Durandal wrote:Falcon wrote:Government public schools are not a necessary service either, your arguement must be a strawman too, by your logic.
Since the state sets a minimum requirement for school attendence and education, I'd say that they are necessary.
The state could stop all its meddling in schools and let various scholarly institutions set national standards, like they already do for more colleges.
You just can't accept that the Supreme Court says your wrong, various civil liberty unions say you're wrong, and frankly a proper reading of the Constitution says your wrong. In the face of all that, just how do you support your opinion?
With arguments and logic, not the petty legal games that the courts must abide by. Stop appealing to their authority.
I'm not appealing to authority. My arguement is there with or without the supporting evidence of the court rulings. The point of using those court rulings is that the courts have come down in favor of my arguement, Constitutionally. How you can say thats an appeal to authority is beyond me. I suppose you are simply another wannabe spewing cheap debate terms.
As I recall we've had several amendments which have changed the Constitution. One of those chages was to abolish slavery, but last I checked there wasn't one to abolish freedom of religion, no matter how much you might wish there were.
So you acknowledge that appealing to the authority of the founding fathers can be shown wrong through objective reasoning? Good. Because you've completely ignored everything I've said, appealing to legalistic games, tradition and authority. Your ideas of the separation of church and state are severely misguided and flawed, and they do more to unify the two than to separate them. They are, thusly, wrong. If they happen to be the law, then the law is also wrong. Try thinking for yourself for once. If you start from a premise of equality, you cannot reach a conclusion condoning governmental religious demonstrations.
I'm glad you are finally beginning to realize that the law is on my side. If the law is good or not is a seperate debate, but make no mistake, the vouches previously proposed are Constitutional.
Setting a historical precedent is a common part of the interpertation of law, it is not a 'logical fallacy' by any stretch of the imagination. Spitting out buzz words that you apparently don't even fully comprehend isn't going to help.
Appealing to tradition is saying, "We've done it this way since whenever, so it's obviously right." You said, "Congress has been opening sessions with a prayer since they were formed, so obviously it's right." That's an appeal to tradition, dumbass.
No, my arguement stands on its own without that, I mearly point out that we've done things in such a way to establish historical precedent to support my arguement. Your mischaracterization would make out that historical precedent is my
only arguement, which is not the case.
Again, your propositions are inconsistent with the ideal of equality for all citizens, and the courts can suck my dick if they happen to disagree. In case you didn't notice, courts still allow for life-imprisonment for homosexual acts. These are not people I trust when it comes to basic freedoms.
They do not oppose equality for all citizens, this has been rebuffed before, read up if you cannot remember. Your example of homesexual acts proves nothing since its not Constitutional, that is a issue of legislature.
US Grant, hardly a spectacular man, horrible general (unless tossing men at fortified lines is 'great'), failed at most everything he did in life, no background in law or Constitutionality that I'm aware of, we should value his opinion over scholars of the law....why?
Is he right or wrong, and why?
His quote doesn't even apply to this issue since we arn't talking about making some blanket religious program, the vouchers would be administered on secular and scholarly standards with no regard or consideration to religion. I just dislike Grant and wanted to take the opportunity to run him down.
Oh the irony, after quoting US Grant you slam me for an 'appeal to authority' You see, I haven't appealed to authority (like you just did) because I've provided the reasoning behind the Supreme Courts (and lower courts) rulings (see above mentioned court cases). I've also presented an arguement based upon the rulings of those courts. I've made an arguement, the courts and civil liberty unions agree.
Yes, it's a fallacy, but you wanted to play the appeal to authority game, so you got it.
I've stated my arguement, then I pointed to other prominante institutions which agree with my arguement, this is not an appeal to authority since I'm not saying I'm right
only because prominant institutions agree with me. Your grasping, vainly, at something to discredit my arguement instead of address it (because you know its Constitutional, like it or not).
Women have equal rights in the Constitution, see Amendment 19. You cannot lose your rights under the Constitution.
It's called "due process."
What are you talking about? Women have equal rights now, under the Constitution and the law.
