I played a bit of Perfect Dark Zero at a games shop on singleplayer mode and while the game will not catch the world on fire I thought it had solid gameplay and excellent graphics (judging from the limited time that I played on it).Neko_Oni wrote: PDZ is pretty damn average, visual effects make it hard to see, controls feel "weird", and the visual style doesn't mesh that well with the setting. I dropped PDZ the moment DOA4 came out (and I dropped DOA4 the moment Chromehounds came out).
Well my expansion pack originally came with Donkey Kong 64 (another solid game from Rareware), so I had no problems with Perfect Dark and I could access the single player mode. As for Perfect Dark's single player campaign itself, I had no trouble with it for most part (even though the single player for GoldenEye was in some ways more ground breaking).Bounty wrote: Only three games, plus the DD, needed the expansion pack. I'm not surprised there's still people who don't know this - almost everyone assumes it's just there for higher resolutions.
And while Perfect Dark's story could've been much more compelling, it still had a somewhat better narrative than the narrative found in any Time Splitters or Metal Gear Solid game and it held most of the missions together adequately enough.
However I thought other FPS games like Deus Ex and Red Faction 1 & 2 had far superior storylines and comparatively much deeper characters, despite working with the same source material (like PD they were FPSs set in a near future dystopian era). And while I love GoldenEye and I re-play the SP missions to this very day, I still don't know what the fuss was about with the storyline. Rareware merely "cheated" by basing GE's missions around a relatively so-so Bond movie. And despite that the narrative was still slightly incoherent with game characters that were paper thin. But Rareware still did great work in replicating the film's locations and sets though.