Whatever happened to Bail Organa?

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Whatever happened to Bail Organa?

Post by Nephtys »

Like the subject says. After Episode III, it's quite obvious that said Alderaanian was not happy with the situation, and was an important part of the Alderaan rebellion support.

So... what happened to him? Did he die somewhere in between? Was he blown up by the Death Star? Was he at the Yavin base or off somewhere else? Leia sure didn't mourn or anything on screen.
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Re: Whatever happened to Bail Organa?

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Nephtys wrote:Like the subject says. After Episode III, it's quite obvious that said Alderaanian was not happy with the situation, and was an important part of the Alderaan rebellion support. So... what happened to him? Did he die somewhere in between? Was he blown up by the Death Star? Was he at the Yavin base or off somewhere else? Leia sure didn't mourn or anything on screen.
I believe ANH covered this quite nicely with him being on Alderaan awaiting the Death Star plans.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Yes, Leia Organa's hologramatic message states that her father is on Alderaan and she was attempting to bring Kenobi to him.
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Post by Oddysseus »

And if you listen to the radio version he plays a large role in the Princess Leia section early on. Welcoming her back from a mission, helping cover up the murder of an Imp, and ushering her out to act.
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Post by Srynerson »

To rub salt in the wound, it could be added that there are at least 3 or 4 EU sources that specifically feature Leia thinking about her adoptive parents being killed on Alderaan.
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Post by GrandAdmiralJello »

He was pretty busy illegally diverting funds from Senate committees to the Rebellion and that sort of thing. He also apparently acted as a mediator between Mon Mothma and Garm bel Iblis.

Then, as others have pointed out, he got what he deserved.
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