stories you want to write, but can't

UF: Stories written by users, both fanfics and original.

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Singular Quartet
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Lex wrote:I've already attempted to write down my idea, but unfortunately I so far lacked both skills and determination to complete it... It would, however, be a SW/ST crossover, in which an Federation Ship discovers an apparently forsaken star ship, which actually contains the conserved bodies of 3 Sith Lords from the great Sith War. These Sith somehow stranded in the ST galaxy when they fled from republic troops and now they are awaken...and attempt so conquer, destroy, divide etc. and maybe to open a portal to their home galaxy...
3? Generally, they come in 2s don't they?
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Post by Jason von Evil »

I've wanted to do a Ent-era ST fic where Earth realigns itself with the Andorans post-Xindi. I would've had the Andorans send more ships to help defend Earth against the superweapon. Combine this with the Andorans sending Shran to the Delphic Expanse to help Enterprise, (I would have retconned their motives a bit ;)) with the fact that the Vulcans basically gave Earth the cold shoulder on the matter and you get a realignment.

Andoran/Earth-Vulcan War FTW! :D
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Post by Lex »

Singular Quartet wrote:
Lex wrote:I've already attempted to write down my idea, but unfortunately I so far lacked both skills and determination to complete it... It would, however, be a SW/ST crossover, in which an Federation Ship discovers an apparently forsaken star ship, which actually contains the conserved bodies of 3 Sith Lords from the great Sith War. These Sith somehow stranded in the ST galaxy when they fled from republic troops and now they are awaken...and attempt so conquer, destroy, divide etc. and maybe to open a portal to their home galaxy...
3? Generally, they come in 2s don't they?
Usually yes, but my idea was it to make them 3 equal minor sith lords instead of a master and an acolyte, just for a tiny change to the usualy stuff.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Quite a few:
  • Continuing Exterminatus^2 (My Dr Who [Daleks]/WH40k crossover fic) (Unable due to lack of time, and that I can only think of new stuff when typing it).
  • Proof reading the New 2 page short story I wrote during the all-nighter study in Yerucham [I may just type it up (When I get around to it, due to time constraints), fix spelling erors and post].
  • The Fucking Huge crossover fic (involving among other things Sonic the Hedgehog beating the shit out of The Power Rangers) That I thought of when I was 6 [X]
  • My long planned Dragon short stories (Which I've forgotten the outline for)
  • Samurai Jack meets SW (Aku meets Palpatine, battle of the overly long shadows ;)), or The Malaz books [Samurai Jack meets the Seguleh :))
  • Rise of Baator. ((D&D Hellish uprising under the Overlord's orders, following Demogorgon's recovery of the Venom Fount) [X]
  • A Foundation [First GE] /SW Empire crossover
  • The Fury (Marvel [Alan Moore's creation]) goes Abroad [To new realities, and new groups to meet, learn of then slaughter). [X]
  • Q meets Mr. Mxztplyk- Chaos ensues [X]
  • Coyote [Native american mythology] Meets Bugs Bunny [X]
  • Tim Hunter in the HP Verse (No, he doesn't go to Hogwarts, I mean him plane jumping to there) [X]
The Ones marked X are very, very low in my Enthusiasm list, and will almost certainly never be written by me (They just popped into my head upon seeing the thread)
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Adrian Laguna
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

I have a Legend of Zelda fanfic on my mind. It ignores everything outside of the two N64 games, "Ocarina of Time" and its sequel "Majora's Mask". Since they are the only two games I've played, naturally my fic would be based on my intepretation of the universe based on those two games alone. It also has a few wild theories of mine.

Basically a few years after Link defeats Ganondorf, he comes back to Hyrule. The time-line works out like this:

Year 0 - Infant Link is put under the care of the Deku tree by his dying mother.

Year 10 - Link's quest begins. He collects the 3 stones and is sealed in the Temple of Light.

Year 17 - Link awakens, Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule. Link goes to the temples, awakens the seven sages, and seals Ganondorf in the Sacred Realm. After accomplishing his destiny as hero of time, he is sent back to Year 10.

Year 10 - There are two Links in the world now, the one who defeated Ganondorf in the future, and the one who has just been sealed in the Temple of Light. The first one leaves Hyrule, since he knows trying to stop Ganondorf is futile and his other self will do it anyway.

Between Year 10 through Year 17 - Events of Majora's Mask, Link has many adventures.

Year 17 - Second link awakens, defeats Ganondorf, sent back to Year 10.

Year 23 - Link returns to Hyrule from his adventures abroad. Re-united with now Queen Zelda.

Year 28 - My fic happens here. Hyrule is invaded by a made-up people from the desert that appear to be the result of the author mixing Huns, Arabs, and Mongols toguether. Instead of the typical dungeon crawling, Link must save Hyrule by leading an army and slaughtering hundreds of human soldiers.

Anyone ever notice how the Gerudo fortress seems to be built in order to defend against threats coming from the desert? Just take a look at where the massive fortified gate is. Hyrule is full of open fields, narrow canyons, and fortified places. It's the perfect place to have a large war with huge armies going against eachother.

