This is one case of both which I actually wrote down immeditately afterwards, simply because of its long and coherent nature. There's a few sentences where I lost track of the specific phrasing, but asides from that it's all verbatim:
He recalled none of this later.While napping, David seems to wake up partially when asked if he wants some food brought from Wendy's. He says 'yes' and seems to go back to sleep for a minute. It is 7:30 PM when he speaks up again.
DAVID: *Sits up and looks at me* "does it work?"
Does what work?
DAVID: "The thing."
*Pause* What 'thing'?
DAVID: "The thing... with the add-on. The add-on. Does it work?" *Looks away at nothing*
*Long pause* I don't know what add-on you're talking about.
DAVID: "...The machine with the coins and things-" *Interrupts himself, annoyed* "Oh, fuck!"
There's no machines or coins, David.
DAVID: *Slumps back and closes eyes*
I open up Notepad a few seconds later and begin typing.
DAVID: "What are you doing there right now? Leave me alone."
So um, anyone else got any stoires about talking in one's sleep?