Creationists and dynamo theory

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Post by Darth Wong »

1) Science employs logic. Judeo-Christian-Muslim religion does not.
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If you believe that logic is axiomatic, then you must believe that everything "employs logic."
Of course, but religion employs grossly FAULTY logic, hence it is illogical. Every argument claims some kind of logical progression, but we can examine the steps of reasoning to show that they do not follow.
If religion is alogical, how can you claim that logic defeats religion? In order for religion to be disproved, it must be accessible to logic, from which proofs are structured.
Not at all. Does logic disprove the notion that "all Chinese are communists, therefore all communists are Chinese?" Yes. Does this mean that the notion itself is logical? Of course not. Something is shown to be illogical by demonstration that its conclusions do not legitimately follow from its premises.
2) Science observes objective reality in order to prove/support its claims. Judeo-Christian-Muslim religion references its own claims (ie- scriptures) in order to prove/support its claims.
What is "objective reality"? How do we discover its nature and properties?
Objective reality is the observable universe. We discover its nature and properties by observing them. You're being an idiot.
How do you know that what science observes is indeed objective reality? You cannot respond with "science," obviously, but what else is there for you?
The definition of objectivity (in this context) is repeatable, empirical, independent observation. By meeting those criteria, we know that we are dealing with objective reality.
So science observes "objective reality," authenticated as such by what means?
By direct observation. Science authenticates through observation, and no other means. Religion, on the other hand, is circular; it authenticates its own claims by citing its own claims.
Really? I understand that you disapprove of my reasoning, but how is it circular?
See above. Science brings in a completely external factor as the ultimate form of evidence: observation of the universe around us. Religion, on the other hand, makes its ultimate arbiter of truth into something which is ultimately internal; a deity whose existence is known only because you feel it in your heart, believe in it, etc. There is no objective substance to it, hence it falls flat on its face whenever it tries to justify itself, because it has no truly external source of evidence to support itself.
Also very basically, I can say that, based on observation and past experience, spiritually perceiving God all around me means that He exists. This rational statement "feels right to me."
This is subjective, not objective. It is neither empirical or independently repeatable. At best, you can only compare subjective descriptions of impressions; it is impossible to know whether the experiences actually match because they cannot be quantified in any way, thus you rely on interpretation of language as the sole arbiter of repeatability. As the lawyers have shown us, interpretation of language is a poor standard.
Now, we have an inconsistency. You probably do not believe that my God exists, but I believe that your computer screen exists. We have used the same criteria for the affirmation of our respective propositions. Why have we then not reached the same conclusions? One of us must change one of our beliefs.
His computer screen is objective. It can be photographed, measured, detected with various instruments, etc., all with an excellent degree of quantifiability and repeatability. Your subjective impressions of God, on the other hand, do not come anywhere close to meeting this standard. You still fail to recognize the entire concept of objectivity.
Should you alter your beliefs to include belief in my God? If so, then we must hold that the experiential or communicable proof for one's beliefs, or the claim thereto, is also proof for all other individuals for the belief, necessitating that everyone share all of everyone else's beliefs. I do not imagine you want to do this, for you would then need to adopt every belief in the world.
Congratulations. You just showed that to treat subjective spiritual experiences as objective would lead to the asinine conclusion that all beliefs are simultaneously true. Ergo, you should not treat subjective spiritual experiences as objective.
Or, should I alter my beliefs to exclude belief in your computer screen? If so, then we must hold that even truistic propositions may not be believed unless the self perceives experiential proof for their veracity. This would mean that no communicable evidence is ever reliable, and any belief would have to be verified by one's own experience.
Wrong again. Numbers are communicable and reliable. Various forms of well-defined measurement and imaging techniques such as photographic or digital camera evidence are communicable and reliable. Interestingly enough, nothing of the sort exists for God.
A terrible dilemma. In the first instance, experiential evidence is to be accepted as equally and universally valid for all persons. In the second, experiential evidence is the only evidence which can be accepted, and then, only by the experiencer. I do not think you would find either option agreeable.
A false dilemma, created by your confusion of the subjective and objective.
Of course, all this is working under the pretense that observation and logic determine, for all minds congruently, what has basis for existence, and what does not. It seems to me that assuming to know what provides basis for existence for anything makes a real mess of things. Learn some humility.
Actually, true humility comes from recognizing that the universe is not defined by our wishes. The religious person seeks something which is greater than us, and in his haste to ensure that he has some modicum of control over this greater entity, he defines it and then worships it. In the process, he overlooks the fact that the universe is already waiting there, already greater than us, and quite easily subject to analysis, unlike his own manufactured deities.
How can you be sure that science observes the real world? How does it then follow that science is true?
If you do not believe that the observable universe is real, then I invite you to test your claim by leaping off the top of the CN tower. I am perfectly willing to demonstrate my logical conclusion that God does not exist by blaspheming him in every conceivable way and thus tempting his immediate wrath or at the very least, eternal damnation after death. Are you willing to demonstrate your belief that science is no more reliable, by tempting its laws in similar fashion?
Anyway, if you know anything of epistemology, you know that all anyone believes and understands can really be based only on what feels right.
Wrong. They can be based on the evidence of our senses, with the possibility of individual delusion compensated for by the use of impartial instrumentation and independent, empirical repeatability as a yardstick.
We embrace logic because it makes sense to us; that is, it feels right.
No, we embrace logic because we can show that a conclusion does not follow from its premise, therefore any argument which claims it DOES follow must be flawed. We can show this through example, through experiment, etc. Circular logic, for example, is bad not because it "feels" wrong, but because we can easily demonstrate countless examples of circular logic producing results which are demonstrably wrong (for example, "objects fall at 5 m/s^2 rather than 10 m/s^2 at sea level because g is actually 5 m/s^2, not 10 m/s^2" would be flawlessly circular logic, and we can show that it is wrong).
Mind you, I am not saying that logic itself, in essence, is based on what we think feels right. Rather, I am saying that our own perceptions of logic and our own reasoning capabilities, which are really all that matter, rest upon the fact that our thought processes feel right in doing so.
Incorrect yet again. This is not a matter of subjectivity. Every person in the world who duplicates the chain of reasoning will come to the same results. He may be an idiot and refuse to accept those results or apply them to his particular sacred cow (a common problem with religionists), but he will come to them nonetheless.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by The Apologist »

