First was this development update last week from the executive producer: ... php?t=5556
a quick excerpt;
Then was this enormous interview that was originally done via podcast this weekend but has been transcribed (by myself! ugh): ... transcriptIn a few weeks, we’ll have the space combat refined to the point where we’ll have a basic set of skills, effects, damage model, AI, and cameras to the point where we can truly start to evaluate and refine our space combat model. Given that we can already log multiple players into a server and see each other in the game, having combat up and running means the we’ll be able to begin weekly team play sessions so everyone can get in on playing and refining the combat experience until it is something truly special. And while ground combat is also working at an early stage, we’re more focused on space combat at the moment because that’s where we see the most risk and opportunity.
An excerpt;
Game is coming along nicely it would seem, there's a lot to read but should be interesting if you've been following production.Daron: Well I can say that is our intention, there will be side missions that allow all players to engage in traditional profession based activities, but every player will be able to be involved in combat which is the basis of this game, though that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty of other non-combat activities, but moving through the game involves combat which is typical of most Star Trek games and when players get together and they play and they realise the different department functions, engineers might be supporting their party or crew with skills and abilities that relate to their department, same goes for medical and security and science, and then when they come back there will also be activities that are very department orientated and less combat orientated.