Perversions of the Force comments

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Post by Kuja »

Coyote wrote:(Coyote lugs out a 55-gallon drum of KY jelly, lays out a "Twister" game mat and puts on a rubber cheetah suit)

[sultry voice]Kelly... Iggy... I'm ready to... negotiate...[/sultry voice]
Ditch the Cheetah suit and I'll put you in. :D

Seriously, I know you want to get in the story. I promise you'll show up in a few chapters' time. :wink:
Ted wrote:Since when are Iggy and Coyote bi?
Few years now, for me.
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Post by Kuja »

The bridge was dark, and only emergency lights were glowing. Consoles
sparked where they had been damaged during the Darkstar's wild trip. A
hand streaked with blood and ash from burning circuits reached up and
grasped the top of one console. Tim Jones, his other hand holding his
gashed forehead, pulled himself to a standing position. He looked around
the bridge as other crew members came to, several pulling themselves up,
several remaining prone. "Scooter?" he asked. The answer came in the
form of a grunt and several words unbecoming of an officer. Jones turned
to see his XO shoving a tipped chair off of himself and standing. He
seemed uninjured. The two men exchanged nods and Tim staggered back to
his own chair. "Sing out," he said as he sank into it. "Let me hear






The rest of the bridge crew reported in. "All right, gentlemen. Let's
pull it together. Azeron, see if you can raise San Francisco. Mr.
Kennedy, get our star charts running and figure out where the hell we
are. Clark, get me a bearing and speed. If anyone's console is busted,
try using a lesser one. You've got five minutes. Scooter, give me a
hand-" Anderson pulled Jones to his feet. "The Commander and I are going
to check out the rest of the ship. Mr. Treder, you have the conn."

"Yes sir," said the Lt. Commander with spiky blond hair. The two men
went into the turbolift and disappeared behind the sliding doors.

Alyrium charged, fist cocked to deliver a heavy blow, but Xalev ducked,
grabbed his arm, and flipped him onto his back. The pilot let out an
inarticulate noise of anger, flipped over, stood and charged again, both
hands out to choke the little Chadra-fan. This time, Xalev grabbed
his wrists and pulled his arms into an X, checking Alyrium's progress.
He threw himself backward, pulling the larger man with him. As he did
so, Xalev drove both legs into Alyrium's midsection, flipping him onto
his back again. The pilot scrambled to his feet while Xalev rose
and dusted himself off. "Well?" the Chadra-fan asked in his chirping
voice. "Is that all?"

"I haven't even started," the pilot shot back, frustration seeping into
his voice. He ran at Xalev again, this time trying an uppercut. As his
arm lashed out, Xalev jerked his head back, letting Alyrium hit air. The
Chandra-fan grabbed the apprentice by the neck and side and threw him to
the ground. This time, Alyrium had to stop to wipe blood from his mouth.
"How?" he asked. He was thoroughly confused as to why he couldn't lay a
hand on the small creature.

"You're tense, I'm calm," Xalev replied. "You apply excessive force, I
redirect that force through fluid motion. You wear yourself out, leaving
me fresh and ready to finish you off." Xalev made a motion and a pair of
stormtroopers came forward. "Enough for today. Return to your cell and think about what you've learned."

As the three left, Xalev drew his lightsabers and held them at the waist
in a 45-degree angle. He stood in a heavily modified cat stance and
ignited the two half-length blades. He bowed to an imaginary opponent
and began his kata. It was smooth, fluid, exactly the way he'd fought
his apprentice. Occasionally, he spun the sabers, creating a beautiful
red sheen on his dark robes. As he finished, Xalev reholstered the
sabers and closed his eyes. Suddenly, something wet and squirming
dropped onto him from the ceiling! The heavy mass knocked the Chadra-fan to the floor and he let out a squeal, more of shock than any real fear. Then he grit his teeth as he realized the identity of his attacker.

"That's it," Shinova said softly. "Concentrate." Mya floated almost a
full two feet above the mat, eyes closed in meditation. Shinova, dressed
in her typical black Jedi-esque robes, stood several feet away from her.
Then, Mya frowned and began trembling. Finally, her concentration broke
and she fell back to the mat. "You're improving," Shinova said honestly.
"Try again."

