Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base

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Post by Spyder »

Darth Wong wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Xenos, may not be setient but they are not stupid when they launch attacks. They are almost infinately patient, stealthy and very fast. They almost always use cover in an attacks, and stick to attacking at night. They are certainly not just animals.

That's why they wasted most of their manpower in Aliens by charging headlong at the sentry guns until they ran out of ammo, right?
Well, it's not as though humans have never tried that...I mean it's never actually worked but the theory's sound.
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Post by Big Orange »

What about when the aliens cut the power to the Hadley Hope W-Y complex?
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Post by consequences »

Big Orange wrote:What about when the aliens cut the power to the Hadley Hope W-Y complex?
Decent odds that's just a side effect of the reactor overload, or a progressive failure caused by a combination of gratuitous gunfire and acid spray in the reactor room, driving a frakking Apc through said reactor room, and crashing the dropship into the general area.

Maybe the control runs were in the next two human incubation spots, so they didn't get cut until the marines got grabbed in the power room debacle.

Regardless, if they are smart enough to cut the power, why do they run the sentry guns out of ammo with their bodies?
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Post by Vendetta »

consequences wrote: Decent odds that's just a side effect of the reactor overload, or a progressive failure caused by a combination of gratuitous gunfire and acid spray in the reactor room, driving a frakking Apc through said reactor room, and crashing the dropship into the general area.
Which makes it really fucking convenient that it fails no more than two or three minutes before the Aliens make their assault, no?

The drones rushed the guns because they are, to a certain extent, expendable. Certainly expendable enough to use removing men with guns who may potentially become a threat to the queen.

Anyway, before I even started building a base to contain the Xenos, I'd make sure I had effective ways to sedate them at every stage of their lifecycle, preferably by atmospheric delivery so they could not avoid the sedative effects, and when I had built my holding facility, I'd keep live specemins under heavy sedation unless I needed specific behavioural studies done, and they would be fitted with some kind of killswitch whilst sedated, either an explosive collar with a dead-man's switch and a trigger on opening or an acid resistant implant preferably one which would break down over a given time, and prove fatal after that. That subject would be terminated anyway. No chances will be taken.
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Post by ThatGuyFromThatPlace »

Has Xenos responses to electricty ever been shown? Like an electric fence or cattle prod perhaps?
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Post by Big Orange »

Stark wrote: Get this guys - the only way an alien is getting out is mass incompetence or magic stealth. In that case, you won't trigger the nuke because you either won't know or you'll be dead. Another worthless feature. Compartmenalised mines/incendiaries/other badness is far more useful, because you can use it WITHOUT KILLING EVERYONE.

Nukes may be overkill, but you might need a big bomb to level the complex in case of the holding facility being totally compromised. And the bomb would mostly be used to cover up evidence rather than just preventing the possible escape of aliens. It would also save on manpower and ammo when clearing out a big nest of the critters.
consequences wrote:*snip*
I think the colonist's compound ran on a separate power source to the nearby atmosphere power plant and it's really hard to tell if the tripod guns decimated most of the alien hive trying to get into the control centre. And maybe the aliens only accidentally cut off the lighting when a mass of them passed through a maintenance duct, inadvertently severing the wires?
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Post by Darth Wong »

Vendetta wrote:
consequences wrote:Decent odds that's just a side effect of the reactor overload, or a progressive failure caused by a combination of gratuitous gunfire and acid spray in the reactor room, driving a frakking Apc through said reactor room, and crashing the dropship into the general area.
Which makes it really fucking convenient that it fails no more than two or three minutes before the Aliens make their assault, no?
Explain why they didn't cut the power when they were rushing the sentry guns. They don't know if the sentry guns can see in the dark. They lost most of their manpower before they "cut" the power.

Seriously, xeno-wanking is just pathetic and stupid. A group of rabidly aggressive chimpanzees would be more dangerous.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Not by much though. But yeah, I don't get it why people see them as uber death monsters. Sure, they reproduce fast (maybe), but they're no deadlier than any other monster that's out there.
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The Yosemite Bear wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Xenos, may not be setient but they are not stupid when they launch attacks. They are almost infinately patient, stealthy and very fast. They almost always use cover in an attacks, and stick to attacking at night. They are certainly not just animals.