I suppose you are one of the morons who would be in favor of the campaign finance reform laws regarding the banning of canidates running political ads 60 days prior to an election. You are right that the government must represent everyone, which is why the government can make no laws regarding religion, but to think that that means that a public servent loses their first amendment rights is insane. There is no precedent for such a concept, it clearly wasn't in the intentions of the founders for such a thing to ever be considered.
Campaign finance is a red herring. Public servants are part of the government and like it or not, they cannot allow their religious beliefs to interfere with their decision making in a legal capacity. If they are incapable of making purely objective decisions, then they should not be in office. Do you honestly think that the people in Congress don't represent the government? If they are supposed to represent a completely religiously neutral government, how can they do so when they themselves are not religiously neutral?
Of course they can't allow their religion to influence their policy making. That doesn't mean that they can't openly practice their religion. Campaign finance is an analogy, its funny how anything you don't want to address you try to push aside as some kind of falacy. It looks like you're hiding.
For the record, the people in Congress represent the people, who are the government, and they are to govern by the Constitution, which says Congress cannot legislate religion. It also doesn't say that you lose your rights upon entry to Congress. You are twisting the law into something it was not in any wildest fantasy intended to be.
Your idea that it's not violating the separation of church and state as long as Congress doesn't pass a law about it is patently absurd. You give free reign to government officials to appropriate government facilities for religious rituals at their leisure, which by itself elevates their religios beliefs over everyone else's, thus violating everyone else's right to be free from the governmental persecution of religion. If Shrub stood up tomorrow and announced that all atheists are evil and deserving of eternal suffering in Hell, you would find this perfectly acceptable because it's his religious belief, which according to you, he is free to perpetuate with his status as a governmental and publc figure just as long as he doesn't sign any laws about it! Don't you realize how idiotic this mindset is?!
There are other considerations to be taken into account, propert financial oversight, etc... that prohibits whole scale religious activity on government property. Your willingness to take things to an unrealistic extream is shocking. For one thing, if representatives went about behaving in such a mannor they'd probably lose their election, if they didn't then the people would have not seen a problem with it, in which case, where is the problem? No ones rights are being harmed.
Your refusing of the facts does not invalidate them. The court clearly stated that vouchers would be administered based on secular and scholarly standards with no regard or consideration towards religion in any way.
Except that they open the door to funding religious practices, which is violates the establishment clause. Turning a blind eye to a crime does not absolve you of the fact that you saw a crime and had a chance to do something. Do you seriously expect me to believe that a man with a machine gun firing in random directions while shouting, "If these bullets just happen to hit someone, it's not my problem" is not a murderer or responsible if someone dies?
It does not violate the establishment clause, no law has been passed. Misinterpertating the Constitution to suit your own religious xenophobia isn't helping here. Your gun analogy is one of those famous 'red herrings' you keep blathering on about.
Your inability to read is apalling. The statement 'I know this' was referring to the fact that America is based on secular not religious principles.
No you don't, as you said that the laws against murder constituted something in the Constitution that is religious in nature. If that's not what you meant, think before you type and be more clear.
No, I'm saying the principles behind laws against murder share commonility with religion, which is what I said, and you refuse to read apparently. I've never seen anyone who blatently
LIES about what someone else has said.
However, the analogy still stands. You used nazism as a religion because it shared some principles with religion. My point was that America, a secular nation, also shares principles with religion (murder is wrong), but this does not make America a religious nation. The same can be said about Nazism, simply because it might have shared a few principles with religion does not make Nazism a religion.
Are you fucking insane? Nevermind that this whole Nazism thing is just a giant nitpick of yours, Nazism encourages the belief of Norse gods and praying to them. This is not even close to being analogous to the Constitution and a religion agreeing on the moral implications of murder. Nazism encourages beliefs which cannot be objectively justified; saying murder is wrong can be objectively justified.
Nazism was YOUR nitpick, I just dispelled it. Sharing similar principles with religion does not make Nazism a religion, at best it makes it a secular institution that encourages religion.
