Awesome Bioshock video

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Awesome Bioshock video

Post by Vympel »

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Post by Mr Bean »

Extremly cool does not even begin to cover it. They scratched the surface so far, but lots of old System Shock 2 features are back, multi-role ammo. Diffrent weapons and @$@$ up enemies.

Oh and apprently the entire game takes place in a frigging underwater city that's in the proccess of drowning! @#$@$ COOL! Woohoooo! And the water effects... so shinny! Terminals to hack! AI robots to control! Mutations!(Rather than implants from SS2) and MISSION LOGS! Woohoo! (I LOVED the SS2 Mission logs, Doom 3 improved opon the idea, I'd like to see what they bring to the table)

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Post by Cincinnatus »

Man, this game looks awesome. I can't see myself killing the little mutant girls, so I’m glad you have the option not to do so.

Also, I tend to get freaked out easily while playing games like this, especially if I'm playing alone. Hell, I had a hard time playing through FEAR. Yeah, I know, I'm a pussy.
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Post by Vympel »

The original System Shock's (the CD version, with speech, of course) logs were a lot more immersive, IMO, than SS2s, but SS2s were still superb.

It still pisses me off how I can't run SS on my PC. It used to work, dammit.

I wish Irrational got the rights to System Shock and made a remake of the original. Ye gods that would be orgasmic.
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Post by Neko_Oni »

This game alone is going to justify my purchasing a 360. I'm currently playing through Shock2 (again), can't wait for this one.
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Post by Nephtys »

Screw 360. It's also coming out in PC. Hopefully the port will be just as good. I'm praying...
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

Embarassing admission time: I've had SS2 since about a year after it came out, and I still haven't finished it. Started it a bunch of times, only to get sidetracked by some new game or real life issues. Also tried the coop mode, which is very cool, but also quite buggy.
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Post by Vympel »

You should be ashamed of yourself. I've finished it multiple times. Including the ever popular "cheating my arse off" game.
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Post by Stark »

The lategame SS2 is fucking stupid, though - once you make it to rec it's all downhill. From 4 cybermodules per 'mission' to TWO HUNDRED per mission. What buildpoint system? :)

I just want to know if the base is flooding in realtime. If it is, that's it - this rules. Modern games will have finally caught up to Impossible Mission.
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Post by Neko_Oni »

What difficulty were you playing on? On the harder difficulties you hardly get any modules. In other news I can only play Shock2 for short periods before the gnawing paranoia gets the better of me, I hope BioShock is the same.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Stark wrote:The lategame SS2 is fucking stupid, though - once you make it to rec it's all downhill. From 4 cybermodules per 'mission' to TWO HUNDRED per mission. What buildpoint system? :)

I just want to know if the base is flooding in realtime. If it is, that's it - this rules. Modern games will have finally caught up to Impossible Mission.
I have a feeling that will not be the case, cool though it would be.
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Post by Karza »

Neko_Oni wrote:What difficulty were you playing on? On the harder difficulties you hardly get any modules.
IIRC the amount of modules you get is the same, but on harder difficulties you need far more for upgrades.
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Post by Neko_Oni »

IIRC the amount of modules you get is the same, but on harder difficulties you need far more for upgrades.
In any case at one point in the game you need to upgrade your Research skill, on the harder difficulties you do not recieve enough Modules to do this, so you have to have saved some up (an irritating oversight by the designers).
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Post by Stark »

Who left research until then? If you're talking about hydro, I already had enough research skill at that point. I've never played a combat-centric character, though, preferring techies and Jedi.
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Post by Dahak »

I really look forward to Bioshock. Looks very, very promising.
I just hope that there won't be any boring, repetetive mission parts like in SS2. The Cargo hold missions were really annoying me, with all the running up and down those corridors...
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Post by Neko_Oni »

Who left research until then? If you're talking about hydro, I already had enough research skill at that point. I've never played a combat-centric character, though, preferring techies and Jedi.
My point was that Modules are rarer/don't go as far on harder difficulties, not anything to do with Research per se, that was just an example.
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Post by Stark »

I'm trying to think of a reply that isn't 'no shit'. Doesn't change the fact that the whole buildpoint system of speccing your character is totally undermined by the late-game 'piles o' modules', even on the patched 'impossible' difficulty.

