Arrow wrote:That's rather tame. I was expecting the min spec to be far more demanding (hmmm - efficient programming at work? Or marketing BS?). I can't wait to see if I can hit 10K+ units in a battle.
I guaruantee you if you're just at those minimum specs, you're going to have to put every setting at minimum, and even then I have a good feeling the game'll play very choppily.
The most important thing I'd think is the proc, because in most games that I've played, I've noticed that having a higher proc speed can be a huge help, of course this largely depends on the game. I've noticed, specifically, with Rome: Total War that higher RAM rather then proc speed was more important (I.E. going from 512-1GB was a big improvement), althought I believe Medieval 2 is on a new engine, so it's really hard to say.
Anyhow, I don't want too sound too grim, just trying to forewarn you, in-general the minimum specs are just the specs you need to get the game installed, but don't guaruantee any sort of enjoyable playing experience. Hopefully I'm wrong about this game, because my system, my proc especially is lagging behind, but I'd say if you're willing to ugprade for this game then you go ahead and upgrade if you want to get the max out of it, otherwise, I think you'll be disappointed (especially with a game in the Total War series, where massive armies are centerfold).