Of course, but religion employs grossly FAULTY logic, hence it is illogical. Every argument claims some kind of logical progression, but we can examine the steps of reasoning to show that they do not follow.
Ah, so religion does employ logic after all! Concession accepted.
Not at all. Does logic disprove the notion that "all Chinese are communists, therefore all communists are Chinese?" Yes. Does this mean that the notion itself is logical? Of course not. Something is shown to be illogical by demonstration that its conclusions do not legitimately follow from its premises.
The notion is not logical? It consists of two propositions, a sentential connective, and deductive inference, albeit invalid. What we have here is logic.

Your problem is that you have confused the terms "logical" and "rational." Though colloquially synonymous, you must learn to distinguish between the two if you wish to assert yourself as a logician. Formally speaking, "logical" means "of or pertaining to logic." This definition does not allow for you to say that something which may be merely fallacious is "not logical." Hence the term "fallacy of logic" or "logical fallacy." If logical were the same as rational, as you imply, then "logical fallacy" would be a contradiction of terms. Again, formally speaking, "all Chinese are communists, therefore all communists are Chinese" is logical but not rational, a term meaning "reasonable" or "sensible." Try not to conflate "logical" and "rational" any more - remember that anything involving logic is logical by definition.
Objective reality is the observable universe. We discover its nature and properties by observing them. You're being an idiot.
Or am I being thorough?

So, to sum up what you folks have told me, explicitly and implicitly, regarding science and objectivity:

Science observes the observable universe, by definition.

The observable universe is objective reality, by definition.

Objective reality is true, by definition.

Therefore, science is true, by definition.

In other words, science is tautologous, being true because it is defined as true. Your justification of science is trivially valid, assuming what it seeks to prove: science is true, therefore science is true. A perfectly sound argument, though apparently I am the only one here who questions its premise.

