Alright. So. I decided to go play some RollerCoaster Tycoon (first one) again. Problem: Can't find my expansion pack disc, Loopy Landscapes. Solution: Warez. Problem: It messed up my installation VERY badly. I deleted it but now my original install is messed up. I can't reinstall or uninstall, even after System Restore, due to 'inability to setup the registry'. I learn a bit about Registry hacking, go to regedit, backup it up, then export as a .reg and manually search for everything named 'RollerCoaster Tycoon'. I wipe them all out. I go to install the base game and...still not working. I use CCCleaner, tell it to fix problems, and discover 4 keys named "RollerCoaster TycoonFile0", "RollerCoaster TycoonFile1", "RollerCoaster TycoonFile2", and "RollerCoaster TycoonFile3". I go to delete, permission is denied, I set myself as the owner of the key and give myself permission to delete, go to delete again, and STILL denied. I google the error message and discover that the key is corrupt. I export as a .reg again, the root this time...and the keys somehow DO NOT exist. They aren't there. I manually add this code to the .reg:
Code: Select all
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RollerCoaster TycoonFile0]
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RollerCoaster TycoonFile1]
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RollerCoaster TycoonFile2]
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RollerCoaster TycoonFile3]
And import. I get an error saying something that not all settings can be imported due to running processes, figure it won't affect it, and check regedit. The entries are STILL there. That's where I am now. The game still aborts installation due to registry errors, and I have no clue what to do. Any help?