Greatest intro movies ever?

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Post by Jade Falcon »

Stark wrote:Was Fahrenheit that magic chroma murder thing? That intro was pretty neat.
The one you stab someone in the restroom of a diner? If that's the one you mean, yes.

It was the combination of the intro with the right mood setting music that did it for me.
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The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
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Post by Erik von Nein »

Jade Falcon wrote:
Stark wrote:Was Fahrenheit that magic chroma murder thing? That intro was pretty neat.
The one you stab someone in the restroom of a diner? If that's the one you mean, yes.

It was the combination of the intro with the right mood setting music that did it for me.
I thought it was called "Indigo Prophecy"?
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Post by Molyneux »

Off the top of my head:

The Onimusha series, especially 1 and 3. Oh, jeez, the AWESOME of that opening cannot be denied...

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. The rrrrip when Raziel was de-wingified...*shudder*
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Post by Jade Falcon »

Erik von Nein wrote:I thought it was called "Indigo Prophecy"?
Oh aye, it's called Indigo Prophecy in the US, Fahrenheit in the UK.
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The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.
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Post by Jalinth »

Emperor of the Fading Suns.

While a flawed game, the opening really set the seen well.

I wish they'd come out with another game in that universe that actually worked properly (one faction was fatally flawed and the game became unplayable after about turn 150 or so due to the sheer number of calculations and moves needed by the computer)
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I've always liked Fallout's intro, along with Fallout 2's. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, Chrystalis, and Phantasy Star IV all has a classic intros.

DoW's is rather cool, but Mark of Chaos's FMV trumps it like a thumb jammed in your eye socket. More purposeful stuff happens with better weight and style.
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Post by Noble Ire »

I really appreciated the fact that the openers of both Halo and Halo 2 were more than simple animated combat segments, as many FPS end up using. Of course, they were both also split up by the tutorial play sequences, but in both cases I think one could count each section as being part of the whole intro.

I also really enjoyed the intro animations for Starcraft: Brood War and Diablo 2.
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Post by Gandalf »

Red Alert 2.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Augh, how could I mention Mech 2 and forget MechWarrior 4's?!

And yes, Spanky hit the nail on the head, Stark. And I would argue you have problems, so nyaaah.
DoW's is rather cool, but Mark of Chaos's FMV trumps it like a thumb jammed in your eye socket. More purposeful stuff happens with better weight and style.
If we're not limiting outselves to released games, and assuming the very likely possibility the trailer for MoC is also the intro, then MoC should win on account of being godlike. The first time I watched it I had to do a doubletake to make sure it was full CGI.
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Post by Civil War Man »

I always liked the KOTOR 1 intro, mostly because it is a quintessential Star Wars-type intro. Opening crawl, pan down to a planet, ship being attacked flies in from offscreen, then takes a few direct hits and starts spinning out of control.

It's almost required for anything Star Wars-related.
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Post by Vendetta »


It's a 13 minute long mini sci-fi adventure, with intrigues and spaceships and everything.

It is God of Intros, even to this day (And slightly edges the 15 minute Outcast intro, due to having spaceships and explosions and such.
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Post by Stark »

The I-war intro had the coolest Federation President ever. He makes secret decisions in super elevators and talks smack to his advisors! :D
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Post by Lord Insanity »

Apparently Starcraft has the love but what about Diablo 2.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Stark wrote:The I-war intro had the coolest Federation President ever. He makes secret decisions in super elevators and talks smack to his advisors! :D
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Post by Vympel »

Another vote for the I-War intro.

Fallout and Fallout 2 have good intros, as does Mechwarrior 2 and the original Mechwarrior Mercenaries.
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Post by ThatGuyFromThatPlace »

Style: Fallout 2
runner up: Fallout 1
Honorable Mention: Deus Ex (but only becasue its the best game in the history of games)

Bad Arsery: C&C: Generals, but only that one part where its like
Great Leaders resolve their conflicts with words... Words like *crappy, and yet rockin' at the same time music begins* Scud Launcher...Tomahawk Missile... etc.
runner up: Rise of Legends
Honorable Mention: the relatively unknown Conquest: Frontier Wars

Best Intro of All Time: Starcraft Brood Wars
Runner Up: RA2
Honorable Mention: Rise of Legends (again)
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Post by Stark »

Man, the Fallout 2 intro is a pale imitation of the Fallout intro. And Deus Ex? Are you crazy?
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

My favorite intro of all time is the one to Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen. Anyone remember that one?
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Post by Agent Fisher »

I must second Brood War, that was nice. And Metal Gear Solid Three, sure there was a lot of talk, but I love the whole bit of Snake HALO jumping out of that AC-130.
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Post by Davis 51 »

Metroid Prime 2
Full Throttle's 2D intro is still hilarious. When Ben rides over the limo, the music was perfect.
Battlefield intro's are the only thing I really enjoyed out of the series, but damned if 1942's music wasn't perfect.
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Post by GuppyShark »

Privateer. I loved how the arrogance of the space cops quickly turned to pleading after the Privateer pwn3d them. Also, FF missiles!
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Post by Sephirius »

Resident Evil Outbreak= awesome opener.
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

- StarCraft: Brood War
- Warcraft III
- Diablo II
- Battlefield 1942
- Battlefield Vietnam
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
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Post by Hawkwings »

oh wow, how could I forget Diablo 2? Maybe it's because I haven't played it in so long... yeah...

I always loved the Diablo2 movies. So real, and yet, so fake... And really REALLY scary when you're playing Diablo 2 at 1 AM and the only light source is your computer.
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Post by Stofsk »

Diablo 2's movies were nice... up until you realise the whole Marius plot has absolutely NOTHING to do with what YOU'RE doing, and at the end it's all for naught anyway (meaning there's like 30 minutes of movies all up that serve no useful purpose).
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