That's why they wasted most of their manpower in Aliens by charging headlong at the sentry guns until they ran out of ammo, right?
he's also said that we have no evidence that the sentry guns killed any aliens in the sewers because we never saw them die.
Incorrect. I stated that the Assumed numbers that you stated aren't Supported by what we see onscreen. The point I was making was that your assumption that The xeno suffered massive causualities is unsupported completely. My second point is that if you are going by what we see onscreen all we se are two xenos being wasted nothing more. I didn't say that they suffered ABSOLUTELY no casualties, I said that you can't really tell how many of them died based on any onscreen evidence. Stop being dishonest.
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Darth Wong wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Xenos, may not be setient but they are not stupid when they launch attacks. They are almost infinately patient, stealthy and very fast. They almost always use cover in an attacks, and stick to attacking at night. They are certainly not just animals.

That's why they wasted most of their manpower in Aliens by charging headlong at the sentry guns until they ran out of ammo, right?
A Theory that you have yet to prove. You state with conviction that most of the Xeno forces were killed in sentry gun attack when the onsceen evidence and Dialog show or tell nothing of what you state. Where your proof? Actually, the movie itself may even disprove what you state when you look at the size of the xeno attack force towards the end of the movie. (seeing as how there was a Huge force for a frontal assault and based on the fact that they were flanked from Behind)
On the contrary, It doesn't prove my point either, but then again All I've been trying to do is debunk your point because there is little to no support for it onscreen and that it is based strictly on an assumption and not hard facts. Unless you have another official canon source that supports you I can't agree with your assumption.
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Post by Vendetta »

Darth Wong wrote: Explain why they didn't cut the power when they were rushing the sentry guns. They don't know if the sentry guns can see in the dark. They lost most of their manpower before they "cut" the power.
There's a number of possibilities. For one, it's possible that the sentryguns surprised them. The Aliens knew the layout of the colony well enough to find the ceiling crawlspaces, but the sentryguns were brought by the marines, unless an alien had investigated after they were installed (which would havegotten it shot to fuck, so we'd know about it. All the guns were full at the start of the rush). The initial assault might well have had the numbers to simply swamp the marines themselves, so they didn't need to be clever (it took them long enough to pull out against the sentries to suggest that a simple number rush was what they were trying).

After those losses, and considering their limited initial population, it's likely that they were then forced to alter their method of attack. Avoiding the guns, even though they no longer needed to, and trying to reduce their enemy's fighting capacity. After all, it's likely that they've seen humans fight as they were taking down the colony, and might well have been able to connect the dots when we don't do so well in the dark.
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Stark wrote:What is 'Stealth and the cover of Darkness'? Is that like a magic spell or something?
No. It's based on what we see in all the Alien films.They hide, they use the darkness to their advantage. It very simple. I'm not trying to say they are godlike in power they are simple and very cunning creatures
Amusingly, the aliens DON'T always move at their wanked-out comicbook speeds, and they move at night because they spend the day DORMANT.
Speaking of which Ihaven't read a single Alien comic book or novel so You lose me there. Humor me, How fast have they been stated to move in the books? My reference and my point of stating that they are fast is based strictly on one scene in Alien 3.
When we've seen aliens in unfamiliar environments, they've hid and tried to go for targets of opportunity, instead of wanked-out comicbook hive establishment. I'm not seeing why lowend military or police should have any problem with them since there's going to be a dozen TOPS.
Go back to Alien. One xeno on one ship. What tactics did it use there: It Killed them strictly on covienence. It mostly stuck to being in airducts and Killed them when they were isolated. When it was outnumbered, It went back into hiding or it "Took a Hostage". (Lambert)
In that case it got in between Parker and Lambert and it created a problem for Parker since Lambert was in his line of fire.

