Where in the hell this "info" [The word is "information"]was taken from? Do you really believe Acclamator being [color]["is" would be a much better word.][/color] a superweapon? No evidence in [the] films ( both Original Trylogy [Trilogy ffs.] and New Episodes) proves such technical specs of turbolaser cannons. In fact a 200 gigaton explosion would oblitarate a major continent in a single blow, and the resulting ecjsystem [I'm not even going to guess what that word is.] destruction will eventually end life existence on such planet [With a bit or rearranging that might even make sense...then again, we do all know about a BDZ anyway...]. If the turbolaser [is] THAT powerful - whats the need to build a Death Star?Heavy guns: 2.4 million megatons (200 gigatons per shot from each turret, 12 turrets)
And if the turbolasers were that powerful - why didn't imperials oblitarate asteroid in which Millenium Falcon went hiding ( Episode 5)?
Facts seem to be that turbolaser bolt impact could be maximum half a scale of Hiroshima bomb explosion if count explosive power. Enough to destroy a small city or oblitarate a planet in prolonged ( even days of bombardment by one ISD) bombing, not to execute exterminatus in several or even one hit...
It's doubtful that storntroopers body-armour could stand against modern firearms because imperial armour was made to resist energy-weapons hits, not physical damage. We saw AT-ST destroyed by two beams ( not laser baems but wooden ones) in Episode 6, while the modern BTR wuold easily resust [resist, the word my friend is "resist".] such attacks...Furthermore, stormtrooper armour is capable of stopping small-arms fire, thus making anything smaller than a grenade launcher useless.