Qui-Gon Jinn discovers the secret/abillity/power, to keep his essence/spirit/soul alive through unknown means. (has anything been written about this?)
It obviously is a skill since Yoda had to learn it as well as Obi Wan. Presumably Qui-Gon learned before his death or maybe he was just so in tune with the living Force that it was something he could do after he died.
Perhaps he discovered how to do it by mistake. His wanting and desire to guide Anakin to become a Jedi and fullfill his destiny as the Chosen One was so strong it kept Qui-Gon from passing completely into the Force.
Anyway. If it is a skill and Qui-Gon taught Yoda how to commune with himself, and then Yoda taught Obi-Wan how to commune with Qui-Gon, who taught Luke how to commune with Obi-Wan?
Assuming Yoda is the most powerfull lightside Force user alive, which I think is agreed upon, that could explain how Qui-Gon was able to reach out to him and communicate this new skill, whether he had fully mastered the skill or not.
Obviously Yoda teaches Obi-Wan, and he learns at least some of the skill quickly since by the end of Dark Lord Qui-Gon can communicate with him.
Who teaches Luke?
Luke has full on sit down on a log, lay around in the snow conversations with Obi-Wan, with presumably no knowledge of the skill. Yoda seems to need to be in deep meditation to commune with Qui-Gon.
So is it the communicator or the communicatee who needs to know the skill?
If it's the communicator then why does Obi-Wan need to train to do it?
If it's the communicatee then how can Luke be so proficient at it, where Yoda needs to meditate? Would that give a true insight to Luke's power in the force? (Side bar: If Luke is that strong in the Force, why does he show none of the abillities that Anakin showed at twice his age? (9, 18 ) Or is his abillity "to bullseye womp rats" the same as Anakin's abillity to pod race?)
Also, in one of the EU books timed shortly after ROTJ, IIRC Obi-Wan tells Luke that he can't appear to him any more and he is on his own. I don't remeber the exact reason, but this doesn't make any sense.
Qui-Gon died in TPM. Ten years later he is still communicating with Yoda and then the years following ROTS with Obi-Wan. Why is it that Obi-Wan, who dies in ANH has to stop communicating with Luke 1 or 2 years after ROTJ. And where are Yoda and Anakin? If it is a time or power based abillity, and ignoring Obi-Wan's stopping, that would give Luke 15 years at least with Yoda and Anakin based on my imaginary time line of Qui-Gon's ghost and even longer if it is based on power since Yoda and Anakin were two of the most powerfull Force users of that time. DE-CANNONIZE THE EU!!

Anyway, just some thoughts.