Blade Trinity and Blade: The Series

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Blade Trinity and Blade: The Series

Post by RogueIce »

So I recently rewatched Blade Trinity, and the ending with the FBI getting Dracula's body in exchange for Blade. I wondered this: is Blade: The Series tied in with the movies at all? Does it explain what the FBI did/thought about in regards to Draco's body?

If not, is there any explanation anywhere or is it just left up to the viewer's imagination? Would Blade still be number one on the Most Wanted list or what?
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Post by Hades »

It's certinaly linked with the movies in that some of the people behind teh camera are the same.
as for continuity? nthing has really shown us either way. Unitl something contradicts i'm quit happy to go on asuming that its the same universe.
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Post by LordShaithis »

I'm content to pretend both happened in some alternate universe of suck. The series is just some generic cable TV shit with crappy fights and no swearing, while Trinity was just an abomination.

I mean, plotting to set the law against Blade for killing someone? What the fuck? You mean to tell me that Blade has been going around killing hundreds of human familiars willy-nilly for all these years, and he's not already a highly wanted criminal? Despite the vampires supposedly having strings to pull in law enforcement and government?

But fine, whatever. Blade is now, and only now, a wanted man. Which of course means that he never has another meaningful encounter with law enforcement until the end of the movie, despite constantly walking around in public in his distinctive shades and leather coat, looking obvious as hell. With a sword poking out of said coat and accompanied by a chick with a quiver of arrows on her back, no less. A regular fucking guy couldn't go out of the house like that without being arrested in minutes.

Then there's the chick. The walking iPod commercial. Let's drag the movie to a screeching halt so we can watch her make playlists while that Van Wilder douchebag makes a feeble attempt to sound trendy by talking about "darkcore" and "trip-hop" like anyone gives a fuck. She looks like a fucking cheerleader, and trying to pass her off as "tough" is laughable.

And the weapons. I like a few gadgets, but they just got stupid in this one, especially with the names. UV bullets? And they're not just UV bullets, they're called Sundogs! And five seconds after Van Wilder making a crack about the limited range of Blade's sword, they show us their fucking laser bat'leth thingy, which has less reach than a sword and probably cost a thousand times as much.

Oh, and the rest of the Special Needs Vampire Hunting Club can kiss my ass too. Seriously, they have a blind girl! How PC! And a cute kid to rescue! Fucking gag me. One of the few fun parts of this movie was when all those assholes died.

What else? Oh yeah, why are vampires such pussies? Van Wilder gets the shit kicked out of him while he's a prisoner, then finds his battered ass fistfighting a vampire. A vampire with the physique of a giant pro wrestler, because he's being played by Triple H. This fight should be over in three seconds, but somehow it ends up being competetive, with Van Wilder finally killing Triple H in the end. What the fuck?

And Dracula? Are you fucking kidding me? It would take a clever film indeed to pull this off without it seeming stupid, but Blade Trinity is not a clever film. On top of that, he was a piss-poor uninspiring boring villain.

Just... ugh... that last Blade movie sucked so much ass. There's Blade, Blade 2, and then nothing as far as I'm concerned.
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Post by Tsyroc »

LordShaithis, good call on Blade 3. :lol:

I kind of liked the introduction to Drake but after that everything was kind of meh at best.

For Van Wilder (Hannibal King) not to completely get his ass kicked by Triple H he had to have some residual effects from previously being a vampire. Unfortunately he doesn't demonstrate those at any other point in the movie. In fact after beating Triple H he's getting his ass kicked by the really annoying, and rather small, female vampire (which I thought was a way over the top character) who originally made him her vampire bitch in the first place.

Was this movie even a Blade movie? I mean they spent so much time on trying to make the new characters cool when they should have just been focusing on Blade. Drop Van Wilder and company and focus on actually making the bad guys seem tough and scary and it could have been good.

The basic design and idea for Drake had some promise but then they hooked him up with a bunch of losers. Plus, if you are going to bother to shoe horn some hot new female character into an R rated movie you might as well show some gratuitous nudie shots and not those lame ass teasing shower shots. What was with her stupid bow shooting session where she gets "pumped up" by music and the speed of her arrows increases? WTF?

Drake also seemed a little anti-climactic considering what Frost was doing in the first movie. It seems hard to make what Frost turned himself into jive with what Drake was. It's like they wanted to trump the reaper vamps from Blade 2 but really couldn't.

I really wish Guillermo del Torro would have had the time to make Blade 3. I have no doubt that even if stuck with essentially the same script it would have been a much better movie than what it turned out to be.
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Post by LordShaithis »

All three Blade movies were written by David Goyer, who also wrote Dark City and Batman Begins, among other things. The only problem is, with Trinity they let him direct as well. And being a good writer obviously does not make you a good director.

