SyntaxVorlon wrote:There was a long range battle, the rebels and imps were, at first, not able to do so because, the imps wanted to show them their little toy and the rebels knew that going up against a flotilla would be a bad idea. The Vorlons would not need to get close to start fight to fire, they will do so immediately.
Ok so the battle ends that much sooner
Fighters would be no problem, the Dreadnoughts would control them, they are considered drones, and use sensors to target the unshielded TIEs,
Got any evidence that their sensors can punch through the jamming?
it does not take much to kill a Tie, it takes less with a beam weapon which provide constant heat on the area that if hit by a pulse weapon would be slightly damaged but could evade that area immediately, beams can track the craft(the ship with the beam tracks not the beam itself) and that craft is killed quite quickly.
You are talking about keeping a beam locked on a manuvering target at over 30 klicks. Not gonna happen. Reaction time and beam travel time prevent it.
The TIEs would have no chance.
200 Vorlon fighters are going to kill the 1800 Ties the fleet alone is carrying in under a second? Because that is how long it will take them to cross the distance. 5000G = 49.1 km/sec^2. So then the main advantages you are claiming will be gone. and they start mixing it up on more or less equal terms where one shot kill goes for both. Still confident? Because then there are the DS2 Ties.
Shields however they do not have, but they do have bioarmor which learns how to absorb the energy from weapons, especially pulse weapons. The bio armor is comprable to a Whitestar's, better power fewer systems thus it would be far superior in its ability to take fire.
B5 Wars says they have shields. And how are they going to learn when they die rom a single hit? A Thunderbolt killed one in INTO THE FIRE, and TBolt weapos work out to around 20 Gigajoules per pulse. A Tie Cannon is 2.09 terajoules lowend.
The fighter battle is not as clear cut as you think.
The rebel ships immediately engaged the ISDs, the vorlons would have done the same to get away from the SL
Well they didn't, but ok.
You obviously are not very knowledgeable about vorlon ship design, that is a dreadnought, not a cruiser. A cruiser is longer and bigger than a transport and has a great deal of firepower for its size.
Actually, I appear to know alot more then you do about the topic. B5Wars is canon, and that is where the data comes from.
That looks even less like it then the cruiser does.
Now the
Destroyer looks like the
transport, but there is a huge size difference. But they do not look like a cruiser.
I have checked on some sights, it seems that they do not have shields they have however learning bioarmor that absorbs energy, and leaves only the kinetic energy of the blast to do real damage.
First off, we already know First One hulls can't take more then 500 MT.
So you are dead if you wnat to use that line of reasoning.
Secondly, the information is wrong, but it doesn't matter much. Vorlon shields do exist, they try to diffuse the energy coming in so that the hull absorbs what they don't break down (and with a TL bolt there will be quite alot they don't break down) and alter the hull to try and deal with the rest (becoming reflective against lasers and what not). Unfortunatly we know that FO hulls crap out at about 500 MT max, so there goes that. And it's probably less for Vorlon ships as the diffusion of the hull is the only shadow defense, where as the Vorlon went with shield to try and compensate.
The range I am speaking of is the 30 km+ between the rebel(vorlon) and imp fleets at endor. TIEs don't have the range to hit them,
Lets see some proof for that.
but Vfighters do, thus they can lock on and knock them out of the sky faster.
Again, Lets see some proof.
No ties, no fighters to kill the vfighters, vfighters can fully support the capships which would be firing on the ISDs and Interdictors by now.
Then the ISDs blow the Vorlon capships out of space, the fighters all stop because as you said earlier, we are assuming they are drones.
Number matters not, size matters not.
So I can go beat up 20 professional boxers? Afterall, the size and numbers advantge they have doesn't matter.
You make it sound as if transports are just fluttery scraps of paper compared to ground based AA guns.
500 MT high end vs 50 GT low end.
I am doing so because they are.
But this is a point of contention as the shield is impenetrable. More likely they'd have a single vorlon go through the shield, there are advantages to being pure psyonic energy,
You do realize that shields block energy, right?
and infiltrate the facility. It could just take control of the engineers and make them blow the thing up themselves, that's where the psyonic part comes in.
Right, except that since Wars humans were never modified, they are not susceptable to Vorlon mind control. And we get back to the above debate on killing the buggers.
The Battle:
After using beams to snipe off fighters from kms off, the fighters would have aided the cruisers in destroying the interdictors.
Playing along so far
Once gone, the cruisers and transports just start flying past the ISDs and opening jump points, inside the structure.
Give a single example of a jump point opening inside solid matter. Further, since the shield is still up, give an example of them bypassing shields to do so.
If turned off at the right time, the dreadnoughts would have started firing at the DS's superstructure, punching holes in the places where the surface construction had not been completed. Punch a hole big enough, and deep enough and send a fighter in.
You plan on youing MT level weapons to punch through a few hundred kilometers of metal?
Fighter fires on the nearby AA lasers, killing a large area to keep it from getting attacked. Flies directly in, Ties fly in behind it, it turns and fires on them as they come near, the advantages of a compact gravetic drive and an advanced flight AI.
How nice.
And I suppose the Imperial fleet just sits there and lets you do this? And the Death Star Turbolasers, they don't fire at all at the approaching ship?
Vorlon Fleet drops out of hyperspace. Since grav wells don't stop their drive, the Interdictors are recalled to aid in dealing with the fighters since they are armed with quadlasers. Since they don't have the shuttle to try and sneak in earlier, the Vorlons attempt to send a transport carrying a Vorlon (lets say 3 even though the B5 Material indicates they never operate in more then a pair). The shield means that they either can;'t get to the planets surface, or have to land 50 klicks away from the shield generator and try and hoof it to take it out. Since they don't know about the ewoks, they don't know about the backdoor and head there.
Meanwhile, above the fighters are engaging in a huge dogfight and Imperial jamming means that the drones are having trouble both getting locks and recieving commands. Since only the best Rebels made it through the dogfight, I don't foresee half blind and slow to react drones surviving. The capital ships move to engage the Imperial fleet. Unfortunatly, their desing of concentrating their firepower towards a main gun means that they can't sidle in as close as the rebels could, so they have a choice of atempting to manuver in congested space, of excanging fire using their weaker guns against the strongest guns the Imperials have. It doesn't matter though, since even the main gun on the dreadnaught lacks the power to pierce the shields on an ISD. They are blown out of space in short order since 32 HTLs at a low end of 50 Gigatons each, plus 30 MTLs and 3o LTLs are what an ISD 2 mounts per broadside and remaining Tie Bombers are hauling 200 MT focused missiles. The Sheer power of the weaposn crushes the fleet. Battle over, DC and the engineers begin making repairs to the Imperial fleet while constrction on the Death Star resumes.
About an hour after that our 3 Vorlon avdisors arrive at the generator complex, tired after running though the forest, to meet Vader, an AT-AT, and the better part of a legion of Stormies.