The Size of the Droid Army "Retconned" (Part II)

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Post by darthkommandant »

The seismic cahrges look like that they would be used most effectively as a bouncing betty type device that pops-up 1 meter or so off the ground.
Though I would have liked to have seen them hit a capital ship in ROTS like a venator.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Lazarus wrote:[snip]
Wookiepedia is of even more dubious quality than Wikipedia. Its not an authoritative source. We know for a fact that there were non-Pelleaon-aligned Imperialists, we see them in Planet of Twilight and The Essential Chronology talks of new Deep Core warlords and Daala building a force and attacking the New Republic from there.
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Post by Ender »

FTeik wrote:I would even go so far and claim, that the empire died with Palpatine's final death on Onderon. Many of those who elected Carvius to emperor weren't even part of the "original" imperial government.
NEGtWT, page 87 wrote:

The initial blast causes a brie vacuum in space that sucks victems toward the heart of the explosion
Not that I'm too found of Blackman as an author of a tech-guide, but couldn't this refer to the seismic charges intended use on the ground and inside an atmosphere? As in space not meaning the nothingness between stars, planets and moons. I know it is reaching a lot, but nobody writing in a SciFi-universe can be that dumb.
The sentences preceeding and following are talking about starships.
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Ender wrote:The sentences preceeding and following are talking about starships.
They DO expand briefly before collapsing inward, I presume that the vaccum is in whatever "bubble" is forming prior to the formation of tha planar-shockwave. Since its likely to be some sort of weird "force-field effect" weapon due to effects, I always assumed that meant that anything caught close to or in the bubble got pulled in.

Curiously, did you read Blackman's description of the Yuuzhan Vong plasma guns?
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