I've heard a little of the Trinity DVD commentary, and in it Goyer talks about being able to do everything he couldn't do in the previous movies. Given the stupid shit he added, this tells me that he's capable of producing quality, but needs a strong director there to filter out the chaff.

Anyway, he's writing The Flash, The Dark Knight, Thor, and Captain America. (Yes, I mean he's writing the movies of all those characters.) This is good news, as anyone who has seen Batman Begins can tell you he knows how to write a comic book story. The only worrisome bit is that he's also directing The Flash.
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Post by Srynerson »

LordShaithis wrote:All three Blade movies were written by David Goyer, who also wrote Dark City and Batman Begins, among other things. The only problem is, with Trinity they let him direct as well. And being a good writer obviously does not make you a good director.
Yes, I remarked to a friend after seeing Blade: Trinity that Goyer somehow manages to simultaneously prove and disprove auteur theory in a single film. :D
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Post by Hades »

Well as the series has been cancelled after just one season i expect it will disolve from the memoires of most. Couple of years most people probably wouldnt have known it even exsisted.
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Post by Lost Soal »

Tsyroc wrote:LordShaithis, good call on Blade 3. :lol:

I kind of liked the introduction to Drake but after that everything was kind of meh at best.
Yeh I know.
When I first started hearing plot details it went:
"There putting in Dracula? Because thats worked out brilliantly for the last dozen vampire films. :roll: "

See Trailer
"Hang on. Dracula is an armour plated monster in this one. Thats a different take from normal. It might work out this time"

Watch the Film
"What the hell was that? Why did they give up on the monster idea. What bollocks"

Well actually, I think the biggest peice of bullshit was the whole " we have this tiny spike from his armour, but with my see-into-the-mists-of-time supercomputer I can completely recreate what the armour looks like, including all size proportions and the helmet."

Christ man.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Lost Soal wrote: Well actually, I think the biggest peice of bullshit was the whole " we have this tiny spike from his armour, but with my see-into-the-mists-of-time supercomputer I can completely recreate what the armour looks like, including all size proportions and the helmet."

Christ man.
That part is hilarious. :lol:

It's almost like being able to tell what someone looks like because you have one hair from their head. Maybe that's it. The armor must have something equivalent to DNA and luckilly Hannibal King and co. had a special computer which could read that and extrapolate it into what Drake looks like. :roll:

Considering how different the Blade vamps (and Blade) are from the original source material they should have just left "Dracula" out of it. The original vamp as a monster was kind of cool but the coolness was just pissed away. Plus, if you are going to have Dracula in a movie like this the full blown mystically powered one is the way to go, but that doesn't work with the changes they've made in the Blade mythos.
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Post by Jason von Evil »

According to, the show's been cancelled.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Well that blows. I'm not surprised though.

I thought the show got better as it went along but I think it really would have benefitted from being a bit more hardcore like it could have been on a premium cable channel. (More nudity until they got the action up to speed).

It probably doesn't help that Blade is a tough character to focus a tv show on. TV shows typically benefit by being able to put far more characterization into their characters than movies do. The problem is movie Blade is essentially a "combat monster" to use gameing terms. There's not a lot that comes through from Blade in the movies so what was the series going to focus on? The action? Could have worked except they never quite got the action to the point were it was as cool as the movies. Mostly because Wesley Snipes moved really well in the films and that is really hard to copy. After that, character wise, Blade was essentially the same as he was in the films with maybe a few more things showing through, but the really interesting characters on the show were the vampires.

Krista, Chase and Marcus were all more interesting than Blade. Hell, half the time I found myself hoping the Krista would tell Blade to piss off and that she would just go all in with Chase and Marcus.
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Post by Hades »

Seriously though. What does spike TV have to offer intead of this. Looking at their schedule there isnt a single thing i'd bother watching. Hell i' nver even heard of the channel before Blade came on.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Based on what's available under the Spike listings at iTunes I'm not interested in any of those shows either.
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Post by RogueIce »

So is anyong going to answer my question (or even try to) or is it just going to be a "bash Blade III, Blade: The Series, and Spike TV" thread?
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Post by Majin Gojira »

As far as I know, Blade the Series, if accepted as continuity, takes place before Blade I.
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Post by Tsyroc »

Really? I thought it came after the movies because Whistler isn't around and I thought they mentioned that the tech for some sort of inhaler that was used in the movies was lost and that they were trying to rediscover it.
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Post by Hades »

Tsyroc wrote:Really? I thought it came after the movies because Whistler isn't around and I thought they mentioned that the tech for some sort of inhaler that was used in the movies was lost and that they were trying to rediscover it.
Yeah i'm pretty sure it's set after the movies. The whistler thing is the main give away.
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