By direct observation. Science authenticates through observation, and no other means. Religion, on the other hand, is circular; it authenticates its own claims by citing its own claims.
Whereas science takes this route - "science observes, therefore science is true"? How does that follow?

...Especially if the observed is false?
See above. Science brings in a completely external factor as the ultimate form of evidence: observation of the universe around us. Religion, on the other hand, makes its ultimate arbiter of truth into something which is ultimately internal; a deity whose existence is known only because you feel it in your heart, believe in it, etc. There is no objective substance to it, hence it falls flat on its face whenever it tries to justify itself, because it has no truly external source of evidence to support itself.
Oh I see. So science, for whatever reason, gets to set the rules: "external" evidence is definitive, while "internal" evidence is unacceptable. How interesting that religion "falls flat on its face" when it attempts to scientifically prove itself. Why do you expect religion to be able to scientifically establish itself if you also maintain that science and religion are incompatible? If such incompatibility exists, then religion's inability to ascertain itself by its antithesis's methodology means nothing.

Here is a crucial area in which you must try to let go of your presuppositions. Do you give any regard to science's inability to justify itself spiritually, by religion's methodology? Probably not, but why? Because religion is bunk and science is clearly true. And how do we know that? Because religion cannot scientifically justify itself. More circular reasoning due to overbearing presuppositions.

Also regarding internal and external evidence: how exactly do you make this distinction?

If a congregation of Christians is kept earthbound by gravity, how is that any more external than the same congregation of Christians experiencing the presence of God during worship? Both are universal.

If a Christian perceives God speaking to him during a sermon, how is that any more internal than the same Christian feeling dizzy after riding the Tilt-a-Whirl? Both are personal.
This is subjective, not objective. It is neither empirical or independently repeatable. At best, you can only compare subjective descriptions of impressions; it is impossible to know whether the experiences actually match because they cannot be quantified in any way, thus you rely on interpretation of language as the sole arbiter of repeatability. As the lawyers have shown us, interpretation of language is a poor standard.
Interpretation of language is all science has, too... or anything, for that matter.

Anyway, if my perception of God is subjective, then how is my perception of Zoink's computer screen not also subjective? In fact, how can there be such a thing as an objective perception (unless one is a sollipsist)? It seems to me that all perceptions are subjective, by definition, and also that perception is our only interface with objectivity. This means that no experiences, observations, apprehensions, etc., are objective. What scientists observe may indeed be objective, but the observations themselves must be subjective... just as what Christians experience spiritually may indeed be objective, but the experiences themselves are subjective.
His computer screen is objective. It can be photographed, measured, detected with various instruments, etc., all with an excellent degree of quantifiability and repeatability. Your subjective impressions of God, on the other hand, do not come anywhere close to meeting this standard. You still fail to recognize the entire concept of objectivity.
Who sets the "standard"? Why is it true? But this is not the point.

His computer screen is objective (if existent), yes, but again, our perceptions of it are not. God is objective (if existent), but our perceptions of Him are not. Why is this so hard to understand? I recognize the concept of objectivity perfectly. That is why I cannot claim the ability to ascertain it.
Actually, true humility comes from recognizing that the universe is not defined by our wishes. The religious person seeks something which is greater than us, and in his haste to ensure that he has some modicum of control over this greater entity, he defines it and then worships it. In the process, he overlooks the fact that the universe is already waiting there, already greater than us, and quite easily subject to analysis, unlike his own manufactured deities.
Wrong. They can be based on the evidence of our senses, with the possibility of individual delusion compensated for by the use of impartial instrumentation and independent, empirical repeatability as a yardstick.
In other words, based on what feels right. In other other words, based on what makes sense.

...The same with the rest of your post: you only second my points, with a few errors and misunderstandings.
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Post by Andrew J. »

Mr. Apologist: While it is true that our perceptions are not totally accurate, they are as close as possible. If we dismissed everything because what we percieve is not necessarily real (beyond cognito ergo sum), why, we'd be back in the Stone Age! Look at it this way; even if science and religion are equally valid, theoretically, science has always produced better results. Therefore, science is better than religion, QED.
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Post by The Apologist »

I do not recall saying that we should dismiss what is subjective. On the contrary, that sounds like something Darth Wong would say.

