Women can get bogged down in pointless details of a conversation, men tend to say only what's needed. EG.
Woman : "Well, when I saw our Sadie with Bill; oh did I tell you Bills dog had that operation it was waiting for since June. You know, when that littl yappy dog bit its leg. What do they call those yappy dogs? It's not Chihuahua, or terrier it's... oh the queen has them. Famous for it. Welsh I think. Oh wait till I tell you, Gladys, her from Cardiff - moved up to tend her granddad while he was in hospital - well (and those hospitals are a disgrace mind you, National Health Service my Aunt's Backside, it's a National Disgrace what those Blairs are doing to it. Alternative this and Fung chewie that. Never mind the needles in her ear, it' the ones that are short-circuiting her brain that she needs to worry about i can tell you.) Anyway, Gladys has got a new man. I saw them last week, I'm sure I told you, but nevermind, because he's the Postman to Alfred over at bottom-end of town and you know Alfred can't stand the Welsh. It's a funny world really when you think about it, a man who can't stand the Welsh having a postman that's dating a Welshwoman. Where was i? Oh yes, bills dog... Corgi! That's the little yappers, well his dog had the operation and his Ex was telling me that he was everso worried, which suprised me because i thought he was such a stone of a man. Never talks about his emotions or seems to care about anything, and yet there he was worried about his dog having such a little operation. That's sweet that is; maybe that's what our Sadie sees in him. Did I tell you I saw her out with Bill last night? She had the red coat our Darren gave her for Christmas 2 year ago, and I'm sure she was just saying how she hated that coat, but there she was wearing it. Anyway [Blah, blah, fucking blah, drone, drone drone!]
(the above said in seemingly one breathe with zero gaps to halt the flow of garbage data)
Man : "I saw our Sadie out with Bill Paterton last night."
Another thing women should be aware of is that contrary to what you may think we hear and record everything you say, and cn repeat it verbatim if neccesary. But all we're really interested in are the
RELEVANT POINTS. Do us an enormous favour and cut out the useless nonsense that you insist on padding your dull conversations with. Noone gives a Flying fuck who wore what; why such and such isn't speaking to someone else we've never heard of; Why whomever shouldn't wear whatever twatting fashion colour/style. Just tell us exactly what we need to know and
not one bit more that is of absolutely no relevance. if we want more details on a specific part, we'll ask, you don't have to drown us in stupid inanities!
Sorry but it's the single biggest problem most men have with women. If you want us to know something then tell us only that part and the chance of us snapping and brutlly murdering you mid-prattle is considerably reduced