Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base

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Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base

Post by Shinova »

Can it be done!?

You are in charge of constructing a military research lab. Its purpose is to initially study 100 xenomorphs and 1 queen from the Alien movie series. These numbers may rise and fall as research project progresses, and the facility must be built to accomodate these changes.

You have everything the modern world of today can offer. You have an unlimited construction and operating budget. You may incorporate as many personnel as you wish for both construction and for operations and security purposes.

The facility must successfully be capable of the following:

1. Contain the xenomorphs throughout the facility's life-span.

2. Facilitate relatively easy study and research on the xenomorphs.

3. Facilitate safe and controlled transport of individual or groups of specimens from one part of the base to another.

4. Facilitate the breeding of new xenomorphs (assume the government's worked around the legal and moral implications, or are using convicted murderers or something).

5. House and support its science, security, and miscellaneous personnel.

6. The base must also be able to keep unauthorized personnel out.

7. The base must be isolated from the surrounding enviroment. No germs or contaminants must be capable of going in or out of the base, and there must be proper decontamination procedures and technologies for the personnel and any supplies as well.

8. The base must contain its own power source, capable of sustaining itself for years if necessary.

9. The base must be capable of successfully destroying itself, and every xenomorph specimen within in the case of a critical and irreversible breach.

How would you construct and operate this base?
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Post by dragon »

Well one of the biggest thing is you'll need acid resistant materials or at least a spray system that can spray a neutrilzer of some sort.

Unlimted budget and modern tech several possibilities arise.

1. Space Station

2. Deep underground base with one access point to surface and vents that are to small for anything to gent through.
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Post by weemadando »

Step 1.

Failsafes. Start with small scale stuff like flamethrowers and small FAE devices in each lab capable of "sterilising" it. Move on to the fact that every building has 1m of thermite primed to detonate between floors to sterilise the whole building. Then move on to the failsafe nuclear device.

Step 2.

Containment. Glass is a good idea (negates acid). Any material that is strong enough to resist repeated and prolonged bludgeoning. All containment vessels will have failsafes that will autoactivate in the event of ANY breach (with say a 2-3 second "safety" time for someone to hit a button to stop it if it is a false alarm - MAYBE, it could just be too risky to let humans in on the decision making process). Compartmentalisation - have so much security between any two xenomorph habitats that it would be literally impossible to attack either one with anything short of a company sized force. As a part of the compartmentalisation, ensure that any Xeno's who are not in the same "cell" as the queen are FULLY isolated (completely different air supplies and all) to prevent ANY communication. There are to be NO crawlspaces, vents or any other similar spaces in the facility, bundles of cat5 running along the hallway and occassionally tripping up someone is fine by me if it means that I can be sure that a fucking xenomorph isn't hiding under my feet. All pipes are to be the SMALLEST possible gauge. Add to this that the whole facility should be buried DEEP underground or in some horrifically inhospitable landscape... The entire land around the facility for kilometres in every direction should have the highest density minefields known to man, as well as being under constant surveillance on every spectrum of light, as well as by radar, laser-radar, seismograph, traditional tripwires, searchlights and the mk1 eyeball.

Step 3.

The facility. At least a 4:1 ratio of security to scientists. Each barracks is to be completely self contained to prevent contamination of the security force. Sociopaths will be specially selected for this duty as they will have orders to shoot people on sight without hesitation in the event of infection. Beyond the "failsafe zone" there will be a resupply station which serves as a relay point and base to "mop-up" forces, as well as air support. Armed drones will be constantly airborne. Gunships are on constant alert. NOTHING GOES INTO THE BASE BY THE GROUND. Deliveries are made by helicopter (underslung load dropped to the base), all waste is incinerated. Nothing goes out that isn't a person (with THE STRICTEST FUCKING QUARANTINE in effect) or radio waves/encrypted laserbeam link. This is to ensure that there are no "stowaways".

That's about it for the moment. Sound secure enough?
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Post by Ford Prefect »

I think Ando's basically got it covered, though I'd be looking into getting some sort of life monitor for workers in the facility, especially those in contact with Xeno experiments. If people start dying, I want to know instantly.
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Post by Mr Bean »

You could let people out weemadando, they just need a month of observation in a secondary facility.

