretty skies at the beach, small mountains in the background... you are now looking at Quebec mountains!! Zomg! Burn your eyes!!! :lol:

This is why the place is called Driftwood Provincial Park ;)

More driftwood, it's literally all over the small sandy beach. Beautiful!

So windy, water so choppy and wavey... can't really swim very much...

...so I took more pics of more waves!!

...and more :)

Our cutie pie Maddy :)

Daddy sleeping, working on his sunburn

Uh Oh, we lost Maddy!

Oh! I found you!!

John munching on chips

Off in the distance you can see a Hercules which I didn't get a good photo of cause the camera was off and it was fast! They flew really low, Aaron sais they were practicing for the low flying they'll need to do while in Afganistan. Those people in the canoe were right below the plane when it was at it's lowest. I just wish my camera was on when we first saw the plane.

Back at the campsite, the kids play school together...

...and being silly for the camera.

More sillyness

and now some dancing..

more dancing

They really love having their picture taken :)

Preparing dinner, more corn on the cob

Corn again, yummm..

Daddy's cooking again :) Yay! Mommy gets a break!

Me. Not a lot of pictures of me, so here I am looking down at something :lol:

The fire, we finally got it going with citronella oil. Damn firewood got wet even though we covered it.

And that's it :)
That was our adventure, and we're not doing that again for a while. Too much work with little kids, we couldn't relax. If it wasn't the kids scaring me by running too close to the cliff it was the kids needing to go to the bathroom, if it wasn't running around packing the stuff so it didn't get wet, it was the constant, Mommy, I'm hungry, bored, etc...
We'll wait until they're older to go on another camping trip. But this one was fun while it lasted :)
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Ah, family camping; looks like it would have been lots of fun.
What is Project Zohar?

Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
Mrs Kendall
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

It was great for the first day after we got all set up and stuff but the second day we were both thinking "aww man not another 3 days of this!" So we decided to come home early. Too stressful for this couple ;)

You can tell from the pictures the first day was awesome. All of the pictures before the gas station restaurant picture were the 1st day and all the pictures after that were the 2nd day, notice we don't look as happy in the second days pictures? :lol:

The kids had an absolute blast and were very sad to be leaving but we figured it was best. We're making it up to them by letting them sleep over at Grandma and Grampas place tomorrow night. They are very pleased at this news.
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Post by Surlethe »

Your kids are soo cute, Mrs K! I hope you all have a blast the next time you go!
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Post by Mrs Kendall »


Yeah I hope we do as well. Next time we'll do it for one night instead of three and slowly work up to more if we feel comfy. So we've learned a good lesson this time that will help us to enjoy it more in the future.
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Post by Sofia »

Aww, your kids are adorable. :) Maddy's expression in the fourth photo down is hilarious.
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Mrs Kendall
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Thanks :) She was making a weird sound when I took that picture, you know how you move your tongue back and forth in your mouth and make a strange sound.. I don't know how to describe it. She does that a lot when she's being silly :)

Edit: you can see her tongue in action in the 8th picture from the bottom where they're dancing in front of their tent.
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Post by Boyish-Tigerlilly »

Hey that's wonderful stuff. Reminds me of a successful version of my recent camping trip last week to Massachusettes. When we went, we had two boyscouts who couldn't start a fire and they reserved a spot right next to the highway.
Mrs Kendall
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Yay! Highway traffic while you're trying to sleep! I'm glad we're not the only ones who had trouble lighting the fire ;)
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Post by General Brock »

Nice pics; what were you using and on what setting? :)
Mrs Kendall
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

A Kodak Easy share Z700

Setting was Auto ;) but for a few of them (the bright beach pictures) I used the special bright beach scene setting.

Edit: And yes I'm in love with our camera :lol:
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