Now apply that to a city like NYC: A single xeno in that scenario would do the same thing but on a greater scale. It will kill when the opportunity is best and then hide when it feels that it is in dager or when it completes it's killing. In that case the cops may not get wise to the situation b/c people die (or in this case get murdered) on a hourly/daily basis in NYC. They will have considerable clues from the dead corpses, but very limited witnesses. Cop will have a lot of Trouble find it. In that case, that will play to the Alien' advantage. The Cop will have to come to the xeno and not the other way around.
The Marines in Aliens killed HUNDREDS of them.
You do know that your declaration here is totally fallacious. At most they had to have been 156 Xenos on LV 426 at most. The Colony had 157 inhabitants there so how can the Marines have killed hundreds of Aliens whe there was only approx 160 Aliens
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Darth Wong wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:No Shit!! I wasn't trying to say it can corrode through ABOLUTELY anything. I'm just saying that with the scenario we have: Using modern day tech there really isn't much that I can think that can stop Xeno Blood. That's all I'm getting at. If you have a problem with the Term Universal Corrosive then Take that up with the writer.
What are you, fucking retarded? In Aliens they had living face-huggers contained securely in water-filled glass tanks. They were contained in those glass tanks for weeks, with no supervision and no danger until Burke deliberately released them.
I see two problems with this:

Problem 1: You state that The length of time that the Facehugger were in those tanks as a way of supporting your claim that Their acid can't corrode Glass. The Problem with your point is that if you watch any of the Alien films you would know that xenos are nearly infinitely patient. Alien Clearly shows that they can wait for very long periods of time for prey to arrive. The Derelict spacecraft was considered to be ancient (centuries to maybe a milenia old) and all those facehuggers waited patiently for Kane's arrival.

Now My point: The Facehugger's that were encased were there for weeks/months had no reason to try to escape with no prey insight.

Problem 2: Your point still doesn't disprove My original point: Glass doesn't stop Alien Blood from corroding through it. But I'll get to that later since the next part of your post discusses even further.
If you look even Further to Alien Resurrection Ripley's Less potent Blood was able to corrode through the The Glass porthole on the Betty.

I'm not too sure what scenes you were talking about. But Both Alien and Aliens stated that The xeno Blood neutralizes (over time) after death. Thus they are easier to handle. The fact that both were kept in Glass tanks doesn't really show that their blood can be contained by glass.
The two face-huggers in Aliens were still alive, TardBoy. And the same appendage they used to eat through Kane's facemask was useless against the glass tank walls.[/quote] Now to discuss this part:

There's on big factor You forget in comparing these instances: Leverage and Momentum. Part of what made the Facehugger attack on Kane sucessful was the Momentum created by the Facehugger from leaping out of the egg. It had more leverage to build up that momentum. The Facehugger was crammed into the small container and had very little leverage to produce the momentum to break free. That in conjunction with the fac that there is a fluid in the tank really slows down any chance at building up any momentum. (Think of what happens when you run in water, it slows down movement)
Assuming that They were placed in water tanks to stop that acid is merely that, an assumption.

Another assumption you make is that they are keeping the Facehuggers in "water" for a specific reason. You state to stop the corrosive effects of their blood. Then explain to why they kept the dead facehuggers in the exact same manner? It was established that their acid gets neutralized after death. (Through oxygen exposure) Why would they keep a threatening and a non threatening being in the same way?

