Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base

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Post by Big Orange »

It would be another good idea if the guards, technicians and scientists on duty in the xenomorph labs wear NBC armoured battlesuits for full protection.
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Post by ThatGuyFromThatPlace »

Now its time for the standard 'no-escape' ultra security prison center (tm)(r)(c)(k)

The complex is buried with One(1) entrance and One (1) exit (obviously each can be used as either, but for security purposes, any one entering the exit will be killed and Vice Versa). Each 'gate' will include a waiting area of whciht he outside and inside doors are only opened once a month, on opposite months, this area will be monitored continuously from both the outside and inside of the complex and can be flooded with Halon gas by either. The waiting area will be over-pressurized to prevent any contamination from entering or leaving the base. The entrance and exit can be blocked off by any control center (inside or outside), blocking off of the gateways consists of lowering a multi-ton layered portcullis over both sids of the waiting area that can-not be opened.
All areas of the complex will be flooded with Halon gas when not in use.
There will be three command centers, each with the ability to flood itself and one other command center with Halon gas (no one command center will be able to kill the other two, when flooded, the centers go under immediate lock-down, wich includes the lowering of a multi-ton layered portcullis that can-not be opened.)
Containement cells are made up of a single internal layer of chemical-resistant glass bonded with a second single layer of face-hardened reinforced concrete, all covered (externally) by plates of face hardened Tungsten. Each has two (2) holes, one entrance/exit, and one general purpose hole in the bottom for plumbing, HVAC (which can be used to flood the pod with Halon gas) and a recessed 'fish-eye' camera that provides simultaneus view of the entire interior of the pod.

The pods are movable via heavy lifting cranes and can be moved to a secure 'research area' at need. The research ares will consist of open area seperated from researched by one way, mesh reinforced, chemical resistant glass. researchers and specimens can be seperated in an emergency by dropping the standard multi-ton layered portculli. the research area can be seperated fromt he rest of the complex in a similar fashion. Halo gas can flood the area atthe command of a command center.

There is no direct contact between prisoners and Staff! Anything that needs to get in can be lowered down a 10 meter shaft that is round and too wide to be climbed. This shaft leads to the surface and is defended similarly to the entrance and exit gateways to the staff sections. In the event of an emergency, there are several designated 'breach partitions' that can be removed through minimal application of explosives. these can be resealed with multi-ton portculli at need.

In case the complex needs to be destroyed;
there are no less than six internal FAE bombs, followed by a short-range ballistic missile launched froma nearby silo. This missile contains no less than three multi-megaton, penetrating thermonuclear warheads jacketted in neutron accelerators to enhance biological killing capabilities. Self destruct should only be used at the end of the complex's useful lifetime. otherwise, excessive use of Halon gas should be enough to prevent any break-out.
[img=right][/img]"Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena."
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Post by Big Orange »

Do you think Halon gas is going to stop or even slow down creatures that can survive in the vacuum of space (to a certain extent)? Judging from what I saw in the original Alien and Alien: Defication, Halon gas would only slow down or disorientate these critters not kill. We need safety systems that can kill these things instantly, if they are given a chance to escape.
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Post by ThatGuyFromThatPlace »

true, true... hmm, we could always replace Halon with thermobaric fuel and ignitors, that should do the trick.
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Post by Big Orange »

And my other idea for my xenomorph holding lab is to have the main guard barracks, staff living quaters, military storage and administration situated in another compound that is seperate from the alien compound itself (and preferably sperate by several miles).
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Post by Stark »

It's pretty funny the insane lengths some of you are going to. They're not Jesus. The movies are predicated on stupidity. It's not hard.

What I think would be amusing is surrounding the bunker in a faraday cage, totally isolating the air system, and heating the lower levels while cooling the upper ones. Thus the aliens have absolutely no fucking way of working out how to get out, and they're most likely to want to stay at the bottom anyway. Build a little model fusion reactor down there just for the comforts of home. If you keep the population below six at any one time, I just can't see what conceivable threat they can pose.

