So are you saying that after having civilian farmers and workers getting sniped at and machinegunned; after having fishing and patrol boats fired upon by the Syrians; and after having several towns shelled and one leveled by artillery fire that the Israelis were supposed to do absolutely nothing? Are you really saying that the Israelis are supposed to just sit there and pretend nothing is happening while their citizens are getting attrited away by Syria when there is no declaration of war that would account for these things?Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Israel, through acts of terrorism, took land that wasn't theirs and that they had no legitimate claim to for religious purposes. Of course they were the aggressors.
Why is it that the Syrian Army can kill civilians all they want and you don't sem to find any fault with that, but as soon as the IDF responds to these acts of aggression it is "terrorism"? That presents a very one-sided view of things, you know...
Remember that there was no war declared by Syria, and even if there was why would that excuse the killing of civilians? Isn't that what you accuse Israel of doing? You realize that you are excusing and condoning Syrian Army attacks on Israeli civilians while condemning IDF attacks on those Syrians? Are you no longer trying to present an objective argument and taking a side openly, then?
Well, in regards to the West Bank and Gaza Strip I agree with you, if you read my post in "Mike Wong's Israel Bashing" where Mike and myself both outline plans that involve Israel pulling out of the Territories and getting out of the way of a Palestinian state. The Settlements have no moral legitimacy at all.Fine, take the land. That's not what bothers me. But when you take the land, you make it part of Israel and treat the occupants like citizens of Israel. Don't refer to it as the Occupied Terrotories, build Settlements and roads that go around Palestinian towns and cut them off, indiscriminately kill civilians and bulldoze homes, etc.
Their status now is not the question, the example I gave was to indicate that an emergent nation offered to share the land and it was placed before international vote which the Palestinians thumbed their noses at; the people of India, the Americas, Australia and South Africa never got any such hearing or opportunity to control the emergent power.Native Americans have greater rights than you and me, not fewer!
And then the Jews returned and began to purchase the land legally from absentee Ottoman landlords and local Arabs. The Jews also came and initiated Squatter's Rights of their own.It doesn't matter who was there first! The Jews left a long time ago. Ever heard of Squatter's rights?
Palestine was a region of the Levant where an undefined 'nation' of people lived-- a tribal nation rather than nation as we understand it today with recognized and ratified borders,a flag, an army, a government, etc... the Jews showed up and ntended to form an actual nation in the sense reognized by the Western world.
It was an alien notion to introduce to the Middle East but their initial steps were valid and the UN partition plan reflected the legal purchases of Jews that had been trickling into the region since the 1700-1800's.
What is a Palestinian civilian who packs a bomb into a supermarket? What is a Palestinian civilian that guns down kids at a bus stop and then runs into a crowd of more Arab civilians to escape return fire? What are the Arab civilians that not only hide the terrorist in their ranks but also supply him and paint glorious pictures of him and sing praises of him after he is dead?How many times have Arab civilians been attacked by the IDF? Why are the Arabs chastised so much for defending their people?
It is not that they defend their own people-- they "defend" their people by attacking Isralie civilians, and then hide among their own peoplel and wail and moan the barbarity when the Israelis counter-attack. They, the Palestinians who engage in terror and support terror, are the ones who want to be able to attack on whim but never suffer any consequences; to have their cake and eat it too.
When is a house not a house anymore but a bomb factory, a political indoctrination point, a safe house for fleeing bombers or a sniper bunker? What about a situation where a Palestinina family is living in a house and accepts the prescence of Hamas snipers operating off their roofs? Even gives them food and shelter?Furthermore, "defending yourself from attack" is a far cry from bulldozing homes, firing rockets into residential zones, planting bombs in neighborhoods, firing on rock-throwing 10 year olds, and violating more treaties and conventions, most of which they signed, than in other nation in history.
The terrorists endanger the lives of their own people, or the people willingly volunteer to act as meat armor-- why does this not draw your ire? Is it just and moral to do this? Again, are Isrealis supposed to sit and do nothing while snipers pick them off one by one or bombers attack their civilian busses? Just because the Pals fortified themselves in a civilian home, knowingly endangering the homeowners?
The Arabs that stayed in Israel and became citizens and lived normal lives, they got their rights to vote, run in the Knesset, and evn field candidates for Prime Minister. It's happened many times. There are several Arab MKs in the Israeli Parliament. These are the ones that stayed in and obeyed the laws like citizens.Maybe not, but the killing had. When you have refugees that should be full citizens, that's saying a lot.
