Q has some fun and puts Saruman and Count Dooku on a planet all by themselves to duke it out until the other is dead, whoever loses, gets destroyed by Q. SO they will fight each other.
Who wins?
Yoda lives to be 900 years old If you ask me thats practicly imortal too. Dooku would "Destroy the" old white beard, staff-toter. Lets do a comparision.
Choops off foes arms.
Force lightnings them off the ground an into walls.
Easily defeats two trained combatants with ONE lightsaber.
Controls a band of inept battledroids and Stupid Nemodians.
Skilled with a Lightsaber.
Defeats a Rabid Bouncing Green monkey.
Can force throw objects wheighing hundreds of pounds.
Takes orders from a powerful but small character to movie plot.
Acts nice to good character then backstabs them.
Forces Foe to twirl in the middle of the floor then forces him upward into ceiling.
Lets foe out to suffer in Elements.
Controls an inept Army of Urk Hai and Stupid Wormtongue.
Fights another old longbeard Staff-toter.
Takes orders from a powerful but small character to movie plot.
Can control weather.
Acts nice to good character then backstabs them.
Hmmm Telekinetic powers probably won't decide this match I bet it will come down to "Their skills with a light saber."
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I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
--George Carlin
You forget that Saruman is from a race of god-like beings. You also forget that Saruman > Gandalf the Grey >= Balrog > A couple thousand goblins. To get a furthur sense of scale, when Gandalf killed the Balrog, the final blow crumbled part of a mountain.
I am, or course, taking from the book Saruman, and not the movie.
The problem is Saruman probably has other spells at his disposal. I know that gandalf, is capable of teleportation, and conjuring fire(and that is just what we see) Saruman is stronger than him. His spells of death are probably far more impressive(must see LOTR to get a look at gandalf's power)
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There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
countdooku wrote:Yoda lives to be 900 years old If you ask me thats practicly imortal too. Dooku would "Destroy the" old white beard, staff-toter. Lets do a comparision.
Choops off foes arms.
Force lightnings them off the ground an into walls.
Easily defeats two trained combatants with ONE lightsaber.
Controls a band of inept battledroids and Stupid Nemodians.
Skilled with a Lightsaber.
Defeats a Rabid Bouncing Green monkey.
Can force throw objects wheighing hundreds of pounds.
Takes orders from a powerful but small character to movie plot.
Acts nice to good character then backstabs them.
Forces Foe to twirl in the middle of the floor then forces him upward into ceiling.
Lets foe out to suffer in Elements.
Controls an inept Army of Urk Hai and Stupid Wormtongue.
Fights another old longbeard Staff-toter.
Takes orders from a powerful but small character to movie plot.
Can control weather.
Acts nice to good character then backstabs them.
Hmmm Telekinetic powers probably won't decide this match I bet it will come down to "Their skills with a light saber."
The magic fight in the movie was distinctly unmagical because the director doesn't like visual magic stuff. It said so on the DVD. Therefore, basing it just off of TK as the only combat magic Saruman knows is inaccurate. The book is a better source.
Yogi wrote:You forget that Saruman is from a race of god-like beings. You also forget that Saruman > Gandalf the Grey >= Balrog > A couple thousand goblins. To get a furthur sense of scale, when Gandalf killed the Balrog, the final blow crumbled part of a mountain.
I am, or course, taking from the book Saruman, and not the movie.
Didn't Gandalf 0WZ0R3D him when he threw him out of King Theoden?
Damien Sorresso
"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
- The Onion
The fight with the Balrog was a purification of Gandalf, in many ways he was reborn afterwards, in D+D terms he gained about 10 levels, and he was already at epic level....
From a review of the two Towers.... 'As for Gimli being comic relief, what if your comic relief had a huge axe and fells dozens of Orcs? That's a pretty cool comic relief. '
Saruman wins.
Force pushes Dooku into wall. Dooku tries to lightning, staff stops lightning. Saruman tells Dooku he has a bad name and his dialog is practically self derivative. Dooku is taken aback for a second. Saruman then sets a rabid green jedi monkey on dooku.
His Divine Shadow wrote:What? I thought it was the same Gandalf...
He was reborn as Gandalf the white and replaced Saruman in that position who now became Saruman the many-coloured instead of the White. His robes still look white, but a closer inspection reveals that they are actually made up of constantly shifting colours IIRC.
"I have also a paper afloat, with an electromagnetic theory of light, which, till I am convinced to the contrary, I hold to be great guns."
-- James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Scottish physicist. In a letter to C. H. Cay, 5 January 1865.
I have read the the Lord of the Rings twice now. Can someone tell me exactly where Gandalf 'crumbles a mountain when defeating the Balrog' in the book? I seem to have missed that part.
And D. Turtle is right, in the Hobitt, Gandalf was nearly killed by a pack of wolves, but the Eagle swooped him out of a tree. Mind you this is from Bilbo's POV, so we don't know whether or not Gandalf could have actually survived.
Oh and Saruman does not 'control the weather' in the novels this wasn't shown, and in the DVD commentary it is stated that all the 'spells' that were used; river, mountain and counter mountain. This was the characters urging the river to release a flood, or the mountain to wake up, or go back to rest. Either way, I don't see how this could be a relevant tactic if this was meant to be a face to face encounter.
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