A Sealion's Adventures in Ottawa (Warning: Pic heavy!)

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dr. what
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A Sealion's Adventures in Ottawa (Warning: Pic heavy!)

Post by dr. what »

Standard warning: There's a lot of pictures here and I've done my best to limit the size. Still--those with slow internet connections will probably have their PCs explode if they look at this thread. You've been warned.

Background: Over on another forum I frequent, one of the members just had a baby. We thought it would be cool to send the little one a little stuffed doll as a gift. Then we came up with a *much* cooler idea--since we have members from all over the world, why don't we mail the little stuffed toy (a sealion) to members all over the world and have them take pictures of Sealion in their hometown? Everybody thinks this is a cool idea and I've been designated as the dude to start this.

So--pull up a chair folks and enjoy the adventures of 'Sealion' as it embarks on its world tour....

Now-last monday Sealion arrived at my place. As one can see--Sealions are rather timid and shy creatures and I was having extreme difficulties coaxing him out of his box.


Fortunately--Sealions have one weakness--Chocolate chip cookies!


Here's a picture of Sealion and myself in my little prison cell -- er --cubicle. P.S. I'm the one with the beard....


It seems that Sealion was having his effect on my co-workers as well--

This is Phil--he's a lawyer!


So I take Sealion home. On the way home I decide to stop in a bar for a drink. It is at that point that I decided to use the phrase 'I would like you to pose for pictures with the small brown furry thing in my pocket' with the waitress.

She agreed.... :D


Later on I took Sealion home. My cats seem to be confused by the strange creature....



Sphinx was...intrigued... by Sealion and tried very hard to be friends with him--I needed to hit him with a newspaper at one point... :roll:

Now--the tour!

Up first--Parliament Hill

"Grrr! Must...destroy...clock...tower..."

The Centennial Flame at the entrance

Every day from 10 am to 10:30 am, they have the Changing of the Guard. Awesome ceremony.






"Hey--down in front!"



Now--let's wander around the Hill, shall we?....

"Cry Havoc and let loose the Dogs --er -- Sealions of War!"



Queen Victoria voice : "We are most certainly NOT amused!"


Lester B. Pearson (14th Prime Minister of Canada)


Is it just me--or is Sealion checking out Queen Elizabeth's ass?


Of course--nothing says 'Canada' like Mounties.


Allow me to introduce to you--Constable Carl of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!



Allow me to introduce to you--the Peace Tower! It's precisely 302 feet, 6 inches tall and was built from 1919 to 1927 and dedicated to the more than 60,000 Canadian soldiers who died in WW1. It houses 53 bells. The largest bell weighs over 22,000 pounds (three adult sized elephants). The smallest bell weighs just 10 pounds.


Let's go see the view from on top, shall we?

Looking towards the north at the City of Hull across the river

Looking down at the Centennial Flame from roughly 200 feet up

"Hey--you can see my house from here!"

West Block of Parliament Hill

Yours truly

Alrighty--enough of the Hill--let's go wandering around the city, shall we?

National War Monument

Korean War Monument

Colonel By --one of the founders of Ottawa (Ottawa was originally called Bytown) and the engineer responsible for creating the Rideau Canal

National Peacekeeping Monument (leave it to us Canucks to build a monument to Peacekeeping!)


Looking out over Ottawa river

View of Parliament

Notre Dame Basilica Church and the Peacekeeping Monument. At the extreme right hand side, you can see a sliver of the American Embassy.

I was 'asked' politely by a certain individual at the entrance to not take any pictures--seems short skinny swarthy guys with scruffy beards taking pictures of their embassy tends to 'perturb' them a bit...


Anyway--after a long day wandering the city, one needs to relax with a nice meal--like this one


And--of course--a nice glass of Brandy...


Alas--it appears that Sealion is quite the party animal when he's drunk....



In fact--I suspect that Sealion may swing both ways....


Indeed--not even the restaurant manager was immune from his seductive abilities....


Alas--all great journeys must come to an end so I bid goodbye to my friend Sealion as I pack him up into his little box onto his next destination....



So--like my story? :wink:
Mrs Kendall
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Post by Mrs Kendall »

Aww, how cute :)
I had no idea you were from Ottawa!! You live not 1 hour from us :)
Shows how much I pay attention to peoples' locations ;)
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

Well I giggled. :P
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Post by Zaia »

That's adorable. :D
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Post by Pick »

What a cute idea!!
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Post by Batman »

Very nifty idea.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

I have to say, that is probably one of the coolest ideas I've heard of - it's a bit like tracking the history on those one dollar bills with 'where's george' or whatever stamped on them.

Did you put copies of the photos in with the seal to carry on the torch, or do you just post them online?

And will it eventually end up with the person who had the baby?
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Post by dr. what »


Thanks for the responses!

It's currently on its way to Detroit--from there it will be bouncing around the U.S. for the next few months--then onto europe--then asia--then hopefully back to Canada.

Kid will probably be in kindergarten by the time the toy comes back... :wink:
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Post by dr. what »

El Moose Monstero wrote:I have to say, that is probably one of the coolest ideas I've heard of - it's a bit like tracking the history on those one dollar bills with 'where's george' or whatever stamped on them.

Did you put copies of the photos in with the seal to carry on the torch, or do you just post them online?

And will it eventually end up with the person who had the baby?
I originally thought about including copies of the pics but by the time that person #30 gets their hands on the package, it will probably weigh 20 pounds so we've decided that just the doll and a small notebook(for writing deep thoughts for the mom and/or baby--failing that-fart jokes :wink: ). The photos will be posted online. If mom wants hard copies, she can just burn everything onto a CD or something and have Photo store do it for her.

And the mom will definitely get the doll at one point.
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Post by Enigma »

Where do you work? I probably have made deliveries there. :)

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Post by Erik von Nein »

That's an awesome idea. So cute, too. Yay, sealions! :D
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