The ones that didn't follow the laws and engaged in political violence were considerd "terrorists" just as they would be in any other country. What would a country be that bowed to the whim of every single loon with a gun or a bomb?
I have already agreed with you on this; the Israelis need to pull out the Settlements and return to the 1967 border (or some semblance thereof in agreement with a Palestinian gov't of some sort). But on the other hand, you also have to realize that many Palestinians really are engaing in acts of terror and they must be reigned in as much as the Settlers do.Yet the ones in the Occupied Territories can't vote, have free access to water, or get up each day without fearing that they may be gunned down by the IDF or have their home bulldozed without compensation. You're pointing to the minority living within Israel and shouting "See! Israel treats Arabs great," when the oppression has always been in the Occupied Territoes.
Somre of the Palestinian groups are not just seeking liberation for the WB and GS, they seek to destroy al the Jews and have said so out loud. Hezbollah is one such group-- surely you don't advocate rewarding these types with citizenship and clemency?
Many of thehost governments insisted that it was unsafe to return to Israel and that the Arabs that remained in Israel's borders were going to be slaughtered. When this didn't happen, the Arab gov't kept the Pals in camps in squalid conditions to use as a reason to inflame world opinion and justify maintaining huge armies for internal suppression.When the attack failed, why didn't these refugees go back to their homes if the only reason they left was because the Saudis told them to?
They're not so much "accidents" (nor are they passed off as such in Israeli media) but conscious choices of the terrorists to involve their own families and friends into the line of fire. It's as if US Army soldiers brought their wives and kids into the battlefield with them only to wail and moan about 'terrorism' when the enemy shoots at them.You're acting like the IDF even tries to minimize civilian casualties. Why isn't anyone ever punished for these "accidents"?
When was the lat time you ever heard of a Palestinian terrorist attacking an Israeli Army camp? It almost never happens-- but they intentionally seek out civilian bus stops, hotel lobbies, dance clubs, and restaurants.
The June 2001 bombing of the Dolphinarium dance lub in Tel-Aviv killed several 14 year old schoolgirls. Was that a legitimate military strike by brave Palestinian warriors in the field of battle? Are the Israelis supposed to just say, "Oh, well, shit happens" and forget about it?
Don't preach about the asymmetery of forces. Why were guerrillas, lightly armed, able to drive out the French and Americans from Vietnam, and the Soviets from Afghanistan-- all without once resorting to terrorist car bombings in Chicago, Kiev, or Lyons?
Well, Vietnam wasn't a "war" and neither was Korea, but there sure was an awful lot of shooting and killing going on. If that isn't a war, what is?A war, eh? So that means the Occupied Territories are sovereign nations, then?
But the terrorists get to kill all they want without trials, then?Targeting civilians on purpose, like the terrorists do, is okay; but hitting them incidentally like the IDF does is evil?This isn't a war, and the terrorists aren't soldiers.... and the IDF has no business shooting people with no trial.
It's acceptable for the terrorists to take out their frustrations of a pack of 14 year old girls-- you seem to accept that without a second thought-- but the IDF retaliations that result are suddenly evil if a terrorist's human shield also gets killed?
And if the terroists aren't soldiers, then that means that they do not fall within the Geneva Convention protocols either. Are you sure you want to make that argument?
You must be a true pacifist, then. That paltry airstrike was nothing compared to what we could have done this whole time; technically the UN Coalition has every right (maybe even the obligation) to resume Operation Desert Storm should any treaty condition be violated. We've let him violate the treaty for 11 years-- why do you condone just letting him walk?If the airstrike during the Clinton administration is your idea of restraint, I'd hate to see what you consider aggression.
It came up; I'll drop it if you will. Admittedly it is not particularly germane.And I still don't know why we are talking about this. What's it got to do with this discussion?
Golly gee, you're right, we should just let this guy violate treaties left and right and kill anyone he feels like so long as they aren't Americans. That's plenty moral.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Great. Now all he needs is a big ass railgun and he can start shelling the U.S. in no time .Coyote wrote:The inspectors found mustard gas artillery shells last week.
I'm sorry, weren't you just all over Israel for violating treaties and killing people? Why is it perfectly acceptable for Saddam but not Israel? I'd personally like all three groups (Iraq, Pals, Israel) to behave properly but you cut Iraq a lot of slack and brush it off as a non-issue-- but, by God, Israel better toe the fucking line, huh!
I could say the same thing about the Palestinians.... why is it than when an Arab state acts badly it gets a shrug but when Israel acts badly it's nuking time?But it's none of our business, unlike an attack on us.