"Yes milady," Mya said softly and situated herself on the mat again. As
she closed he eyes, she extended her senses to fill the room around her.
As she did, she couldn't help but feel the convoluted spiral of emotions
from her Mistress. Shinova, while hard-edged and cold on the outside,
also seemed to be filled with a deep sadness. Why, Mya couldn't guess.
"Lady Shinova?" Mya asked quietly.


She hesitated, not completely convinced she should actually do this.
*Here goes nothing,* she thought. "Tell me about yourself." The request
seemed to genuinely take Shinova by surprise and she arched an eyebrow.


"Because I'm interested."

Shinova, her curiosity piqued, came to sit before Mya. The taller woman
looked down at her apprentice. "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Where are you from?"

Shinova smiled slightly. "A small, out of the way planet called Tigris."

"What's it like there?" Mya was genuinely beginning to take an interest.

"A lot like Alderaan, if that means anything to you. Mostly grassy
plains and savannahs." Shinova went to rub her shoulder and Mya caught
the glint of something gold on her arm.

"What's that?"

"This?" Shinova pulled her sleeve up to reveal an bracelet which
spiraled around her upper arm like a snake. "A gift. From a friend."
Shinova's voice dropped and Mya knew she'd hit on something.


Shinova smirked. "Someone who meant something to me at one time." She
let the sleeve drop and Mya sensed that a window of opportunity had just
shut. "So, anything else you'd like to know or are we finished?"
Shinova's voice had taken on an air of irritatedness.

"Lady Shinova," Mya hesitated. This question could very well get her
killed, but she had to know. "Were you ever a Jedi?"

The blue-haired woman stared at Mya for a full five seconds before
suddenly rushing forward and grabbing Mya with both hands, pulling her
face towards hers, her expression furious. "Don't youeverassociate
me with those weak-willed fools," she threatened. "Ever! Do you
understand me?" Genuinely frightened, Mya nodded. Shinova released the
redhead, practically throwing her away. "Go. Return to your room and
stay there."

"Y...yes milady," Mya said shakily. She left the room, nearly running
out. Once she was alone, Shinova pressed her hands to her eyes, trying
to stop the flow of tears.

Mya nervously padded through the halls of theBeowulf,retracing the
path she'd taken to meet Shinova. The apprentices had been given free
reign in a relatively small area of the deck, but stormtroopers guarded
the exits and cameras watched to make sure they didn't get together at
all. Suddenly, Mya heard voices. She pressed herself up against a wall
to listen. "-on the ship," one was saying. It was a high-pitched, chirpy

"Just wanted...time...the ship," another said, almost too softly to be
heard. This one was a low-pitched, resonant voice.

"That's too bad," the chirpy voice continued in a stern tone. "You are
not part of the crew, nor are you an apprentice. Now, return to your
room and stay there."


"NOW." Mya heard a sigh. "And one other thing," the chirpy voice added.
"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will kill you. I don't care
whose plaything you are, you'll learn to treat a member of the Council
with respect. Understand?"

"Yes m'lord," the other voice growled. Mya heard a door hiss shut.

An irritated sigh floated around the corner. "Honestly, Yoshi's the one
who brought that... that... *thing* aboard. Why, I can't imagine, but
now I'm the one always shooing it back to its room. What do I look like,
a caretaker?" Another voice answered, too soft to be made out. "That's
not funny!" The chirpy one said, irritated. "If Yoshi would get off her
lazy rear end and keep that creature satisfied, I wouldn't be getting
dive-bombed!" The other voice said something. "I think YOU should tell
her. Hell, she respects me even less than that pet of hers, and I
actually-" The chirpy voice cut off as the other spoke. "Fine, fine," it
said. "Later."

Mya heard footsteps coming towards her. "Honestly," the voice grumbled.
"I'm a Council Member now, you think she'd show a little respect, but oh
no, not Yoshi. She's too good for that." The Chadra-fan rounded the
corner and nearly ran right into her. His eyebrows shot up. "What the?"
He leaped forward and grabbed the front of Mya's shirt, pulling her down
to look him in the eyes. "What are you doing? Explain yourself or you'll
have to answer to Xalev!"