And I would say that religion has produced better results. Some might even say that science is one of them.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Science vs Religion: Medicine

Science: Antibodies, vaccines, transfusions, surgery, etc.

Number of lives saved: Impossible to count, possibly in the billions.

Religion: Prayer, killing cats, burning witches, other superstitous bullshit.

Number of lives saved: Zero

And Science takes this round by a long shot.
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by The Apologist »

Equivocation skills noted.

The word you want is "technology," not "science."

This discussion clearly refers to the philosophy of science, not the application of science.
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Post by SeebianWurm »

Red herring, methinks
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Post by LordShaithis »

Poor Apologist, so desperate to justify his Sky Daddy that he'll throw out reason and sanity to keep him. :roll:
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by LordShaithis »

Actually, he sounds like a typical horse's ass philosophy student who plays at Solipsism by rebutting every point with "Says who?" like a demented toddler.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Warspite »

GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:Actually, he sounds like a typical horse's ass philosophy student who plays at Solipsism by rebutting every point with "Says who?" like a demented toddler.
I noticed that as soon as he started posting... Typical arguments of philosophy students... I hate those guys...
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Post by Falcon »

Wicked Pilot wrote:Science vs Religion: Medicine

Science: Antibodies, vaccines, transfusions, surgery, etc.

Number of lives saved: Impossible to count, possibly in the billions.

Religion: Prayer, killing cats, burning witches, other superstitous bullshit.

Number of lives saved: Zero

And Science takes this round by a long shot.

Thats like asking how many people can travel to Austrailia by car vs airplane. Religion isn't ment to take the place of medical science in any way, shape, matter or form. Religion is for the soul, medicine is for the body.
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Post by Vympel »

Good thing there's no soul then.
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Post by aerius »

Falcon wrote:Religion is for the soul, medicine is for the body.
So religion is nothing more than a feel happy drug? Sounds about right to me, though personally I'd rather smoke pot and get drunk than be religious.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

The Apologist wrote:The word you want is "technology," not "science."

This discussion clearly refers to the philosophy of science, not the application of science.
Bullshit, technology would be nonexistant without science. Engineers apply scientific principles like F=ma when they develop technology. These scientific principles come from scientist applying the scientific method. Without science, engineers can't make shit. I can't believe this has to be explained to you. What are you, in middle school?
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by SeebianWurm »

Falcon wrote:
Wicked Pilot wrote:Science vs Religion: Medicine

Science: Antibodies, vaccines, transfusions, surgery, etc.

Number of lives saved: Impossible to count, possibly in the billions.

Religion: Prayer, killing cats, burning witches, other superstitous bullshit.

Number of lives saved: Zero

And Science takes this round by a long shot.

Thats like asking how many people can travel to Austrailia by car vs airplane. Religion isn't ment to take the place of medical science in any way, shape, matter or form. Religion is for the soul, medicine is for the body.
What are you talking about? The beeblay has a surefire cure to poisoning, for instance: Mark 16:18.
[ Ye Olde Coked-Up Werewolf of the Late Knights ]

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Post by The Apologist »

Bullshit, technology would be nonexistant without science. Engineers apply scientific principles like F=ma when they develop technology. These scientific principles come from scientist applying the scientific method. Without science, engineers can't make shit. I can't believe this has to be explained to you. What are you, in middle school?
You appear to be. Technology has nothing to do with science-as-philosophy, which is what this discussion is about. Practical science, such as medicine, is technology. When you say that the scientific method assists in the development of technology, you are speaking of practical science. When you say that "science" has disproved "religion," however, you are invoking science-as-philosophy. I thought this was obvious. Both the terms "science" and "religion" are inexact terms used to connote various concepts. If I were taking this literally, for example, I would not care whether "religion" has been disproved, because I do want "religion." Rather, it is assumed that when "religion" is said to be disproved, what is really meant is usually that God has been shown to not exist, or the Bible has been discredited. These are things I care about, not "religion" as such. This is the impression we have been working under all along, that "science" and "religion" are but broad terms used for convenience, while the true meaning is understood.
Typical arguments of philosophy students... I hate those guys...
You are aware, of course, that logic and morality, for which this very discussion board exists, are branches of philosophy?
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Post by Andrew J. »

The Apologist wrote:You are aware, of course, that logic and morality, for which this very discussion board exists, are branches of philosophy?
Logic and the scientific method are the only philosophies worth anything.
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Post by The Apologist »

In other words, your personal philosophy is an eclectic blend of the philosophies of logical positivism, exclusivism, coherentism and pragmatism. Even the term "worth" and your very syntax rests upon philosophical beliefs.