Further, if you continue to insist that you know the government of the United States is founded on secular principles, then why do you advocate the government giving the impression that one religion is superior to others, thus violating the secular principle of freedom from religious persecution?
One of those secular principles is freedom of religion, NO ONE IS GOING TO BE PERSECUTED. You are a
LIER, there is no nice way to put it when someone
REPEATEDLY LIES about someone else's position.
See, that kind of extreamist statement right there shows your mind has split for parts unknown. There is just no way possible to get such a mind boggling conclusion considering the past and present of America.
McCarthy era, dipshit. My fears are perfectly justifiable.
McCarthy was responding to the very real threat of communism, it is in no way applicable to this situation, you're grasping again.
As long as they don't pass laws regarding religion then it doesn't matter. Taking out 'Christianity' and putting in 'Satanists' doesn't change the arguement. What our representatives do personally is of no concern, the laws they pass are what matters here.
Everyone in America has the right to be free from government persecution based on religion. Setting one religion up on a pedestal over others is government persecution.
No one religion is going to be set up over any other, no religion is going to be persecuted, you are a lier and a fool, misrepresenting what I've said and what will happen at every turn.
Again you completely mischaracterize the issue despite repeated correction. Religious organizations will not be 'appropriating' government money! Vouchers will be handed out based upon secular, scholarly standards with NO REGARD FOR RELIGION If a religious organization happens to benifit is on par with them benifiting from a fire service, see court cases above for relevent arguements.
If a parents gets a voucher, coming from tax payer money, and is allowed to spend that money on religious indoctrination, the government must approve of its money being spent on religious rituals, promotions and indoctrination. It's passive approval. This is extremely simple and basic reasoning.
The money is approved based on secular and scholarly standards with no regard or consideration of religion
Furthermore, fire fighting services are, again, basic necessities for the safety of the community. This is a piss-poor analogy. Fire fighting services would be nonexistent without a fire fighting department. Schooling services would still go on if every private school closed down. Private schools are not a part of the public education system, and paying their tuition with government money is, in effect, making them a part of the public education system while allowing them to continue religious services. Firefighters putting out a church on fire doesn't do anything of that sort. Whatever idiot judge bought that analogy should be removed for gross stupidity and incompetence.
Fire fighting is YOUR TAX MONEY GOING TO RELIGION everytime a church fire is put out. It is EXACTLY the same.
Return to fantasy land? Your whole arugement seems to be 'my opinion is right, everyone else's is wrong' My arguement, which despite your claims you haven't touched with a 10 ft pole so far, is not only compelling, but supported by some of the most knowledgable scholars and judges in America. An 'appeal to authority' is saying I'm right because so and so said so with no reasoning or evidence. I've made my arguement, it stands on its own merit, simply stating that this is an accepted arguement in American Constitutional law isn't an appeal to authority. The arguement is there and its there with or without court cases. The court cases are mearly more supporting evidence. Court cases are often used to support legal arguements, another tradition in law you apparently would like to disregard.
You've made your "argument" by appealing to the authority of religious bigots who just happen to hold power. I've based my argument on the simple precept that all people should be treated equally and be free from governmental discrimination. You cannot have equality if the government is allowed to elevate one religion over all others, or if the government is allowed to fund religious activity, because in either case, there will always be people who disagree with the religious activities being supported.
More lies and misrepresentations, my arguement is that if properly done vouchers do not violate the first Amendment, I have provided court cases to further support my case (they are support, they are not my case), you have provided nothing except your opinion of how you think the Constitution should be interperted. No religion is being elevated over others, there is no governmental descrimination regarding religion, these statements are lies that fly in the face of my repeated statements and explainations to the contrary.
Things like this makes me sick. You arn't interested in a dialog on this issue, you are only interested in blowing your foul venom and making inane comments such as this.
Don't be ridiculous. If I wasn't interested in a dialogue, I wouldn't have written this much. Just because I chose to top it all off with an insult doesn't mean that I'm not arguing. Perhaps you should look up the "style over substance" fallacy.