Well, I'm sorry if you refuse to believe me on this but it happens to be the case. Russian Jews come to Israel with their non-Jewish wives, their kids are not considered Jewish because only a Jewish woman, by tradition, can bear Jewish children. I met, in my religious studies school over there, many adult children of mixed marriages where the students were enrolled so they could convert and be considered fully Jewish. It had nothing to do with inferiority.Durandal wrote:Yeah, and only blacks were slaves because it was good for the economy and had nothing to do with their skin color. Give me a break.Coyote wrote: If the Hebrews took women from outside the tribe, the resultant offspring would not be considered "Jewish". This has nothing to do with foreign women being considered inferior.
Yes, he wants a Jewish wife. Did it say anything about the daughters of Canaan being inferior? Did the word "inferior" or "low status" or "lesser caste" or "scum of the Earth" appear in the quote? I expected a lot better from you, Durandal, than a big airy strawman like this.Genesis 24:1-4 wrote:... I want you to swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.
Again, only Jewish women bear halakhically Jewish children; children born to foreign women must be converted according to the tradition. The words "inferior" or "low caste" or "useless shit bitches" don't appear in the quote. Starwman, Durandal, you are above such things. You're hatred for religion is makng 'demons' appear where you need them to be.Ezra 10:10-12 wrote:Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, "You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel's guilt. Now make confession to the LORD, the God of your fathers, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives." The whole assembly responded with a loud voice: "You are right! We must do as you say.
Cushites. How about the Queen of Sheba, an Ethiopian that King David desired so badly that he arranged to have her husband killed so he could make her his wife? Would the King of the Hebrews want to be seen with someone "inferior"?Durandal wrote:Or how about the sons of Ham, who were meant to be servants for everyone else, and how they just happened to be black?
Were you even aware that there are Black Jews, from Ethiopia- hundreds of thousands of them, and many now live in Israel and are respected greatly for their devotion to the State? Would these Ethiopian Jews have stuck to a religion that considered them "inferior" in the face of the brutal treatment they got fromt he E,mperoro Haile Salisse? Were you aware of the beatings, murders, forced marriages and tattooing the faces of Ethiopian Jews with Crosses-- yet the Ethiopians clung to their Hebrew traditions?
Would you expect this kind of loyalty from a people that was supposed to be "inferior" within their own people?
Pay attention: Jews. Small population.Durandal wrote:"And this has nothing to do with the Jews thinking that they were better than everyone else. Suuuuuure.Coyote wrote:]It is felt that when a Jew marries a non-Jew, then the family will "compromise" on raising children Jewish and the child will grow up missing a vital link to his/her culture and background. S/he will have no link to the faith and will drift away from the population of Jews --a population that doesn't have a lot of people to begin with.
Jewish Women: Make more Jews.
Foreign Women: Won't make more Jews.
Hate religion all you want, hate Jews all you want, but at least do it with sense.
Of course not. The Jews didn't give a rat's ass if the Babylonians or Cushites had slaves, why should they, and what could they do if they did care? They felt it wasn't right for a Hebrew to enslave another Hebrew. Why is this so hard to believe?Durandal wrote:This is hysterical. There is no indication anywhere that the Jews wanted to end slavery.Coyote wrote:As for the slaves, remember that it was the custom of all races/nations/tribes to take slaves; the Jews were a tribe that wanted to end the practice of slavery within their own community (Emphasis added~~ Coyote) but knew they could not guarantee the same if they were captured by others. In a way, your argument could be construed that you support more slavery, by criticising the Jews effort to end it within their ranks.
Exodus 21:20-21 wrote:And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money [property].
When you live in a society that allows the beating of slaves to death, and then one tribe says, "hey, that's wrong, if you beat your slave don't kill him" that is a step up. A small one, but a step up.Durandal wrote:It's OK to beat your slave as long as he isn't mortally wounded.
Again, did I say that the Hebrews were perfect? They kept slaves, like everyone else did, but they had a few rules that protected slaves a bit more than other tribes.Durandal wrote:If a man has sex with a female slave who is engaged, the female slave is to be whipped while nothing happens to the man! Wow! Look at those Israelites! They sure are generous! Let's not even talk about the fact that there is apparently no punishment for raping slave women who aren't engaged. Apparently, they are fair game.Leviticus 19:20-22 wrote:...
Look at it this way-- a lot of people point to the "Magna Carta" as the first step that eventually led towards Democracy in the West. But the Magna Carta did nothing at all for the people, it only decentralized power into the hands of a few noblemen. But it was a small step in the right direction, which opened up the idea that the King does not have divine right to total rule.
But by your reasoning, since the Magna Carta did not automatically give every single peasant a vote, forty acres and a mule, and Parliamentary represntation then it was an utterly useless and even Evil document. But at the time it was enlightened.
The Emancipation Proclomation didn't go far enough either, by modern contexts-- so was it utterly useless, stupid and Evil and should Abraham Lincoln be vilified throughout history?
Nazi Germany fit only within the social backgrounds of the German people; it did not fit in the overall social context of the world. Anti-Semitism was popular and normal but the Reich took it above and beyond accepted normal practices.Durandal wrote:... I don't care about the social contexts. There was a social context for Nazi-Germany, as well; that doesn't excuse their actions.
You may not care about social contexts but unfortunately that is how the world's game is played. I can presume from your argument that as soon as humans developed into Homo Sapiens they should have immediately comprehended democracy, sanitation, astrophysics and nuclear medicine, and their failure to do so makes them evil, worthless, corrupt vile contemptuous shits.
You stuill have not proved this claim.The Jews thought they were better than everyone else, so they had a master race mentality, end of story.
Actually, it is your strawman insistence to read contexts into Bible quotes where the word "inferior" is never used thatreveals that your argument is based not on a solid foundation of fact but rather an unstable hatred and prejudice. You want, desire, and need to hate and vilify the Hebrews so much that you distort and create things that aren't there.Your attempts to throw the debate off-course by trying to excuse their attitude are nothing more than red herrings and tacit admissions of defeat.
I (and certainly no Rabbi I know) is saying that a Bronze Age culture was Holy and worthy of being imitated. It was a starting point, not a goal. Nobody I know in an mainstream religion wants to live like that again, and they are disgusted at the idea of having slaves. The closest is the Islamic salafiyya movement, but they have a different goal in mind.Furthermore, no one is running around today holding the other Bronze Age cultures as "holy," unlike people who honor Moses, a vicious mass-murderer and terrorist, in churches and synagogues.