But hey, pits with sentryguns covering the top would be 100% effective. Wow, that was easy. :roll:
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Post by LordShaithis »

ThatGuyFromThatPlace wrote:true, true... hmm, we could always replace Halon with thermobaric fuel and ignitors, that should do the trick.
Heh, reminds me of the Perchorsk Projekt in the Necroscope series. The USSR is trying to build a giant shield generator to protect them from American nukes, but the whole thing just blows up in their faces upon live testing, ripping a hole in the universe in the process.

So basically they're left with their huge underground shield complex, with a dimensional portal at the bottom. Every once in a while, things come out of it. A bat, a wolf, and oh yeah, a hundred-foot long shapeshifting vampire monstrosity that kills a shitload of people, squirms out of the complex, and flies away. It eats a couple of MiGs on it's way out of Soviet airspace, and is shot down by American fighters off the Canadian coast after exposure to sunlight has injured and weakened it.

So yeah, the Russians decide they can't have anymore monsters flying around causing international incidents, so they need a way to make sure nothing gets out of this place while they study the portal. They surround it with soldiers, big honking crew-served guns, and squads of guys with flamethrowers.

And if anything makes it past that initial barrage, they have a failsafe that they invented on the fly with what they had on hand: A tanker truck up at the top of the complex, full of rocket fuel or jet fuel or something to that effect. It's connected to a network of plastic pipes running throughout the complex. Plastic pipes that apparently will dissolve after being exposed to this fuel for a few minutes. So once the fuel starts flowing, it starts leaking, and a giant fucking inferno is inevitable since it's bound to hit heat or flame somewhere in there.

Anyway, off-topic blather aside, the ill-prepared marines in Aliens had a pretty high kill ratio against these things. They're not that tough, and only really become dangerous when they escape into the wild to breed and breed and breed in preposterous numbers. Acid-proof enclosures, lots of guys with guns, and a wide kill-zone outside the single exit, with no cover and guards on duty 24/7 to blast any monsters that come out.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by ThatGuyFromThatPlace »

Stark wrote:It's pretty funny the insane lengths some of you are going to. They're not Jesus. The movies are predicated on stupidity. It's not hard.

What I think would be amusing is surrounding the bunker in a faraday cage, totally isolating the air system, and heating the lower levels while cooling the upper ones. Thus the aliens have absolutely no fucking way of working out how to get out, and they're most likely to want to stay at the bottom anyway. Build a little model fusion reactor down there just for the comforts of home. If you keep the population below six at any one time, I just can't see what conceivable threat they can pose.

But hey, pits with sentryguns covering the top would be 100% effective. Wow, that was easy. :roll:
The OP says that the Xenomorphs have to be easily studied (without danger) and moved between sections of the complex.
And anyway, at least my idea has the excuse of being a standard inescapable prison. Just swap the inhibitive gasses and prison modules as necessary and you can keep pretty much anything in.
[img=right][/img]"Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena."
- The Operative, Serenity
"Everything they've ever "known" has been proven to be wrong. A thousand years ago everybody knew as a fact, that the earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, they knew it was flat. Fifteen minutes ago, you knew we humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
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Post by Patrick Degan »

Has anybody considered how to simplify many of these security problems by making this base a vivisection lab?
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Post by weemadando »

Stark wrote:It's pretty funny the insane lengths some of you are going to. They're not Jesus. The movies are predicated on stupidity. It's not hard.

What I think would be amusing is surrounding the bunker in a faraday cage, totally isolating the air system, and heating the lower levels while cooling the upper ones. Thus the aliens have absolutely no fucking way of working out how to get out, and they're most likely to want to stay at the bottom anyway. Build a little model fusion reactor down there just for the comforts of home. If you keep the population below six at any one time, I just can't see what conceivable threat they can pose.

But hey, pits with sentryguns covering the top would be 100% effective. Wow, that was easy. :roll:
My biggest problem is that some of the shit that Aliens have shown themselves to be capable of in the comics and novels is downright scary. IIRC some of their phermones etc are capable of making humans exceptionally vulnerable to suggestion - which inevitably (somehow) leads to people forming little xeno-cults and obsessing over them. This is without mentioning the insane cunning and deceit displayed in a few cases by run of the mill xenos. And as I mentioned - with a queen around they just get worse.

