Most Powerful Jedi Sith

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Most Powerful Jedi Sith

Post by Shrykull »

Not exactly sure how to rank them all, but the ones I know and what they did, feel free to rearrange the list if you think some are more powerful than others.

Starting with the most powerful

1. Vague references to Uber/legendary Sith/Jedi, for example, there was mentioned some who traveled back in time before the Old Republic to destroy stars, that could "bend time to thier will" etc.

2. Exar Kun, Sith Lord, killed Freedon Nadd "killed" Luke and took a hell of a lot of force users to bring down, including several Jedi Masters.
3. Freedon Nadd, Sith Lord- Killed his master Naga Sadow and took his place

4. Naga Sadow, Sith Lord - destroyed Stars with the Force

5. Darth Plagueis, Sith Lord was able to create and manipulate life through the midi-chlorians, and was able to somehow prevent people from dying (dying by what means though, any?) but not himself. There's a novel coming out on him.

6. Mace Windu, jedi knight, almost killed Palpatine, could reflect force lightning back at a Sith Lord.

7. Darth Sidious/Palpatine, powerful manipulative Sith Lord

8. Anakin/Vader

9.Yoda, he mentions in TESB that the dark side isn't stronger though, just easier/more convenient the why couldn't he defeat Palpatine with centuries of more experience?

10. Obi-wan, other jedi knights
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Post by Death from the Sea »

I don't think that Yoda really lost that fight with Sidious as much as it was a stalemate. I also don't think that Yoda is less powerful than Anakin/Vader. Are you speaking of power in force powers alone or overall ability?

I also think that when Palpatine said that Darth Plageuis could prevetn people from dying but not himself, he meant that Darth Plageuis was not able to stop his apprentice from killing him in his sleep. Not that Darth Plageuis was unable to keep himself from dying of old age and such.
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Post by Shrykull »

I don't think that Yoda really lost that fight with Sidious as much as it was a stalemate. I also don't think that Yoda is less powerful than Anakin/Vader. Are you speaking of power in force powers alone or overall ability?
Well, just the ability for one to kill the other. Personally I thought Yoda was a coward for not finishing the fight, but then I heard people said he was too exhausted to fight, etc. And he trained Luke, knowing he would be able to defeat Palpatine, but he knew couldn't himself.

As for him preventing people from dying, I'm just wondering how he was able to do it, and why it's a dark side ability, that no Jedi can teach you. Anakin was so interested in it because it could save Padme, which makes me think it could prevent her from dying from physical injuries like his mother did.

I'm just wondering exactly how it works. If someone were to skewer you with a lightsabre, would perhaps the midi-chlorians have shut the wound as soon the lightsabre was pulled out of you?
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Post by Death from the Sea »

Shrykull wrote:
I don't think that Yoda really lost that fight with Sidious as much as it was a stalemate. I also don't think that Yoda is less powerful than Anakin/Vader. Are you speaking of power in force powers alone or overall ability?
Well, just the ability for one to kill the other. Personally I thought Yoda was a coward for not finishing the fight, but then I heard people said he was too exhausted to fight, etc. And he trained Luke, knowing he would be able to defeat Palpatine, but he knew couldn't himself.
you have to consider that Yoda did not only have Sidious to think about, he also had to worry about the clones coming. It is one thing to continue a fight one on one and it is another when you think about the troopers being on the way to help Sidious.

where is Luke on your scale? also since Obi-Wan beat Anakin, should he not rank higher on your scale?
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Re: Most Powerful Jedi Sith

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Shrykull wrote:Not exactly sure how to rank them all, but the ones I know and what they did, feel free to rearrange the list if you think some are more powerful than others.

Starting with the most powerful

1. Vague references to Uber/legendary Sith/Jedi, for example, there was mentioned some who traveled back in time before the Old Republic to destroy stars, that could "bend time to thier will" etc.