And no buring the thing underground, level an island(Without massive cave complexs, or any kind of cave complexs) Put the buildings half way into the bedrock fine, but don't put them underground least you end up with a base with xeno's running around underground and just happining to find some long forgotten tunnel access.

But yes, up with the minefields, up with the thermite failsafes. Up with putting them in flamethrower equiped cells. And for extra fun, why not build multi-stage rooms. IE go through one airlock your into Command and control(Which does not control the exit) go through the NEXT door your into a security layer, third door scientiest, fourth door security layer w/flamethrowers fifth door. Fourth wall can be impact glass looking into a seperate thermite equiped room with the containment in the middle of it and flamethrower equiped.

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Post by Jason von Evil »

Fuck that shit. Just hire Sigourney Weaver as base security. 8)
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Post by Turin »

I don't know, a lot of the above idea seem like overkill. Really the main thing you need is good cellular containment. Just have each holding pen be a seperate concrete cylinder/box of appropriate size, lined with structural glass. The reason they all got out in AlienRessurection was because the designers were fucking retards and wanted to have direct observation through glass, which can be broken by a dedicated pair of aliens who are willing to sacrifice one of their own.

Have each of the cells mounted on mobile frames so that they can be moved with large tractors or whatever. If you really need it for the program, you can have the cell wall structure seperate from the floor structure so that the cells can be lifted away and you can bring the aliens together for experiments on their social behavior or breeding or whatever.

No giant ductwork, as others have mentioned (ductwork that man-sized creatures can reasonably climb around in mostly a Hollywood myth anyway). Have all the HVAC at the top of the cells where the aliens can't get at it. If you want to get really fancy, I suppose you can install all kinds of absurd failsafes, but I think it's mostly overkill as long as you have real structural isolation.

As for the facility, just isolate it way out in the desert somewhere and give it pretty hefty but not over-the-top typical military security. If an alien implausibly somehow escapes, it's going to have a hell of a walk through the burning hot sun -- not very survivable.
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Post by Cao Cao »

Jason von Evil wrote:Fuck that shit. Just hire Sigourney Weaver as base security. 8)
No no no, if you do that then everybody else on the base becomes a retard, the aliens escape and she'll be the only survivor. :twisted:
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Put the base over a lake of lava. If shit happens, press the button and the entire thing sinks. Into fire!!! :twisted:
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Post by PREDATOR490 »

Above ground will be a sufficently sized area for the inhabitants of the facility to live with the town surrounded by walls no less as high as the tallest building and the actual complex will be underground. These walls will be 1 Mile away from any structures and be relatively clear of anything which could prevent a xenomorph from not being seen.
The walls will be topped with motion detectors, electric fences and sentry guns.

On the outside of the wall will be a thick minefield and regular automated guardposts which will posses proper detection equipment and defence capabilities for external threats from air and ground.
A strict no fly zone will be in effect for a 3 mile radius outside the automated guardtowers which will shoot down any tresspassers.

Inside the town will be a central building which is the only access to the underground complex. This building will be a major barracks and contain a wide assortment of weapons in the case a full scale breach occurs.
The building will be built to keep things IN with a perimiter around it to keep it isolated.
This building will also hold a power generator capable of running the base.
There will be a 3 door airlock system with a guardstation on the outside. The last door before leading to the surface building will be made of glass for identification.
The guardstation will be isolated from people going in and out. Staffed by 5 personnel at all times and will have the proper facilities ie. Toilet, 2 bunks etc, to allow those guards to carry out their shift without leaving that isolation. These guards will have the ability to lockdown the facility and sterilise everything inside if a major breach occurs.
Once the shift is over the guards will be able to go to the surface for recreation and sleep.

Sentry guns will be placed on both ends of the 3 door airlock system with motion tracking. These guns will be able to fire a combination of bullets and flame for complete sterilisation.

After this will be a long corridor that leads to an elevator. This elavator will lead down to level 1.
Level 1 will be an internal decontamination and detainment area for those wishing to go to the surface. Requiring a full medical work up and 24 hours wait period.
Level 1 will also have 2 main elavators that lead down to the rest of the complext level.

