Cue nightmare of an afternoon.
The build went okay, aside from me plugging the floppy cable in upside down (the cable was keyed, as was the drive, except the drive was keyed top
and bottom

) and positioning the DVD drive in the wrong place so that the eject button didn't work. Miraculously I manage to avoid getting thermal transfer compound on the motherboard, as I've done on my last two builds, being the fool I am. I then got the SATA drivers loaded (with the floppy drive over which there was doubt

), and began installation.
The installer starts the initial file copy... And freezes. Reboot, try again with a different CD. Same story. Tear out hair. Try again. Wonder if it could be bad RAM - remove one stick. The installer sticks at an even earlier point. Remove this stick, and try the other. Installer completes the first part successfully! I have a little party, and then realise that it has locked up. Again. Try running the installation once more, and it locks up where it was doing so before again, so my success appears to have been a fluke.
I then download the Microsoft RAM checking tool: it doesn't bring up any errors on the first stick. Adding the second as well however, causes it to test about 1/4 of the way, and then reboot. Ad Infinitum. Taking that stick out, and running the extended test still doesn't produce a failure, but runs extremely slowly, and seems to get stuck on a specific memory address range (004de000-1fff0000).
Unfortunately I have no other DDR2 RAM to test with, but it appears that the RAM or Motherboard is buggered. I shall RMA it tomorrow, and see what happens with it's replacement: if it gives no improvement, then I assume the problem is the Motherboard, which will I guess require me to disassemble the whole Shuttle, and ship it back. Which will not be fun.
Can anyone see where I might have missed anything? Processor temperatures seem to have peaked at about 38 degrees, the DVD drive seems to be working fine (and the installer doesn't honk when I open and close it when it's locked up), so that can probably be discounted. I've tried various different install CD's, all with the same effect, so I'm kind of at a loss, unless the problem is what I've described above!
Thanks for any ideas.