I'm not expecting them to be a cross between Neo and Harry Houdini, what I am expecting are VERY slippery bastards with the capacity to wreak a lot of havoc.
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Post by Stark »

The comics are so unbelievably shit I will not discuss them. Even the damn books based on the damn comics are less stupid. ZOMG teh space jockey race is here oh noes. :roll:

But even with retardo powers, even the COMIC aliens only became a threat via stupidity and massive writer fiat. They simply can not get out of a sensibly designed containment system, and as Patrick says you can simply spawn them, wait a few hours while they grow then slaughter them for study. Pits with sentry guns. Magic dreams or no, without a big flashing sign that says 'THE ALIENS MUST ESCAPE FOR US TO HAVE A STORY' there just isn't anything they can do.

Frankly, limiting their behaviour to the 3 movies featuring non-modified aliens, simply isolating them from magnetic fields and maintaining a desirable environment in the containment area should work fine. Guess what? No floor to ceiling fucking windows looking into the 'animal enclosure', no escape. Done. How are they even going to know what's going on? Why would they leave? How can they target humans when they never, ever see one? How would they know how to get out of the base anyway?

Oh wait, comicbook magic. Pffft. Oh wait, we'll have to do live biopsies with actual doctors actually in the room... for some reason. Or watch them skitter about through a giant window. Or control them through pavlovian principles and fire. :roll:
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Post by weemadando »

Well, maybe mine was overkill, but its also a true sign of a HABite.
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Post by Big Orange »

The place where they hold the aliens being in a seperate compound from the living quaters is common sense, as is having an inner perimeter to keep aliens in and an outer perimeter to keep intruders out. The only genuinely OTT security feature I proposed was to have a nuke to destroy the entire complex, but that is common sense as well and it would cover up the evidence of the government researching xenomorphs.

I think the aliens being so deadly in the movies was mostly attributed to the ignorance of humans trapped in a tin box in the middle of space with their sinister employer, Weyland-Yutani, selling them down the river (or least that what it boiled down to in Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 - however Alien: Defecation was a retarded film to begin with, which is why the typically retarded scientist kept their alien test subjects in easily escapable cells on a fugging starship).
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Post by Stark »

It's common sense to use a nuke to destroy a small population of animals that can be killed by a handgun? It's not the damn Flood, it's just aliens. And yeah, I'm just going to ignore Alien:4 since they weren't 'natural' aliens at all, rather being some shit hybrid rubbish.

Now the Flood - now THERE is a far more difficuly (though still simple) challenge. Again, they only escaped because they Forerunners are Fucking Stupid, but they're far more virulent and dangerous than aliens.

Let's face it - a sensible designed facility can in fact contain aliens with big doors. There aren't going to be hundreds of them, and that's the only thing that made them a threat in Aliens. Guess what that means? That means *12* Marines can sweep your base clean by themselves unless you're retarded enough to let them breed out of control. It's pretty trivial to keep personell levels down and use roofmounted thermite to sterilise the base if containment is lost.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Oh man, I just saw Alien 4 again today. At least as much of it as I could stand. There must have been a relatively tiny number of initial alien escapees, since the hosts for their spawning were all brought in on that tiny mercenary ship. And yet as soon as they escape, everyone aboard that gigantic starship abandons ship.


Even if we assume that the average crewman is only 1/10th as effective in combat as a Colonial Marine, they should have had more than enough people to hunt down all the aliens and kill them.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Big Orange »

Stark wrote:It's common sense to use a nuke to destroy a small population of animals that can be killed by a handgun? It's not the damn Flood, it's just aliens. And yeah, I'm just going to ignore Alien:4 since they weren't 'natural' aliens at all, rather being some shit hybrid rubbish.
I wouldn't use a very big nuke, merely a bomb that can incenerate the aliens and demolish the base on top of them for emergencies. It would be common sense if you are looking at many dozens of aliens in containment, although having less than ten aliens would be wise as well.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

water tank with very heavy glass. The xenomorphs shouldn't be able to get much in the way of momentum up with water's greater resistance, plus water is a natural dispursent for the acid. Second with a normal filtration system on the water I can keep the enviornment how I want it. (adjust the PH level, change the pressure level etc. hell turn the water into "jello" (try ramming my very heavy glass now). the next area after the tank with it's robot servos and cameras is concrete filled with fire supprecant foam (no air not that it would be needed), full air lock capability) concrete construction, now set the whole place so that I can blow it up if I need to.

