What if: Episode I Re-released in theaters, would you go?

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If Episode I came back to theaters, would you pay to see it again?

Maybe, if it were the DVD cut plus CGI Yoda
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What if: Episode I Re-released in theaters, would you go?

Post by Kurgan »

[This is a hypothetical, so don't flame me, I'm not starting rumors.]

But let's say, tomorrow it was announced that Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace was going to return to theaters once again.

It could be wide release, or it could be limited release, whatever, doesn't matter.

1) Would you pay full price to see it again in the theater?

Or for the first time if you missed it?

2) And for a second question, would it make any difference in your decision if say, instead of the original Theatrical Cut (shown in 1999), Lucas showed a "new version" (or "Special Edition") of the film not previously shown in theaters: that is to say, the "DVD Cut" (released in 2001) plus say, CGI Yoda replacing the muppet Yoda, as so many were hoping to see in some future version?

I mean no other enhancements added, just the version we've all seen on DVD already, but Yoda replaced with a CG character like in Episode III.

Would you go?
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Post by Invictus ChiKen »

Sure, I try to take in one movie a month just to get out and about and hey at least I know it's better than 90% of what is out there today ^.^
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Post by Vympel »

No way. A CGI Yoda would take enjoyment away from the film- i.e. the hilarious, weird muppet Yoda would be gone. Unacceptable.

That is not to say I won't buy the DVD if it comes out- the TPM DVD doesn't look as good as AotC or RotS (can't remember the reasons, but it's there), I wouldn't mind replacing it.

I'd only go see a re-release of TPM if Jar Jar was deleted.
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Post by rhoenix »

No, I certainly would not. Jar-Jar offended me enough to not ever want to see Episode 1 again. Episodes 2 and 3 were good and better, but not 1.

That being said, Qui-Gon Jinn (spelling?) was nearly my ideal for a Jedi. Even with that, however, I still dislike Jar-Jar that much.
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Post by RedImperator »

No, on account of the fact that I have a policy against paying money to watch bad movies.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

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Post by 000 »

Nope. Wouldn't see the following two either.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Nope. I've seen it on DVD enough times to get an impression of the plot, and it's definately not one of those films that holds up well. Started out as merely okay in my book, and then just got more cringe-inducing from there.

Adding or changing around scenes wouldn't make me want to see it, as my problem with the film aren't a Greedo-shoots-first-type thing, but rather with the movie on a whole. They'd need to make an entire new movie and call it Episode I.
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Post by Stofsk »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Nope. I've seen it on DVD enough times to get an impression of the plot, and it's definately not one of those films that holds up well. Started out as merely okay in my book, and then just got more cringe-inducing from there.
I think the first 20 minutes was really well done, it's when they land on Naboo and meet Jar-Jar that things rapidly spiral down to oblivion.
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Post by SCVN 2812 »

I'd go. There are some wonderful eye candy scenes such as the Pod Race that are quite frankly meant to be seen on the big screen and loose some of their impact on the small screen. As well there are no shortages of good times to get up to take a whiz, like pretty much that whole part with the Gungan city...

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Post by RThurmont »

I would definitely see it either way. TPM is without a doubt the most underrated SW film. Lucas massively miscalculated with Jar Jar Binks-without that idiot blundering around, you would have had a much more widely accepted production. Even with Jar Jar, its still quite a nice film, with the mentor/apprentice dynamic between Jinn and Kenobi, the fascinating and surrealistic appearance of Naboo, the messianic Anakin, Palpatine's plotting, and what not.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

IF the "special Edition" involves the CGI Yoda, a more violent massacre of the Gungans during the Battle of Theed, significantly less JAr JAr, and more Jedi slicing and dicing of droids, then Im down. I actually liked Episode I more than most people do so it isn't much of a stretch.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

I probably wouldn't, but not because I hate the movie, which I don't. I don't go to the theater much anyway, and I already own the film and have seen it many times.

I honestly never understood why Jar Jar was such a huge problem for other fans. I didn't mind him when the movie first came out, but I was a lot younger then and less discerning. I find him annoying when I watch the movie now, but he's still just a minor bit character to me. IMO, Jar Jar isn't even as bad as kiddie Anakin taking down enemy ships while yelling "Yippee!" There's so much more to the movie, and a small annoyance like Jar Jar doesn't ruin the whole thing for me.
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Post by Ace Pace »

Yes, since I rather liked the movie.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

For the worst of the saga, I most certainly wouldn't.
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Post by Havok »

Well I'd certainly go see it before I went and saw AOTC in the theater again.
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Post by Galvatron »

Nope. Same reason as RedImperator's.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

My reason for not seeing it isn't really due to the film itself, but because I saw it in the cinema about three times when it came out and I don't really need to see it in that environment again.

I wouldn't really have a desire to see any of the films in a cinema again, except for maybe the original version of SW or ESB in an arthouse screening, perhaps.
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Post by VT-16 »

Since I still find TPM entertaining, I would go see. Haven't been let down by a SW film yet. 8)
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Yes. You can watch a movie over and over again at home but unless you have you're rich and have your own cinema nothing beats the quality and atmosphere od the silver screen,
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Post by irishmick79 »

Absolutely not - I thought TPM was a massive pile of shit which was completely undeserving of being a Star Wars film. I was pissed that I paid full price for that turd the first time I saw it.

Honestly, maybe 30 minutes of the movie is actually watchable. I can't stomach any of the scenes with Jake Lloyd or Jar-Jar, which unfortunately encompass most of the damn movie. Liam Neesen is a fine actor, but it looks like he's sleepwalking through the movie, and consequently I felt that Qui Gon Ginn was a very forgettable character. The only scene in the whole damn thing that is worthwhile is the Darth Maul lightsaber duel, and this is sadly chopped up by the unimpressive palace assault plot.

The only way you could ever get me to watch this puddle of fish feces again would be to strap me in a chair and tape my eyes open Clockwork Orange style. This movie is so bad I won't even watch it again at home for free. There's no way in Hell I would fork over money to see The Phantom Menace again.
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Post by Srynerson »

While the film certainly has its weaknesses, there are too many scenes that only truly come to life on the big screen to pass up the opportunity to see it again, so "yes."
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Unless included in my price of admission is a blow job from a hot female usher and some free snocaps I don't see myself going. I honestly think TPM had the best lightsabre fight seens in the prequals, some of the better Jedi to Jedi dialog, and Darth Maul kicked ass, but that's about it.
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Post by DesertFly »

I would watch it again. It's actually grown on me somewhat.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

I might. I didn't hate it then and I don't hate it now. It's just that I only go to the movies like once or twice a year...
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