Level 2 will be a barracks with a sufficiently stocked armory of automatic weapons + flamethrowers.
Will have the main power plant for the facility.
This will also have a staff accomidation for those staying within the base to do their work.

Level 3 will contain the research labs. Each will be compartmentalised with automated flamethrowers in the case of a breach.

Level 4 will have a series of contained cells for isolated observation and an area for impregnation.

Level 5 will be a top down observation level looking down onto the Xeno habitat which will stretch from level 6 - 8. The Elevator will go no lower than Level 5 without strict clearence and the area where the elavator stops will be a two stage airlock bunker containing equipment for the capture of single Xenomorphs and additional weapons.
This bunker will also contain an isolated habitat for the Queen and her eggs. No Xenos will be allowed access to the Queen.

The underside of Level 5 which looks down on the Xenomorhps will be heavily shielded with anti climb materials + an electric layer that is connected to an independant power supply to keep it operational.
The elevator will be required to go through a sealed containment before coming up to prevent any Xenos hitching a ride either on top or underside.

In the Center of level 5 will be another hatch which contains a variety of toxins designed to wipe out the entire Xeno colony below if need be. This can be activated by all 3 guard stations.

In general. The facility will operate on its own internal systems with no connections to the outside world except the surface building. Surface building connections will be routed through an outside area first and require proper authorisation to proceed to the main building.

Staff for the entire facility will work for 2-3 months then be swapped. The Town will have 4 Entrances by road 1 on each side of the square wall perimiter.
These will have manned guard stations that check incommers and outgoers.
An additional helipad will be located in the city for the dropping of supplies.

The entire complex will have security cameras in all the rooms with all guard stations able to monitor them. The Alien habitat will be surrounded in thick shielding to prevent them from burrowing out. Either naturally occuring or actually building a thick wall with monitors to alert staff to Xenomorhps attempting to burrow through.

On the outside of these walls will be high explosive charges designed to bring the entire complex down right on top of the habitat crushing the Xenos under all the above levels while still releasing the various toxins.
This will be further aided by a high explosive combination around the central building on the surface so that the entire town is destroyed.
The outer wall will remain intact and serve as a perimiter to monitor any potential suriviors.

On the outside of the base beyond the Guard stations will be a fully equipped military base with armoured + air support.

I think that would be possible ?
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Post by Darth Wong »

Christ, what an incredible amount of overkill. These are just dumb animals with acid blood. Just dig holes in the ground, line them with concrete, slap steel covers on top, and then fill them with water so the aliens' acid blood becomes useless. You can study them at your leisure, and move them like you do any other aquatic animal by picking them up with hoists and slings and then dropping them into armoured water tanks on flatbeds while under armed guard. Shoot any aliens that manage to get loose during the transfer process; it's not as if they're that hard to kill, for fuck's sake. You guys make it sound like they're some sort of unstoppable combat juggernaut; all you really need to keep the facility secure is well-built containment chambers and armed guards whenever you move one of them.

If you really want to be fancy about it, you can make giant water-filled "test tubes" out of steel and concrete to house the aliens, and drop them into cylindrical holes in the ground. When you want to move one, you just pick it up with a hoist and drive it around, making sure you have armed guards to monitor the transfer..
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Post by Turin »

Darth Wong wrote:Christ, what an incredible amount of overkill. These are just dumb animals with acid blood.
While my post has essentially similar containment, to be fair the aliens are a little smarter than dumb animals. They've shown problem solving skills (like killing one of their own to use its blood to escape) in the movies. That doesn't change the fact that you really don't need all this overkill.
Darth Wong wrote: Just dig holes in the ground, line them with concrete, slap steel covers on top, and then fill them with water so the aliens' acid blood becomes useless. You can study them at your leisure, and move them like you do any other aquatic animal
Aliens are aquatic? That is, they can live permanently in water? I thought from the movies they were just good swimmers?
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Post by Karza »

Turin wrote:Aliens are aquatic? That is, they can live permanently in water? I thought from the movies they were just good swimmers?
Something I was wondering too. We see in Alien Resurrection that they move very well underwater and don't seem run out of breath too quickly (well, not at all in fact, but the underwater part wasn't too long), but has it actually been confirmed anywhere that they can breathe water? Or are they simply good at holding their breath?
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Post by Darth Servo »

