Do you swear more online or off?

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Do you swear more online or off?

Online, motherfucker.
About the same.
32% said a bad word...
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Do you swear more online or off?

Post by Lagmonster »

I have to admit that my swearing vocabulary, not to mention ability, has increased with exposure to Offline, I rarely swear at all, and certainly never when in public. Online, everything's better with genital references. Must be the false sense of anonymity.

How about you? More on, more off, about the same, or not at all?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

More or less the same, I think, for the most part.
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Post by Ravencrow »

About the same. But when I swear offline, I'm more 'colorful'.
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Post by Pezzoni »

I've never really performed an objective comparision, but I suspect in similar ammounts on and offline. (Disregarding forums where 'crap' is a banned word).
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Post by Alferd Packer »

I don't swear that much during the day, because I'm at work, and I do have at least a mild sense of professionalism, and I tend not to talk on the train home, but after that, I make it a point to drop as many C-bombs around small children as I can.

Online I use my "at home" or "swearing in front of small children" voice.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I've been noticing that I rarely swear nowadays on-line except maybe in the venting thread so off-line takes the trophy.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I swear less, but then I'm a sailor, and I have to keep up apperences in real life.

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Post by Sriad »

I'm not sure how to respond... I swear most when playing games (sometimes online)... "Cock-shitting fuck GOD that cunt minotaur was ALREADY DEAD, fucking how does that shit happen?!"
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Post by D.Turtle »

I swear more offline than online.

Why? Because in Germany its relatively normal to use "swear words" while talking with each other.

Online I don't write that much (just look at my post count), and when I do I always put some effort into formulating what I am trying to say, so that it doesn't sound offensive.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

I'm about the same in terms of how much I swear. Though I swear far better offline than online, much like good comedy, it's all in the timing and delivery. :wink:
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Post by Zac Naloen »

Pretty much the same, i say fucking every other word whether i'm online or offline.
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Post by Mange »

More offline, but I don't swear a whole lot.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I'd say more offline. Lots of RL instances where I get frustrated with something and let loose, although half of those instances involve using a computer at one point.
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Post by RedImperator »

Probably more offline. I use "Goddammit" as a verbal punctuation mark in the real world. I can turn it off when I need to be professional, but otherwise, I come from a family of cussers and I intend to keep that tradition alive (one grandfather was a drill sergeant, the other was a carpenter, father was a sailor--I learned from the best).
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Post by General Zod »

More or less the same. I generally won't swear unless I'm pissed or it's just casual conversation where swearing simply isn't a big deal. I typically won't swear around people I don't know or have just met though, if I'm wanting to make a good impression.
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Post by Sun Wukung »

There arn't very many words like the English 'swearing' in the Chinese language and it is hard to find equivalents for them. There are some words which express similar concepts.[url=web]this is what I'm talking about[/url] I sometimes drop these in real life aka offline. It makes it easier to do without people understanding you.
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Post by Edi »

I definitely swear more online. Offline I do use some swearwords as sort of punctuation for speech rather regularly, but not when I need to keep up appearances or act professional. Excessive swearing in speech just detracts from the impact. At least it does in Finnish.

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Post by Joe »

I swear a lot more here, but I do it a lot in real life as well. My whole family swears like sailors - you should see the judgmental looks we get.

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Post by Lazarus »

I don't tend to swear online, but I tend to in general speech. It's more as a part of my standard vocabulary than designed to be offensive usually.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Same same, for the most part. I never swear in front of my parents (just something I do, it's not a rule or anything), but most any other time I'm known to drop some lively language in at my leisure.
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Post by Infidel7 »

I never swear. Goddamnit.
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Post by J »

About the same which is to say almost never.
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Post by aerius »

I swear quite a bit more in real life, but my online swearing is of better quality since I have time to type out and string the words together for best effect. It should be noted that if you work with the assholes I work with, and you knew that you couldn't be diciplined or fired, you'd cuss like hell too.
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Post by Surlethe »

I probably drop more low-level swear words offline, but online, I'm more liberal in my use, and far more colorful. My best compositions online far and away outstrip anything I could put together on the spur of a moment, largely because I rarely use anything more than "goddamnit", "sonuvabitch", and "fuck" in real life, and those usually as punctuation more than anything else -- e.g., *drop the bar of soap in the shower* "goddamnit."
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Post by Hawkwings »

J wrote:About the same which is to say almost never.
same here. I don't swear that much offline. Online, most places will ban me if I swear. Although I don't think I swear that much here anyways...
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