I don't think you can make an accurate scale with rumors.
2. Exar Kun, Sith Lord, killed Freedon Nadd "killed" Luke and took a hell of a lot of force users to bring down, including several Jedi Masters.
Kiling a Dark Side Spirit is easy if you know how. You can kill a DSS by destroying whatever it is anchored to (Ludo Kressh-Sith Warsword, Naga Sadow/Exar Kun-Massassi Temple), Imbueing a weapon with the Force, Using certain Light Side Powers, Using a Sith Amulet.
3. Freedon Nadd, Sith Lord- Killed his master Naga Sadow and took his place
Again, not a hard task if you know how.
4. Naga Sadow, Sith Lord - destroyed Stars with the Force
The Reborn Emperor could fling people across Time and Space with his force storms.
5. Darth Plagueis, Sith Lord was able to create and manipulate life through the midi-chlorians, and was able to somehow prevent people from dying (dying by what means though, any?) but not himself. There's a novel coming out on him.
Okay, we know one aspect of his powers.
6. Mace Windu, jedi knight, almost killed Palpatine, could reflect force lightning back at a Sith Lord.
So could Yoda and any half-brained idiot who plays the SWRPG and fights a Darkside Witch.
7. Darth Sidious/Palpatine, powerful manipulative Sith Lord
You forgot killing three Jedi Masters in short order and coming out equal/winning in a fight with Grand Master Yoda.
8. Anakin/Vader
Vader and Anakin need to be seperated, Anakin had the potential to become far greater than Palpatine, but as Vader he was forced to settle with 80% of Palpy's Power.
9.Yoda, he mentions in TESB that the dark side isn't stronger though, just easier/more convenient the why couldn't he defeat Palpatine with centuries of more experience?
I'd consider defeating an Apprentice Sith Lord/Jedi Master and fighting the Lord of the Sith to a stalemate more of a reason.
10. Obi-wan, other jedi knights
He killed a fucking Sith Lord who by all means SHOULD have slaughtered him.

Where's Maul, Dooku, Asaji Ventress, Aurra Sing, Lord Hethrir, Kadann, Jedgar, Azrakal, Tremayne, Jerec, Sedriss, Master Ooroo, Master Odan-Urr, Arca Jeth, Master Yaddle, The Dark Woman, or Ikrit? Where are Revan, Malak, The Exile, Traya, Nihilus, and Sion?
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Post by FOG3 »

Shrykull wrote:
I don't think that Yoda really lost that fight with Sidious as much as it was a stalemate. I also don't think that Yoda is less powerful than Anakin/Vader. Are you speaking of power in force powers alone or overall ability?
Well, just the ability for one to kill the other. Personally I thought Yoda was a coward for not finishing the fight, but then I heard people said he was too exhausted to fight, etc. And he trained Luke, knowing he would be able to defeat Palpatine, but he knew couldn't himself.
Going by novel, which most people here implicitly do when wanking RotS Palp, after Yoda withdrew on _his terms_ not Sidious', Sidious drops the "I am shadow incarnate" and is basically physically wiped out. I don't recall the same for Yoda who afterwards runs around the access tunnels, not to mention doubling back, slicing doors, and otherwise doing a lot of excess movement to throw off pursuit.

He has an epiphany during the fight that he can't win, which may or may not have been entirely accurate (Dark Side shroud, anyone?), or been limited to just that battle. Think, the Republic is basically in ruins due to Sidious, the Jedi such as they were by then couldn't defeat what they had done with the old ways even if they killed Sidious and Vader. Matthew Stover has the whole, Jedi Order incarnate to just Yoda business as it goes on, but given the description from my objective standpoint Palps couldn't have held out that much longer, Yoda could have.

Movie version, well just read Palps face during the fight and notice how pathetic his cackle sounds at the end. Palps got lucky, or to paraphrase how he put it in the novel "I'm used to getting what I want [because the Force likes me]." I don't consider his kills on the Masters that praiseworthy, he had the same advantage that allowed Clonetroopers to kill the same, and we clearly see even early teen younglings can pretty well hold their own against Clonetroopers when they don't have that advantage (the one who runs out to Bel Iblis's speeder). Unless you want to say that boy outpowered and outskilled, Jedi Councilman/Master Ki-Adi-Mundi who had a few seconds to react to his troopers turning on him.
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Post by Kurgan »

Nebar Foxis was the handsomest male Jedi ever!


fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee

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Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Yet whenever we see a Jedi die from nameless characters, the Jedi are always vastly outnumbered..
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Post by Kurgan »

If you consider 6-1 or 2-1 by Stormtroopers to be "vastly outnumbered" then you're right...

Then again Plo Koon was in a ship and that one chick who dresses like Adi Gallia was on a speeder bike.
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee

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