Darth Wong wrote:Just dig holes in the ground, line them with concrete, slap steel covers on top, and then fill them with water so the aliens' acid blood becomes useless.
And make sure that water has a rather alkaline pH.
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Post by Turin »

Darth Servo wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:Just dig holes in the ground, line them with concrete, slap steel covers on top, and then fill them with water so the aliens' acid blood becomes useless.
And make sure that water has a rather alkaline pH.
Why? How much blood do you think an alien has that it can't be dilluted by a whole tank full of water?
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Post by Darth Servo »

Turin wrote:Why? How much blood do you think an alien has that it can't be dilluted by a whole tank full of water?
1 ml of HCl is enough to reduce a full liter of pure water from pH 7 to pH 4
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Post by Turin »

Darth Servo wrote:
Turin wrote:Why? How much blood do you think an alien has that it can't be dilluted by a whole tank full of water?
1 ml of HCl is enough to reduce a full liter of pure water from pH 7 to pH 4
Oh really, 1mL of any arbitary molarity of HCl? :roll:
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Post by Turin »

Sorry about the double-post, but not to mention that even at the out-of-your ass 0.1% concentration you're stating, so what? There's something on the order of 6 liters of blood in a human body. Assuming that the aliens have a similar amount of blood, that's 6000 liters of water you can make as acidic as... what, beer? That's a fucking puddle.
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Post by Big Orange »

The aliens will kept in seperate and highly secure prison pods that are made of fully transparent but essentially indestructable material. These prison pods can be moved by armoured fork-lift trucks from storage faults to maximum security labs. The R&D labs are situated top-side, but the storage vaults that hold the prison pods are undergrond. The prison pods themselves flood with lethal (and corrosive) nerve gas if breached, while the topside lab complex itself has security systems designed to keep the specimens in (like flame thrower turrets, blast doors and more corrosive gas outlets). The compound security is an inner permeter wall facing inwards and outer permeter fencing facing outwards. Emergency countermeasure is a mini-nuke situated in one of the guard towers in case of total compromise.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Turin wrote:
Darth Servo wrote:1 ml of HCl is enough to reduce a full liter of pure water from pH 7 to pH 4
Oh really, 1mL of any arbitary molarity of HCl? :roll:
One ml of pure HCl dumbass.
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Post by Darth Servo »

And the alien blood was clearly far more corosive than HCl as we saw in the first film. It ate through metal deck plating in seconds.
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Post by weemadando »

Not to mention the level of intelligence shown in some of the comic series is downright scary. More so when there is a queen around to pull the strings.
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Post by Turin »

Darth Servo wrote:
Turin wrote:
Darth Servo wrote:1 ml of HCl is enough to reduce a full liter of pure water from pH 7 to pH 4
Oh really, 1mL of any arbitary molarity of HCl? :roll:
One ml of pure HCl dumbass.
Show your source or calculations then, because I get 1.5 with a 100% by volume concentration of 1mL HCl dissolved into 1L of water. (Although obviously that helps rather than hurts your argument, but who calculates acid concentration in terms of volume-per-volume instead of molarity, anyway?)
Darth Servo wrote:And the alien blood was clearly far more corosive than HCl as we saw in the first film. It ate through metal deck plating in seconds.
"Far more corrosive" than what molarity of HCl? You care to quantify anything here or are you just spit-balling "it looks like?" I'll concede that it'd be a real pain in the ass to quantify the acid based on its damage done to the deck plating because there's so many variables involved (material of deck plating and how much is dissolved, and what the actual concentration and what sort of acid it is). But even if you're going to put each xeno in a smallish tank that's a 2m radius x 5m tall cylinder, you've got 10x the volume of my "beer puddle," above.
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Post by Big Orange »

weemadando, do you think making the xenomorph base very remote and having a nuke as a failsafe system are good ideas?
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Post by weemadando »

Big Orange wrote:weemadando, do you think making the xenomorph base very remote and having a nuke as a failsafe system are good ideas?
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