Regarding Israel and the 1967 War...
I could spend a bunch of time I don't have refuting that (I have a final tomorrow), but Mike Wong already did it.
All due respect to Lord Wong, but he has accepted one side of the situation without looking at all the details. I suggest you may have done the same. This is not a shame, who has time to go digging for all the details in every news story?
I assure you and Mike both that the Israelis did not just wake up with a bug in their ass one day and decide to go fuck the neighbors. 1967 was preceeded by several events:
"Between 1949 and 1967 (when Israel was not threatening any borders or calling for any invasion and had, in fact, made clear their desire to live within safe and secure borders) the Arab leaders in Egypt and Syria repeated refused to make peace with Israel, or to accept her as a sovereign state.
"This refusal of the Arab states to accept even the existance of Israel was accompanied by the encouragement of continual terrorist attacks on Israeli
civilians and by a series of bellicose statements:"
"The Arab national aim is the elimination of Israel"
--President Nasser of Egypt to President Aref of Iraw, 25 May 1965
"The day of Realization of the Arab hope for the return of the refugees to Palestine means the liquidation of Israel"
--Abd' Allah al'Yafi, Lebanese Prime Minister, 19 April 1966
"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight... the [Egyptian] mining of Sharm el-Sheikh is a confrontation with Israel. Adopting this measure obligates us to be ready to embark on a general war with Israel"
-- President Nasser of Egypt, 27 May 1967
"With the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel is faced with two alternatives, either of which will destroy it; it will either be strangled to death by the Arab military and economic boycott, or it will perish by the fire of Arab forces encompassing it from the South and from the North and from the East"
-- Cairo Radio, 30 May 1967
"The existance of Israel iss an error that must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear-- to wipe Israel off the map"
--President Aref of Iraq, 31 May 1967
(on 25 May, 1967, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia moved their troops to Israel's borders. This was the first time since the armistace agreements in 1949 that Arab armies had gathered in such large numbers).
And the Golan Heights:
February-October 1966:
6 September: 7 land reclamation officers killed by Syrian land mine.
30 April: 4 Israeli farm workers wounded by Syrian machinegn fire.
5 June: Syrian atillery shell workers in fields
6 June: Syrian shells set Israeli farms ablaze
13 February: Syrians shoot as Israeli tractors with mortars.
12 July: Tractor driver wounded by Syrian mine.
26 September: Syrians fire on a fishing boat in Sea of Galilee.
21 February: Syrians fire mortar shells at patrol escorting fishermen on lake shore.
15 August: Syrians open fire on Israeli patrol boat, Israelis retaliate, 5 Israeli troops wounded.
22 February: Syrians fire on tactor.
29 March: Farmer wounded by Syrian machinegun fire.
30 March: Tractor driver wounded by Syrian artillery.
22 October: Tractor driver fired at.
9 October: 4 border policemen killed by Syrian mine.
January-April 1967:
8 January: Syrians machinegun settlements in Israeli land.
4 March: Tractor driver injured by Syrian mine.
14 January: Syrian mine kills Israeli soldier watching a footbal match.
3 January: Syrians fire on Israeli patrol.
8 April: 200 heavy mortar shells from Syria level the settlement of Gadot (in Israeli territory).
2 January: Syrian artillery shells the settleemnt of Korazim.
15 January: Syrians shell lake patrol boat.
14 April: Farmer seriously wounded by Syrian shell fire.
8 January: Syrians shell town of Notera.
15 February: Syrians fire at tractor.
4 January: Syrians shoot at a farmer at the town of Ein Gev
8 April: Cowshed hit by Syrian artillery, 8 cows killed.
7 January: Tractor driver in Tel Katzir shot at.
This is but a portion of the attacks that Israelis endured leading up to the 1967 war. The Syrians used the Golan Heights as a artillery station for the constant harassment of Israeli civilians. Most of their taregets, as you can see, were civilians and farms.
Would any sovereign nation be expected to it on their hands and do nothing during all this harassment and butcher of civilians? Israel had done nothing to provoke this. Then in 25 May 1967 the military movements to the border; the war-incitement statements of the leaders and press... are you still going to insist that the Israelis were the aggressors here?
Israel took land that had been used as nothing more than a giant sniping platform. They took it to secure their strategic positions and to protect their people. They withdrew from positions they'd taken beyond that need-- they were at the outskirts of Damascus itself.