I'm kinda lost about Bioshock though. It's flooding, but not in realtime? Is it all scripted and shit? That's going to be pretty weak. I hope they've got a SS-style 'so hard there's a time limit' mode - nothing improves the tension than the knowledge you've only got three hours left. :)
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Stark wrote: I'm kinda lost about Bioshock though. It's flooding, but not in realtime? Is it all scripted and shit? That's going to be pretty weak. I hope they've got a SS-style 'so hard there's a time limit' mode - nothing improves the tension than the knowledge you've only got three hours left. :)
I didn't think Rapture was flooding in the sense of 'oh shit it's flooding we're all going to drown' only that the sea had leaked in on some parts. It could be, I don't know. If it is flooding slowly real time, then I'll drop dead; I'm already monstrously impressed by the supposed artificial ecosystem they've got going on.
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Post by Hotfoot »

You know, Stark's got a good point. I often play through games as THOUGH there were a time limit. When I first played Final Fantasy 7, I baffled all of my friends by skipping most of the sidequests. When they asked, I simply said "Look! End of the damn world! This isn't the time to make chocobos fuck like rabbits. If they do that on their own, fine, but I need to stop that freaking meteor!"

It would be nice if a game gave you more time limits on getting things done. Now, maybe not for the entire game, but in general. Maybe if you spend too much time dicking around, areas that you need to get to are now flooded, and you have to use special powers to get to it, or repair a pump to temporarily empty the room, or at least make it easier to navigate without, you know, drowning.

You could set the timer at something like, 60 hours until total destruction of the city. Combat that ends up breaking more points in the structure decreases the timer, repairs to said areas could increase it, and some scripted events lower it by larger amounts.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

I really hope there isn't a time limit in the game. Shit like that is why I gave up on Star Control 2 so quicly. I like to be able to take my time and explore a game at my own pace. I get enough deadlines in real life.
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Post by SAMAS »

Hotfoot wrote:You know, Stark's got a good point. I often play through games as THOUGH there were a time limit. When I first played Final Fantasy 7, I baffled all of my friends by skipping most of the sidequests. When they asked, I simply said "Look! End of the damn world! This isn't the time to make chocobos fuck like rabbits. If they do that on their own, fine, but I need to stop that freaking meteor!"
I always found that annoying, that the designers only want to put you on the really cool sidequests at the times when destruction was imminent.
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Post by Nephtys »

Stark wrote:I'm trying to think of a reply that isn't 'no shit'. Doesn't change the fact that the whole buildpoint system of speccing your character is totally undermined by the late-game 'piles o' modules', even on the patched 'impossible' difficulty.

I'm kinda lost about Bioshock though. It's flooding, but not in realtime? Is it all scripted and shit? That's going to be pretty weak. I hope they've got a SS-style 'so hard there's a time limit' mode - nothing improves the tension than the knowledge you've only got three hours left. :)
SS1 had VERY SPECIFIC difficulty settings. Time limit was part of the so-called 'Mission Difficulty' settings. Level 1 was 'all doors unlocked, no storyline'. Level 2 was 'full storyline and find the keys, etc'. And level 3 was 'full storyline, only you must beat the game in 4 hours'.

So well, if it's an option as part of the 'insane' difficulty or something, that's fine with me.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

BioShock looks really nice. That game alone might be worth a computer upgrade.

I can see how Irrational Games has learned lessons from System Shock 2. The reponse to alarms is immediate, not allowing the player time to camp somewhere. The most important lesson is that the best way to deal with enemies is to use ballistic weaponry with different ammo kinds, they got rid of the useless energy weapons by setting the game in the late 40s. :P

BTW - Anyone know how to mod the weapons in SS2? I would really like to change the stats for the laser gun and rifle so that I'd have a reason to use them.
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Post by Stark »

Drooling Iguana wrote:I really hope there isn't a time limit in the game. Shit like that is why I gave up on Star Control 2 so quicly. I like to be able to take my time and explore a game at my own pace. I get enough deadlines in real life.
So the Doctrinal Conflict should have gone on long enough for you to drag your feet? The Kohr-Ah war of annihilation shouldn't have really been a threat hanging over anyone? That's why plots that revolve around 'imminent' death are lame - it's not fucking 'imminent' at all. Even without plot-4 difficulty, SS had bit where you had to pissbolt, or work fast (the uplink-exploding part, for instance), and saying 'quick or we'll die' when that's totally untrue and you can go as slow as you like is lame. If the base in Bioshock is 'partially flooded' like Ford says, it's not an issue - but if it's actively flooding, and yet nowhere ever floods until you complete objectives and then segments are instantly flooded ... that will be lame, like all the J-RPGs with similar plots.

Since SC2 lasts EASILY long enough for you to explore everything and still win, even on your first time through (I was fifteen), you must have been charting all systems or something. :)
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Stark wrote:Since SC2 lasts EASILY long enough for you to explore everything and still win, even on your first time through (I was fifteen), you must have been charting all systems or something. :)
I had the doctrinal conflict catch me when I wasn't even close to finishing the game, mostly due to obsessive resource harvesting. I swear I must have collected enough RUs to last two games. And I had enough alien animals to buy absolutely everything the Melnorme offered. When the Kohr-Ah started to kill everyone, the only species to the right of the map's centerline I had met were those perpetually depressed fellows. I was just done solving the Umga's problem, IIRC.
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