What the hell did the Sith do for 1,000 years?

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What the hell did the Sith do for 1,000 years?

Post by Havok »

After Bane took his first apprentice, did they just become money market experts, lawyers, bankers, tax collectors or what? How did they survive? I know they have the Force and all but a Sith has to eat. Where did they hide at? Were they all politicians? Are Sith allowed to marry or have kids? In 1,000 years there had to be SOME horny Sith Lords... Oh... maybe that explains why they are so pissed off.

I'm guessing that at least some of this info has been touched on as of late.
Have I just missed it. I stopped reading the EU a few books into the Vong invasion, aside from LOE and DL and a few comics, and haven't had the extra dough to catch up so I'm not quite up on everything.

Any info, ideas, thoughts?
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Post by Tychu »

well its always been a Jedi tradition to not use the force for personall gain (ie gambling, playing the loto :) )

i assume quite a few Sith over the years were professional gamblers. I have no proof but its quite likely that there were a few with over the years to play in the Poker World Series of 543 yrs BBY
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Post by Galvatron »

I would assume they quickly amassed great wealth through misuse of the Force (a la Qui-Gon's manipulation of Watto's dice) which then allowed them to keep a low profile so they could train.
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Re: What the hell did the Sith do for 1,000 years?

Post by Civil War Man »

Can't say for sure on all of these questions.
havokeff wrote:Where did they hide at?
Whereever they can.
Were they all politicians?
Are Sith allowed to marry or have kids?
Pre-Bane Sith definitely were. While on Korriban in KOTOR I, it is mentioned how love is not something the Sith should shun, seeing as how a Sith's power is fueled by their emotion, and love has the potential to be one of the most powerful (especially when the object of one's love is in danger).
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Post by Knife »

Palpatine had deep connections with various buisness and fronts, LoE touches on some of these. A lot of these were not connected to the Trade Fed or other Guilds.

I'm sure he inherited them through his master (but thats just my opinion) for both income and power projection. IIRC, Palpy did use these companies and fronts to manipulate certain events to get the Nemoidians the leadership of the Trade Fed by suppling equipement to pirates. Also, IIRC, the industrial park where the building is that Palpy met and trained with Dooku was a part of one of those companies.

So in short, seems like Sith Lords spread their tenticals into buisness and other pursuits too. Like a Bond villian, to keep them bussy and to expand their power base.
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Post by 000 »

We're unaware of anything concrete at this point. Luceno's 2008 Plagueis novel will undoubtedly shed more light on this.
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Re: What the hell did the Sith do for 1,000 years?

Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

havokeff wrote:I'm guessing that at least some of this info has been touched on as of late.

Have I just missed it. I stopped reading the EU a few books into the Vong invasion, aside from LOE and DL and a few comics, and haven't had the extra dough to catch up so I'm not quite up on everything.

Any info, ideas, thoughts?
Checking over at the Wookieepedia (that don't cost any money, you know :P), it seems there is litterally a thousand year gap in the Sith's documented history that has yet to be filled in by the EU. The Rule of Two just simply continued onward in secrecy.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

I wonder if they built up their power base over a series of Masters. Plagueis was noted more for being a mystic than anything else. He doesn't sound like the business type.
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Post by freker »

btw did the sith also wait for the prophecy to come true before they exposed themselfes or did palpatine just think it was the right time?
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

freker wrote:btw did the sith also wait for the prophecy to come true before they exposed themselfes or did palpatine just think it was the right time?
It probably was being planned for years ahead, long before they knew of Anakin.

I mean, look at how organized Palps and his minions were. They obviously didnt just jump up and say "Now is the time!" and start going at it.

Most likely Palpatine was going to get the ball rolling anyway around the time of TPM. The fact that the 'Chosen One' fell into his lap was just a happy coincedence.
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Post by Eframepilot »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I wonder if they built up their power base over a series of Masters. Plagueis was noted more for being a mystic than anything else. He doesn't sound like the business type.
On the other hand, he was apparently a Muun. I don't want to stereotype even imaginary alien species, but the Muuns were heavily involved in banking so Plagueis being a mystic and a businessman is as plausible as Sidious being a lethal warrior and a brilliant politician.
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Post by Surlethe »

In terms of their studies, the Sith were keeping very close tabs on the Jedi, learning all of their tricks and techniques, and mastering them. The ROTS novelization makes rather explicit that the Jedi are a thousand years behind the times when it comes to battling other Force users: Yoda realizes that the Jedi had trained and trained for another Sith war, while the Sith have adapted to the Jedi's training.
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Post by Shrykull »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I wonder if they built up their power base over a series of Masters. Plagueis was noted more for being a mystic than anything else. He doesn't sound like the business type.
I was trying to find a picture of a Munn, Dark Plagueis's race, not on wikipedia it seems.
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Post by The Original Nex »

Shrykull wrote:
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I wonder if they built up their power base over a series of Masters. Plagueis was noted more for being a mystic than anything else. He doesn't sound like the business type.
I was trying to find a picture of a Munn, Dark Plagueis's race, not on wikipedia it seems.
Try Wookieepedia
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Y'know Shrykull...Necro is bad......

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