"L...Lady Shinova dismissed me. I-I was walking back to my room," she
squeaked out, completely shocked.

"Ah, yes. Mya, isn't it?" She nodded. "Tell no one about what you've
heard, understand?" She nodded again. "Good. Now, go on." He released
her and turned away, thinking. When he realized she hadn't moved, he
glared up at her to see her staring at him. "What?" he demanded,
exasperated. "Haven't you ever seen a Chadra-fan before?" She nodded,
her gaze not wavering. "Then why are you staring at me?" Slowly, she
reached a hand down and rubbed it through his fur. Instantly, he felt
himself relax all over. "Hey, stop that," he said, not really wanting
her to. She reached around and slowly scratched him behind the ear. He
actually started purring.

A smile spread across her lips. She was glad he wasn't upset with her.
"You're so cute!" she said.

"" he said, only putting token resistance in his

She smiled, knowing he was just saying that. She ran a finger along his
ear and he shivered. "Yes, you are," she whispered.

He grumbled something in his own language and readjusted his robes. "You
need to get back to your room. I will escort you." She nodded and
removed her hand from his ear. "Nonononono," he said as he took her hand and placed it back on his ear. "Keep scratching right there." She began to scratch and he growled happily. "Yeah, that's it. Now, let's go."
Together they walked down the hall, Mya still scratching behind his ear.

A man stood in a darkened room, looking out at the Coruscant skyline.
Slowly, he took a drag on his cigarette. Behind him, another man entered
the room. "So, what's the story?" the newcomer asked.

"Cracken agreed to the meeting, just like I said he would," the first
man answered. His voice was low and rough. "How's Larz?"

"A little nervous, but he's holding himself together fairly well. You
sure about this?"

The man took another drag. "Well, it's a bit too late to be anything but
sure, don't you think?" He chuckled darkly.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Hmm the christmas chapter.
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Post by Ted »

Excellent, and Frank, it'd be the xmas chapter if it came out in two days. As it is, it'd be the final advent chapter.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Ted wrote:Excellent, and Frank, it'd be the xmas chapter if it came out in two days. As it is, it'd be the final advent chapter.
I guess since there won't be another one in 2 days this is the closes to xmas, therefor xmas-chapter.
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Post by NecronLord »

No Necronlord :(
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Post by Kuja »

Patience is a virtue......
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Post by XaLEv »

Woot, some action!

"You're tense, I'm calm," Xalev replied. "You apply excessive force, I
redirect that force through fluid motion. You wear yourself out, leaving
me fresh and ready to finish you off." Xalev made a motion and a pair of
stormtroopers came forward. "Enough for today. Return to your cell and think about what you've learned."
Is it just coincidence that this make me think of Waltz for Venus?
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Post by Kuja »

XaLEv wrote:Is it just coincidence that this make me think of Waltz for Venus?
Nope. I was hoping someone would catch the reference. *hands over cookie*
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I strike again, even though I'm not actually in this chapter! BWAHAHAHA! :twisted:
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

IG-88E wrote:
XaLEv wrote:Is it just coincidence that this make me think of Waltz for Venus?
Nope. I was hoping someone would catch the reference. *hands over cookie*
Yeah, I kinda meant to say "flow like water" somewhere. ;) Although, I wonder what Spike would think of a rat creature that could best him at Jeet.

(yes, I am not supposed to be online, especially here, but I just HAD to check out comments!)
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Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »

Kelly Antilles wrote:
(yes, I am not supposed to be online, especially here, but I just HAD to check out comments!)

Wassup babe!

(Hell, I'm not supposed to be online either!)
Believe in the sign of Hentai.