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Post by Stark »

Bear, why do you even want glass? Send in a damn drone if you want video footage: a window is unnecessary and stupid.

Shaithis, I remember that part. The whole military crew of the research vessel runs away (to escape pods, not shuttles) just because the aliens get out. But I remember their laughable shockgun things, and how all the interesting characters were killed by being abysmally stupid... :roll:
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I said drones and video equipment, no actual contact with humans and xenos. the glass is tempered (very high stress glass, mainly for containment purpose, say like safety glass that will crack and still hold together, is for containing the xenos (glass is very good against acid), second the concrete lined pressureized room, is also a trick, since if the pressure is equal to or greater outside the glass observation egg, what happens when the xenos do suceed in swimming fast enough to "break their egg? the high pressure implodes it into them. :twisted:

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Battlehymn Republic »

A side question: Having read Genocide the other day, I've just realized that pretty much the comic series has the future Earth humans developing pretty kick-ass weaponry that could contain the xenomorphs or at least protect the humans pretty damn well. So isn't the main point of the main series to show how back-stabby and greedy humanity is? Seems like each story has a mission being fucked up by corporate machinations.
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I have a question. Is there any evedence that the Xeno's Blood is either Slowed or Stopped by Glass? Or whether or not Cauterization can stop a Xeno from Bleeding out?

I recall that Xeno Blood was Classified as a Universal Corrosive in the Alien Novelization. (Barring breaking any No Limits Fallacies)

As for Cauterization, from watch Alien and referring to the Novel they use a Laser Cutter to attempt get the Facehugger off Kane. The end result was still a Bleedout.

Generally My main containment area would be a remote area underground. With the ultimate failsafe being: Anything that Leaves during a breakout (which will happen, I'm a pessimist) wil trigger a 30 second countdown. The Bomb would be a 500 MT Nuke. That's the basics.
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Post by phongn »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I have a question. Is there any evedence that the Xeno's Blood is either Slowed or Stopped by Glass? Or whether or not Cauterization can stop a Xeno from Bleeding out?

I recall that Xeno Blood was Classified as a Universal Corrosive in the Alien Novelization. (Barring breaking any No Limits Fallacies)
You can't corrode glass.
Generally My main containment area would be a remote area underground. With the ultimate failsafe being: Anything that Leaves during a breakout (which will happen, I'm a pessimist) wil trigger a 30 second countdown. The Bomb would be a 500 MT Nuke. That's the basics.
WTF? That's just stupid.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

phongn wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I have a question. Is there any evedence that the Xeno's Blood is either Slowed or Stopped by Glass? Or whether or not Cauterization can stop a Xeno from Bleeding out?

I recall that Xeno Blood was Classified as a Universal Corrosive in the Alien Novelization. (Barring breaking any No Limits Fallacies)
You can't corrode glass.
Aliens the colonists had two disected and one live face hugger in seperate glass tanks, yes they were able to dissect them in a glass container. Also note the sewer scene massacare, where the two minigun drones killed how many hundreds of the xenos, and it appeared that water had no trouble dispursing the alien's blood.

phongn wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Generally My main containment area would be a remote area underground. With the ultimate failsafe being: Anything that Leaves during a breakout (which will happen, I'm a pessimist) wil trigger a 30 second countdown. The Bomb would be a 500 MT Nuke. That's the basics.
WTF? That's just stupid.
aggreed overkill, just need lots of water and concrete, though they have been shown to not suffer depressurization, high pressure has shown to crush the bugs.

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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

You know what? Just keep the likes of Haliburton, Weyland-Yutani and Wallmart out of your base and you could probably contain the xenos with a couple of undergrad xenobiologists.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:You know what? Just keep the likes of Haliburton, Weyland-Yutani and Wallmart out of your base and you could probably contain the xenos with a couple of undergrad xenobiologists.
and what ever you do keep bush the wonder chimp the hell away from the complex, also keep friend computer away too.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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