Hair Length

OT: anything goes!

Moderator: Edi

How long is your hair?

Poll ended at 2006-09-16 06:11pm

0-1 cm
2-3 cm
3-4 cm
4-5 cm
>5 cm
Total votes: 86

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Post by Utsanomiko »

Forty-three centimeters.

Spanky's right, the poll options are silly. Everything is either some degree of buzzcut/90th percentile or a vague 'everyone who doesn't have a crue cut'.
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Post by J »

To the top of my shoulders, whatever that is. I think a rough guess would be maybe 20-25cm.
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Post by loomer »

I keep mine at a lovingly maintained two feet.
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Post by Fleet Admiral JD »

I try to keep it buzzed around 2 cm.
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Post by Surlethe »

Right now, it's probably about three inches long. I'm going to get a haircut soon, though; it's starting to get too unwieldy. When I get a haircut, I take my hair down to just over an inch, and because it's so thick, it stands up straight.
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Post by Rin »

Ponytail goes about 40+cm... Haven't had haircut after army, trying to see how long it grows before I get annoyed enough with it.

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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

I dunno... something like four centimeters. I need it cut though, owing to the fact that I have slightly receding hair and long hair just makes me look like a younger Bill Bailey.

To compare: Once scruffy and long. Before my hair started receding noticibly.

Now it looks sort like this, and that's tidied up a bit. If it blows around and stuff it looks worse. So a big bleh.

So now I kinda have it like this most of the time, looks tidier and strangely makes it appear as though I have more hair than if I grow it out.

Um... possibly more information than any of you needed, but... meh... :)
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Post by SCRawl »

I cut my own hair, and keep it between roughly 3 mm and 10 mm. Letting it grow out only enhances the fact that I'm pretty bald. I've gone right down to the wood, but something about that just doesn't feel right.
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Post by phred »

i like my hair short on the sides, somewhre around 1cm. and long on top, its currently in the 6-7 range, but i just got it cut about a week ago. i usually go around3 months between haircuts
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Post by Tasoth »

Down to my nipple/small of my back with some nice big half curls/waves towards the end. Unfortunately, this'll suffice until I can get to a tape measure.
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Post by atg »

Mine alternates between 1cm and ~6cm depending on when I can be bothered about getting it cut.
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Post by Alerik the Fortunate »

Currently about 4 cm. I shave it all, grow it out to about 10 cm, and repeat. The sideburns are currently around 5 cm.
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Post by wilfulton »

I'm in the army, so I have to keep my hair short. I cut it to about 1 cm and let it grow the rest of the week.

I put 0-1, but now that I think about it, maybe 1-2 would be a better answer.
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Post by Metatwaddle »

My hair is about 40 cm long, I suppose? It's very fine and it easily breaks and splits, or else it would be quite a bit longer.
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Post by thejester »

Probably just over 5cm - if I pull a curl down it'll reach past my nose.
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Post by Pezzoni »

Shoulder length, so probably about 20-30cm.
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Post by Turin »

In high school I started wearing my hair long, like 30cm or so if you pulled it straight. But I have really thick and coarse hair that makes big ringlets as it gets long, and it always felt warm and heavy. Sometime in college my buddies dared me to cut off my hair and I never looked back. I had a shaved head for a little bit but people told me I looked scary (how, I have no idea... I'm a little guy). So now it's buzzed to about 1cm or so, growing to a little less than 2cm in between cuts.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

I guesstimate 35 +/- 5 cm.
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Post by RogueIce »

Assuming the "number 1, 2, 3, etc." things on clippers are in centimeters, I usually sport about 1cm along the sides and back and 3cm along the top. Though I did get it cut to 1/2cm at Knox (and whatever the length of the top was, they never did tell me) and I rather liked it that way. As soon as I get my ID card I'll just get the "standard military cut" on base (then again, since all I have is an AFB here, that may be longer then I had before :) ). It's cheaper and I like the way it looks.

(I know it'd be cheaper to do it myself, but the last time I tried that it ended up...badly. So now I'll just pay 8 bucks for the people at MacDill to do it)
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Post by Vendetta »

RogueIce wrote:Assuming the "number 1, 2, 3, etc." things on clippers are in centimeters
Multiples of 3mm. At least they are over here.

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Post by Wyrm »

57 cm or thereabouts. It doesn't seem to want to get any longer.
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