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Post by Zaia »

IG-88E wrote:
XaLEv wrote:Is it just coincidence that this make me think of Waltz for Venus?
Nope. I was hoping someone would catch the reference. *hands over cookie*
*chuckle* I caught that too and laughed when I read that part; Spike is so sexy during that part of that episode. Good reference. :wink:
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Post by Coyote »

Ted wrote:Since when are Iggy and Coyote bi?
I'm goin' after the girlies, so I was thinkin' that Kelly could be the Love Stuffin' in our Oreo of Lust.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

As the three left, Xalev drew his lightsabers and held them at the waist
in a 45-degree angle. He stood in a heavily modified cat stance and
ignited the two half-length blades. He bowed to an imaginary opponent
and began his kata. It was smooth, fluid, exactly the way he'd fought
his apprentice. Occasionally, he spun the sabers, creating a beautiful
red sheen on his dark robes. As he finished, Xalev reholstered the
sabers and closed his eyes. Suddenly, something wet and squirming
dropped onto him from the ceiling! The heavy mass knocked the Chadra-fan to the floor and he let out a squeal, more of shock than any real fear. Then he grit his teeth as he realized the identity of his attacker.
An irritated sigh floated around the corner. "Honestly, Yoshi's the one
who brought that... that... *thing* aboard. Why, I can't imagine, but
now I'm the one always shooing it back to its room. What do I look like,
a caretaker?" Another voice answered, too soft to be made out. "That's
not funny!" The chirpy one said, irritated. "If Yoshi would get off her
lazy rear end and keep that creature satisfied, I wouldn't be getting
dive-bombed!" The other voice said something. "I think YOU should tell
her. Hell, she respects me even less than that pet of hers, and I
actually-" The chirpy voice cut off as the other spoke. "Fine, fine," it
said. "Later."
Sounds suspiciously like a hentai tentacle demon. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
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Post by Kuja »

Darth Yoshi wrote:Sounds suspiciously like a hentai tentacle demon. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Zaia »

IG-88E wrote:
Darth Yoshi wrote:Sounds suspiciously like a hentai tentacle demon. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
LOL--ohhhhhhhhh boy...... Fun, fun times, they are a-comin'... :wink: :twisted: :D 8)
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

Zaia wrote:
IG-88E wrote:
Darth Yoshi wrote:Sounds suspiciously like a hentai tentacle demon. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
LOL--ohhhhhhhhh boy...... Fun, fun times, they are a-comin'... :wink: :twisted: :D 8)
You people are demented...I like that :)
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Kelly entered Wong's quarters, taking note that the stormtroopers took up guard outside the door as it closed behind her. She found him sitting on a mediation pad before the windows. "You sent for me?" she asked as she stood behind him, hands clasped together resting on the small of her back.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the pad beside him.

She sat crosslegged on the pad, facing the same direction as he was. Her mind wondered why he had summoned her so long after the test against Ignatius. Looking over at him, she saw his eyes were closed and his features relaxed. He was meditating. "I didn't think Sith meditated."

"So little do you know of the Sith." He paused for a moment before continuing. "You did well against Ignatius."

"I lost," she snorted. "I would think that would have made you upset."

"Your strength does not lie in your arms."

She cut her eyes towards him. How would he know what her strengths are?

"I am very surprised Aulduin didn't teach you to shield your thoughts better." He let his words sink in. Before she could reply, he continued. "Your strength is in your shield. If you concentrate all your power, you would be invincible."

"And give in to the dark side," she hissed. "That's what you really mean."

"You really do not understand. There is no light and dark. That is something people have placed in your head. The Force is what you make of it."

The words hit close to home. She had never thought there were two sides. If the Force is in all living things, how could there be two sides?

He sensed the growing conflict in her. "Go back to your room and mediate on this. When you are ready to learn more, return and I will teach you what you should have learned from Aulduin."

She nodded and stood, moving in a rather dream-like state towards the door. The door slid open as she approached. Stepping through, she never noticed the troopers as they took up station on either side of her, following her back to her room.

Ignatius watched from around the corner. He knew Kelly would never slip to the dark side. It wasn't her destiny. Then why was she leaving Wong's quarters? Especially with that dazed look upon her face? His brow furrowed for a moment, a movement he still marveled at since he'd taken this form. With a shrug, he moved to Wong's door and knocked.

The door slid open. He scanned the dark room, easily finding Wong's heat signature. Moving over to where the man sat, he dropped to the meditation pad beside him. Somewhere in his processors, he noted that the pad was warm. Kelly had probably been sitting there a short time ago. "Lord Wong, you wished to speak with me?" His voice was neutral.

