Sean Mulligan wrote:Italy and North Africa were sideshows.
Tell that to the D-Day Dodgers who slogged along in the mud of Italy, suffering heavy casualties while Normandy got all the publicity.
As for your link by Mr Margolis where he says:
The Luftwaffe lost most of its warplanes and its best pilots in the East.
Utterly wrong.
The Luftwaffe was completely eviscerated and the majority of its pilots killed by the Mighty Eighth's bomber gunners or fighter escorts.
People who survived fighting on the eastern front came back home to fly "Defense of the Reich" missions, and they were killed in the daily grind of fighting off the Mighty Eighth.
As for your beloved Red Army; guess what? It couldn't have moved so far so fast after Kursk to the borders of Germany by 1945 if it weren't for the tens of thousands of trucks that the US shipped to the USSR by lend lease, allowing them to mechanize large parts of their army while still concentrating their heavy industry on cranking out tank after tank.
Likewise, VVS dominance was ensued by the shipment of 100+ octane aviation gasoline by the US, which allowed Soviet aircraft to perform better than the Luftwaffle, who were restricted to about 87~ or so octane gasoline.
The Germans sent only about twenty five divisions there while two hundred and fifty divisions were fighting on the Eastern Front.
Germany never had 250 divisions on the Eastern Front. The maximum total was 195 divisions, which was reached in February 1943. By the end of 1943, it was down to 176 divisions.
In the beginning of '43, 75 divisions were being wasted in various places like in France, Norway, the Balkans, North Africa, etc defending against the Anglo-Americans, or the threat of an Anglo-Americna Landing. That's 27% of the Wehrmacht's manpower simply being expended in merely guarding against the possibility of the Allies making a move elsewhere.
By the end of '43, the Allies were drawing 87 divisions, or 32% of the Wehrmacht's strength away, and Germany was forced for the first time to actually have to split her forces between two major fronts; Italy and the Eastern Front.
By December 1944, 115 divisions, or 46% of the Wehrmacht was facing the Western Allies; with Germany squeezed on three sides, from the West and South by the Anglo Americans, and from the East by the Soviets.
Also, what biological warfare against Germany?
Pre-war, there were only 1,000 or so Tularemia cases in the entire Soviet Union yearly; in 1942 alone, the Germans recorded over 100,000 cases of tularemia. Then in 1943, the Tularemia count went back to 1,000 or so cases. I suggest you read "Biohazard" by Ken Alibek. I've probably gotten the exact numbers wrong, but the huge disparity is correct. Where did this tularemia outbreak come from?
Same thing happened with German horses. The Soviets deliberately released Glanders; which killed off large numbers of the German pack horses and other draft animals. The Germans didn't notice this because they attributed it to the German horses not being able to withstand the harshness of the ostfront.
Stalin would not have wnated to drop a bomb on Berlin in 1945. His troops in the heart of Germany and they would have been harmed by the blast. Also, Stalin wanted to capture Hitler alive and he would not have destroyed Berlin's remaining industrial equipment that could be sent to the Soviet Union as reparations.
In 1945, everyone thought of the Atom Bomb as a really Big Bomb. Radiation was something that wasn't mentioned much.
And do you think Stalin cared about his troops? Nah. They were just cogs in the machine to gain him ultimate glory by seizing Berlin before the Western Allies at a bloody price.
As for capturing Hitler alive?...Stalin really doesn't care at this point. He's looking towards the future, and the eventual showdown with the Western Allies. Getting Herr Schicklegruber alive is a nice bonus, but not really necessary.
Secondly, if Stalin was so worried about destroying Berlin's remaining industrial equipment, why did he have the city shelled relentlessly with thousands of guns, and then fought for block for block?
Finally; to actually destroy Berlin totally, you need at least 12 Fat Man type atomic bombs.