Naturally, this would only work if one assumes that the Hyrule seen Ocarina of Time is a much compressed version because of the N64's limitations. But that seems obvious to me, there's no way in hell Lon Lon Ranch is the only farm in the entire country. As far as I'm concerned it's at least one of dozens.
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Post by RedImperator »

Since the other games in the Zelda series actually feature descendants of the Link from the N64 games, your fic actually doesn't really conflict with the rest of the series, other than the fact that you've introduced a huge war that's not mentioned in the later games. But I always got the impression the games were set hundreds or thousands of years apart, so in that case, nobody would mention your war (since it apparently has nothing to do with the Triforce mythology relevant to the future Links' quests) any more often than people today bring up the Visigoths.
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Post by Surlethe »

I need to work some more on my fanfic (I don't even remember what I called it); I've a decent idea of where it's going, but I need to outline a bit and then flesh it out, especially Vader's character.

I've also got to work on a non-fiction book idea I've had floating around for a while. It's actually completely outlined, but needs to be written (it's titled, Well, that's Bullshit: The Search for Intellectual Honesty).

Finally, and greatest in magnitude, I need to get back to work on my Cataclysms series. The Second Cataclysm needs revision, additions to the Fiona-wandering arc, some expansion on the history of the Apothetem, additional characters, and lots and lots of addition to the idea of how an inter-cluster war would work. The Third Cataclysm (which I haven't seriously worked on for four and a half years) really needs to be revisited with fresh vision and ideas. The Apothetem war is an interesting concept, but how would they be able to contain the Apothetem before the war breaks out again? This bears thinking about. The Fourth Cataclysm needs the first book seriously revised, and the rest of the trilogy written. It's good, but there are a few major plot points which absolutely require revision (how in hell was I thinking a few billion humans lifted off Earth just before its destruction in Lethe Ascension could adequately populate a civilization which spans the supercluster? I'm going to have to find some way of dealing with this idea). The Fifth Cataclysm and the Corporate Wars are interesting, but I haven't outlined them (or even conceived a vague notion beyond the basic idea) at all. The Sixth Cataclysm is a bit more concrete, but not much, though I do like the actual idea (and I've written it into the Second Cataclysm, too). The Seventh Cataclysm is different from the others in tone, and is most similar to the First Cataclysm, but I haven't the vaguest idea of a plot for it; I've only got a unifying principle. The First Cataclysm is a little more fleshed out, but only because I somehow cobbled together a prologue last summer. The seven Cataclysms also doesn't include the possibility of post-Cataclysmic stories, some of which I've tossed around, and there are, of course, countless stories within the universe which don't really have anything to do with the Cataclysms and are just waiting to be told.

So, yeah, I've a bit of writing to do.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

My story that I want to write but can't is called Anabasis. I think maybe if I arbitrarily bring people into the process who would be actively disappointed by my failure to deliver, I would be more able to sit the fuck down and finish it. So... I'm using this post to say maybe a new chapter this week, pursuant to the above theory.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

AN idea that I have played around with for a while was a "Homeworld StarWars" Crossover.

The story takes place shortly after "Homeworld Cata" When you Think you have defeated the organic Borg known as "The Beast"
The plot takes place shortly before the Vayger Invasion of Hiigara. Here, The Beast returns, attacking the Vayger first and Capturing Makaan's Flagship. The first half of the story is much like Homeworld2, the search for Sajuuk and such. Only now, they search for Sajuuk (an Über Ancient starship) to escape from The Beast, fleeing the Galaxy.

The story really begins after an Alliance between several races (some I have made up) tries to fight off the Beast long enough for Sajuuk, Bentus (flagship of the Bentusi, and a Massive island like Starship that was built as an "arc' to house countless things from the Galaxy they are now fleeing.

Sajuuk, using a Handwavium Uber hyperspace drive, eventually jumps the whole Armada into deep space. Eventually, they find their way into the outter rim of an Unknown Galaxy. A vast fleet of warships ( a few Bentusi ships) and the Island Arc (about the size of a Star Dreadnaught) The Galaxy they enter is none other then the StarWars Galaxy shortly after the end of the Clone War.

Desperate for an ally and a home, the Armada (hiding most of it’s forces and keeping them a secret) makes a pact with the new Emperor. Palpatine agrees to let them have a pick of uncharted unimportant plants, if they clean up the outter Rim and take care of some left over Separatists hold outs.

The story progresses with them trying to keep a deal with a devil as it where, while still trying to keep secret their most precious ships (Sajuuk, the Arc ship, and the last of the Bentusi)
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Re: stories you want to write, but can't

Post by FedRebel »

The fics I haven't been able to write but have in my mind

Star Trek: Civil Conflict: The Federation ignites into full civil war when a growing dissident movement strikes, Starfleet officers have to choose sides and face fighting their once friends and family.

Star Trek: Silent Coup: The USS Excelsior responds to a distress call from a Federation penal colony, Admiral Cartwright has escaped custody. After the Excelsior catches up with him he claims that Colonel West and himself were part of an atempt to prevent a greater threat from assuming power in the Federation.

Fatal Error: Alternate history fiction set in the mid 30's onwards where alternate outcomes to seemingly minor events in actual history have grave concequences.

Unfortuneately combinations of writer's block, poor time management, and unforseen circumstances have prevented significat work to be done on any one project
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