brianeyci wrote:Anyway I think I'll just run this computer into the ground, which since it's HP will take a decade lol. Then I'll buy 1.5 pound computer in 2015 with a 10 hour battery life. The 4-5 hour battery life for most laptops really irks me, it really does, and I have no idea how someone who's portable all the time can stand it.
I'm pretty sure that's why some people buy a second battery; I think some laptops support having two batteries installed, while others you just wind up swapping them out after a certain amount of time.
People who are constantly on the go most likely carry power adapters with them; either AC adapters when they're in an office, or car adapters for when they're on the road. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of laptop users wouldn't be actively using their laptop for more than a few hours straight without at least some access to external power during the day, even if their batteries supported ten hours of operation. The only situation I can think of that has a laptop being used for hours on end without access to external power is someone who's out camping - out of curiosity what are you doing that necessitates such extremely long battery life?
Another problem to consider is that below a certain size, keyboards become somewhat impractical to use; I used one of the old Pentium-166 Librettos at work once, and it was damn hard to type on the thing. I wouldn't want to post on web forums on it, let alone write out letters, and a term paper or business report would be completely out of the question. Yeah, you can get an external keyboard, but then you're just jacking up both the weight you're carrying around and the surface area you're taking up when you set the thing down to use it, and you're getting a really tiny screen to boot.
But the other problem, as I mentioned earlier, is that above a certain size you're running into the frame contributing a significant amount of mass, and you can only cut that down so far before you start making the laptop fragile and flimsy... which is more or less the precise opposite of what most people want out of a laptop they're taking all over the place.
Is there a particular reason you want an extremely-light laptop?