Stofsk's artwork (56K caution)

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Stofsk's artwork (56K caution)

Post by Stofsk »

I was going through my files and I found some old pictures of mine that I'd saved throughout the years. These are all at least several years old, none of them are recent (I shudder to think how I would fare drawing today). Anyway I took the cream of the crop and uploaded them to my photobucket account.

Model of a ballerina, 1
This was from a FHM magazine. They did a photo shoot of the Australian or Melbourne Ballet company, and the ballerinas who are members. She was pretty striking so I drew her. She was raven-haired so I went heavy on the hair, sorry. It didn't really work out too well. And would you look at the right hand? Dear god. This was done a few years ago.

Model of a ballerina, 2
Second picture of the same model. You can tell that I drew both pics on the same piece of paper, but on either side. Again the hair didn't come out right nor did the face (mainly the eyes). If I were to guess I'd say they were done... in 2003? Or perhaps 2004.

Grandmaster Hatsumi
I had a ninja book at one stage (I seem to have misplaced it - or it was swiped) and there were photos of people like Hatsumi-sensei in various poses. I drew that from one of them. At a guess I'd say this and the next two were from 2003.

Ninja Spider-man!

Some sort of storyboard thing
These were drawn from various ninja photos in the book I talked about. The picture is actually fairly large, photobucket must have resized it.

Lesbian Vampire chicks
This is actually a J. Scott Campbell drawing from Gen13 #5. Nobody other than a comic geek would probably understand. I didn't trace it, but I did copy it (ie I had the comic issue open so that I could use it as a guide). I did it around the time the issue was released. I must have still been in high school.

Sailor Trek! :lol:
This is the oldest of the lot I believe. It was dated '97. I think I drew it for a laugh.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Sufficiently awesome. Especially the last two. Loincloths FTW.

Sailor Trek: To boldly go where no man can go without winding up in jail.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

That's pretty awesome. I like Hatsumi-sensei's face, with the shadows it looks cool, reminds me of those red Japanese demons, Oni, I think they're called. Interesting pose too, I wonder what he's about to do. That pic and those ninja pictures are reminiscent of but not identical to some pictures found in The Way of the Ninja.

Also, is that Sailor Jupiter as an Andorian (or what those blue guys with antennas are called)? :D
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Post by Stofsk »

Dooey Jo wrote:That's pretty awesome. I like Hatsumi-sensei's face, with the shadows it looks cool, reminds me of those red Japanese demons, Oni, I think they're called. Interesting pose too, I wonder what he's about to do. That pic and those ninja pictures are reminiscent of but not identical to some pictures found in The Way of the Ninja.
I thought you might appreciate that particular one. I like it too.

I can't remember the book I got the photo out of, but I believe it was one of Stephen Hayes.
Also, is that Sailor Jupiter as an Andorian (or what those blue guys with antennas are called)? :D
Yes, she was Andorian and Sailor Mercury was a Vulcan.

I also had one in the DS9 costumes - in that one Jupiter was a Klingon (or Half-Klingon), Mars was a Bajoran, Venus was a Trill, and Mercury was again, Vulcan.
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Post by Wyrm »

Ninja Spider Man made me snicker, but Sailor Trek was the only one to make my break out in a peal of laughter. (One peal. It wasn't that funny.)
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Damn Stofsk, those are pretty damn good. And the last was pretty rib-tickling.
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Post by Stofsk »


The four-armed Sydites from Traveller. This guy means business.
I rifled through some of my old files again, and found even more artwork!

The following is a list of characters I had made for a DS9/B5 knock off series in high school. Concept art if you will.

Captain Melissa Campbell. I wanted a female lead, who wasn't like Janeway in either temperment or appearance (IE no stupid fucking hair bun). If anybody remembers that show Earth2? You might see the resemblance here.

LT (junior grade) Jenny Harris. The series eyes and ears. She was supposed to be the tactical officer. Also, one of those young, inexperienced types.

LT (senior grade) Chris MacKenzie, MD. The CMO for the station.

Commander Rollins. 2nd officer, potential love interest for the CO. Years before Battlestar Livejournal would even start shooting! The gun he wields was based loosely on the B5 PPG. He was also a fighter pilot.

Kravis, my Garak knock off. The guy had his own ship, travelled the stars, got into trouble because he always poked his noise into it. He fulfilled the 'unlikely hero' archetype.

Sonnergatt, I think he was supposed to be an alien but... he turned out asian. He was meant to be an ally and another potential love interest to the hero, Campbell.

Talia, second to Sonnergatt. Sharp eyed Trekkies might notice a resemblance with this picture and one particular female DS9 cast member... the only difference I made was give her slight oriental features around the eyes.

(and for some stupid reason, at the time I thought nothing screamed 'alien' more than facial art :lol:)

Major Wilz Baris, kind of a cross between Major Kira and Worf. He lead a fighter squadron. (when I say this series was a knock off of two shows, I wasn't kidding)

Now, I also found my year 12 photography assessment project. It was a comic book, detailing a dream. I'm missing the first page of artwork, and the photographs, but the body of the comic is here.

Kinda ends on a downer, don't it?

I did this feverishly over a few days - no, really, I procrastinated all semester with the project until I had to cram in a week.

I'm actually very interested in what some might think about the comic. I've always wanted to do comics since I was a kid. I'm wondering what some of you think about the sequential style.
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