Yes, it is inexcusable that the Israelis should do something to protect their people from attacks like this.
Why the hell would they accept a resolution that gives 55% of the land to 30% of the population and 6% percent of the landowners?
They got to vote, they got a chance, they refused. They started a war, and they lost. What other emergent nation allowed the natives to vote on their fate? If you're living in America, I have shocking news for you: you're on conquered imperial territory, extolling the virtues of tolerance and respect for the natives! How ironic is that? Did the Indians get to vote before a world body on the fate of their lands?
What if you were being asked to give up your land to someone because their holy book tells them it's theirs?
That's not the issue here. Besides, the Islamic doctrine states that the Jews were there first as well-- they base their legitimacy on the descent of Ishmael, Abraham's son through Hagar. Why could they not have pondered these words:
"We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement... We will wish the Jews a hearty welcome here... We are working together for a reformed and revised Near East, and our two movemnts compliment one another. The movement is national and not imperialistic. There is room in Syria for us both. Indeed, I think that neither can be successful without the other."
-- The Emir Faisal to Felix Frankfurter, 3 March 1919
When have I ever defended the murder of innocent Jews?
Depends-- do people have the right to defend themselves from attack or not? If not, why not? How many times has Israel been attacked by Arab national forces or terrorists? Why is Israel chastised so much for defending its people?
You mean the refugees whose homes they bulldozed?
The bulldozing hadn't started then.
The refugees fleeing from them?
The Arab governments instructed the Palestinians to flee their homes because it would be unsafe to remain during the fighting, after the Arabs had crushed Israel they were expected to return. The Arabs that satyed were absorbed into Israel and now are Israeli citizens and have a higher standard of living and freedom than in any Arab government.
Israel won't even pay as much as Saudi Arabia, an outside country that has been maligned for being cheap toward Palestinians,
The Saudi governemnt contributed money and soldiers to the effort to destroy Israel and issued commands to the refugees to flee; they bear responsibility for turning those people into refugees as much as any Israeli.
... to help people that should be considered its own citizens, and you see that as generosity? I see it as a travesty.
The argument was that the Israelis were 'fascists'. Fascists would not give money to the relief agencies working to assist the people they were trying to destroy. Meanwhile, the Saudis who helped enflame the situation in the first place gave paltry amounts.
Even during the most intense waves of suicide bombings, numbers of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians paled compared to Palestinian civilians killed by Israelis.
What about the morality of a terrorist that runs into a crowd of civilians to use them as human shields after committing an act of terrorism? What magical formula is Israel supposed to use to go after terrorists in such a perfect way that only the terrorist is harmed? Is it Israel's fault that the terrorists use their own families and neighbors as 'meat armor'? Does it bother
you that they do it?
As for terrorists not being given trials, many times they are when they are caught but they don't just lay down and let themselves be led off. They're
terrorists, it's not a Hollywood police bust. And in a war, generally, soldiers don't arrest each other-- they shoot.
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Coyote wrote:You're right. Saddam Hussein never signed a UN treaty ...
What are you talking about? What does that have to do with invading Iraq?
Why, everything. The reason we stopped fighting him in 1991 was because part of the treaty he signed with the United Nations stated that he would allow inspectors to enter his land and ascertain whether he was stockpiling WMDs, which he has used in the past. He has stonewalled us for 10 years-- we've shown restraint, actually.
First of all, no one has produced the slightest shred of evidence that Saddam has WMD, and not even Rumsfeld thinks he has WMD that can target the U.S.
The inspectors found mustard gas artillery shells last week.
He doesn't need a missile to reach the US, he only needs to give it to OBL or someone like him who'll have a martyr gleefully bring it to our shores himself. Besides, he'd probably use it on other countries nearby: Iran, Israel, etc... That is just as inescusable as attacking us.
What are you talking about? We created the fucking Taliban in the '80s!
We armed the
mujahiddin, a collection of anti-Soviet tribes. The Taliban as an organization formed afterwards in the chaos and anarchy that followed. The Afghanis just fought to get rid of the Soviets because they
did not want foreigners intervening in their affairs.
Had we stepped in to 'guide' Afghanistan after the USSR left, we would have been 'imperialists' in they eyes of them and everyone else. We would have been accused of setting up yet another 'puppet regime' so again, damned if we do, damned if we don't.