Get real - you cannot escape philosophy.

...Even if you try to, you are embracing the philosophy of misology.
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Post by SeebianWurm »

Even though the heckler says "this discussion clearly refers to the philosophy of science;" I see nothing that does. What happened in here? We cowered from the burning hot of Priesto's stupidity, talked about Santa being just as logical as Hayzooz, and yet that was not addressed.

So. How do you know Santa is not real? NORAD tracks his route every year, and I'd consider that to be much more authoritative than a musty book.

Please remember that Santa only gives presents to true believers, and the coal idea is a mere fanciful creation by fallible man, and you have to just believe. Santa is infallible.

Why is this unreasonable, when you accept Krischeeanitee?
[ Ye Olde Coked-Up Werewolf of the Late Knights ]

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Post by Durandal »

A Complete Fucking Moron wrote: You appear to be. Technology has nothing to do with science-as-philosophy, which is what this discussion is about. Practical science, such as medicine, is technology. When you say that the scientific method assists in the development of technology, you are speaking of practical science. When you say that "science" has disproved "religion," however, you are invoking science-as-philosophy. I thought this was obvious. Both the terms "science" and "religion" are inexact terms used to connote various concepts. If I were taking this literally, for example, I would not care whether "religion" has been disproved, because I do want "religion." Rather, it is assumed that when "religion" is said to be disproved, what is really meant is usually that God has been shown to not exist, or the Bible has been discredited. These are things I care about, not "religion" as such. This is the impression we have been working under all along, that "science" and "religion" are but broad terms used for convenience, while the true meaning is understood.
The philosophy of science is based on the scientific method and objectivity. Without these things, engineers would be shit out of luck.
Damien Sorresso

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Post by Andrew J. »

The Apologist wrote:In other words, your personal philosophy is an eclectic blend of the philosophies of logical positivism, exclusivism, coherentism and pragmatism. Even the term "worth" and your very syntax rests upon philosophical beliefs.

Get real - you cannot escape philosophy.

...Even if you try to, you are embracing the philosophy of misology.
All those philosphies are mere offshoots of logic, fool.

(Side note: Apparently, you do not ascribe to coherentism, because your arguments are anything but coherent. :twisted:)
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Post by The Apologist »

So. How do you know Santa is not real? NORAD tracks his route every year, and I'd consider that to be much more authoritative than a musty book.

Please remember that Santa only gives presents to true believers, and the coal idea is a mere fanciful creation by fallible man, and you have to just believe. Santa is infallible.

Why is this unreasonable, when you accept Krischeeanitee?
If I had sufficient reason to believe in Santa Claus, I would.

Since I have sufficient reason to believe in God, I do.
The philosophy of science is based on the scientific method and objectivity.
You have almost got it now, except you have it reversed.

Scientific method and "objectivity" are based on the philosophy of science.
All those philosphies are mere offshoots of logic, fool.
Um... no.

Logic is wholly different according to each philosophy, if logic is even a feature therein.

Actually, I do not see how anything can be an "offshoot" of logic, much less a philosophy concerning logic. Did you mean that the philosophies were results of logic? That is not plausible, as exclusivism and coherentism are mutually contrary, and according to logic, two propositions cannot both be true if their relationship is contrary.
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Post by Sir Sirius »

Since I have sufficient reason to believe in God, I do.
May I ask what this 'sufficient reason to believe in God' is?
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Post by SeebianWurm »

And how is there not enough? Only true believers can see Santa's work in the first place. You are being closed minded.

*religious snicker*
[ Ye Olde Coked-Up Werewolf of the Late Knights ]

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Post by aerius »

You refuse to believe in Santa? You are going to hell where you'll burn for eternity in a lake of fire.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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