"Do you know why Admiral Kanos chose you to be presented to me as a gift?" Wong's voice was level, yet honestly questioning.

"He believed I would be a welcome addition to your conclave."

Wong nodded approvingly. "And you are. I was quite impressed with your lightsaber technique against the Antilles woman. You've had no training, yet you bested a Jedi apprentice. That is no small feat."

Ignatius smiled coldly. "Thank you, Lord Wong."

They sat in silence before the younger man spoke. "Is the Dark side stronger?"

Wong smiled inwardly. "The Dark side can give you your heart's desire and more."

"So it is stronger."

This was quite amusing to Wong This one is after nothing more than power. "If that is how you wish to put it then yes, the Dark side is stronger."

Ignatius nodded and stood. "Thank you, Lord Wong. You have assisted me in making a decision."

Wong turned his head. "I have?"

"Yes. And for that, I thank you." He turned and headed for the door.

Kelly's mind battled the entire walk back to her room. There has to be a light and dark side, one half said. How else can you know what is good and what is evil.

But, the other side countered, Master Aulduin has always said that the Force is in all living things. How can it have sides when it is in everything?

Explain the Empire and the Rebellion.

That has nothing to do with this. That was a political war. This is about the Force.

How is it any different? It is two factions in the same space warring against each other.

But does that mean one side is stronger? Can they not be equal?

Id shrugged. Perhaps, but not from what I've read and seen. Remember, there was a prophecy about one who would bring balance to the Force. If someone was meant to balance the Force, how can it be in balance to begin with?

Ego huffed. That prophecy was fulfilled by Anakin Skywalker.

Was it? Are there truly as many Sith as there are Jedi?

Who says that is what the prophecy meant? A prophecy is meant to be vague. Perhaps Anakin's rise and fall and return was the balance?

Id snorted. You certainly have quite the imagination.

I thought that was your job, Ego laughed. And what about that stupid Jedi code? "There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force." I mean, you have to have emotion or I'd not exist. As well as passion. And death? That's part of life, isn't it?

Ah, but you must not forget the rest. "Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training." Do you not follow that?

Jedi are guardians of peace, yeah right. Since when?

There hasn't been a war since the breakup of the Empire.

But aren't Sith Jedi, as well?

Id had no reply. She wasn't sure exactly what a Sith was. Um...

HAH! Maybe, if we decide to train with Lord Wong, we can find out what a Sith is and be able to understand this more.

It's too dangerous. If there does turn out to be two sides, I'd rather not find out the hard way.

But don't you think it's worth the risk?

Her hand tapped the door panel. Left and right, yin and yang, back and forth, the two voices battled. Kelly stepped into the room then froze in the doorway. What if everything Aulduin had taught her was propaganda? She didn't really know exactly what a Sith was. Only one way to find out. She spun on her heels and headed back to Wong's quarters.

She nearly ran into Ignatius as he exited. Stepping back in surprise, she muttered, "Sorry." She looked at him coldly. What's HE doing here? she thought. Don't you have your own Master to take care of you? Go on, leave. Get out of here. Wong is mine.

He looked into her eyes as he passed. There was something that didn't seem right to him. He wished he could read her mind. Putting his theories in a special file, he continued past her.

Kelly huffed as the door closed behind her. She made her way to the meditation pad and sat beside Wong.

"Have you made up your mind?" His voice was serene, as if he knew the answer.

She put a determined look on her face. "Teach me."
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Post by Stormbringer »

An excellent chapter as always Kelly. I like the mental argument, very good. An all around well done chapter.
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Post by Ted »

Excellent chapter Kel, and Antillies falls :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Kuja »

Ted wrote:Antillies falls
Notquite..... :twisted:
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Hmmm very good new chapter
but again no me.... :(
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Post by SirNitram »

Sweetness as always!

Once one masters the duality of oneself, nothing is impossible...
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Hmmm very good new chapter
but again no me.... :(
Sorry Frank. We have to concentrate on the main characters every once in a while, you know. ;)
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