To me, I assumed that they were trying to preserve them in some sort of Embalming Fluid for future study.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
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Post by Darth Servo »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Problem 1: You state that The length of time that the Facehugger were in those tanks as a way of supporting your claim that Their acid can't corrode Glass. The Problem with your point is that if you watch any of the Alien films you would know that xenos are nearly infinitely patient. Alien Clearly shows that they can wait for very long periods of time for prey to arrive. The Derelict spacecraft was considered to be ancient (centuries to maybe a milenia old) and all those facehuggers waited patiently for Kane's arrival.
And yet when prey DID arrive and the face huggers DID try and attack, they were unable to get through the glass.
There's on big factor You forget in comparing these instances: Leverage and Momentum. Part of what made the Facehugger attack on Kane sucessful was the Momentum created by the Facehugger from leaping out of the egg.
Bullshit. Kane's faceplate would have cracked if it was penetrated by momentum. It was clearly melted/dissolved or whatever by the facehugger, not broken.
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consequences wrote:
Big Orange wrote:What about when the aliens cut the power to the Hadley Hope W-Y complex?
Decent odds that's just a side effect of the reactor overload, or a progressive failure caused by a combination of gratuitous gunfire and acid spray in the reactor room, driving a frakking Apc through said reactor room, and crashing the dropship into the general area.
I think you might be confusing the Atmosphere processor with the Reactor to the entire installation. The events that you refer to happend in one of the Power (plant) centers of the Processor itself. I don't recall the Atmosphere Processor being named as the main reactor to the entire Colony, nor is the reactor to the Colony mentioned.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
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Post by Aaron »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I think you might be confusing the Atmosphere processor with the Reactor to the entire installation. The events that you refer to happend in one of the Power (plant) centers of the Processor itself. I don't recall the Atmosphere Processor being named as the main reactor to the entire Colony, nor is the reactor to the Colony mentioned.
If the entire atmosphere processor is a fusion reactor isn't it logical that it would be supplying power to the colony as well? Why would you have two reactors?
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Darth Servo wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Problem 1: You state that The length of time that the Facehugger were in those tanks as a way of supporting your claim that Their acid can't corrode Glass. The Problem with your point is that if you watch any of the Alien films you would know that xenos are nearly infinitely patient. Alien Clearly shows that they can wait for very long periods of time for prey to arrive. The Derelict spacecraft was considered to be ancient (centuries to maybe a milenia old) and all those facehuggers waited patiently for Kane's arrival.
And yet when prey DID arrive and the face huggers DID try and attack, they were unable to get through the glass.
And if you read my whole post then you would have noticed that I mentioned that The combination of Liquid and a lack of leverage needed to create the right momentum to break through obviously hindered any escape.
There's on big factor You forget in comparing these instances: Leverage and Momentum. Part of what made the Facehugger attack on Kane sucessful was the Momentum created by the Facehugger from leaping out of the egg.
Bullshit. Kane's faceplate would have cracked if it was penetrated by momentum. It was clearly melted/dissolved or whatever by the facehugger, not broken.[/quote]How does that invalidate my point?? For starters we don't know if Kane's helmet was first cracked and then dissolved through. One can assume that the Glass cracking in places is was caused the melt of the faceplate. (Because the broken Glass cut the Facehugger, causing it to bleed )
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I think you might be confusing the Atmosphere processor with the Reactor to the entire installation. The events that you refer to happend in one of the Power (plant) centers of the Processor itself. I don't recall the Atmosphere Processor being named as the main reactor to the entire Colony, nor is the reactor to the Colony mentioned.
If the entire atmosphere processor is a fusion reactor isn't it logical that it would be supplying power to the colony as well? Why would you have two reactors?
Naturally. The only reason I would think that they are separately powered is because the AP needs A lot of Power for converting the Atmosphere within a reasonable amount of time, thus it gets it's own Power plant. The Colony get's it's own for it purposes. Or it could be for redundancy reasons.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Post by Darth Wong »

Darth Wong wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Xenos, may not be setient but they are not stupid when they launch attacks. They are almost infinately patient, stealthy and very fast. They almost always use cover in an attacks, and stick to attacking at night. They are certainly not just animals.

That's why they wasted most of their manpower in Aliens by charging headlong at the sentry guns until they ran out of ammo, right?
A Theory that you have yet to prove. You state with conviction that most of the Xeno forces were killed in sentry gun attack when the onsceen evidence and Dialog show or tell nothing of what you state. Where your proof?
What the fuck evidence do you need, asshole? Isn't the scene showing the guns blowing up a corridor full of aliens enough? Or Hudson saying that they're "wall to wall in there?" The hallway is full of aliens and bullets, fucktard. Do you understand the mechanics of this situation?
Actually, the movie itself may even disprove what you state when you look at the size of the xeno attack force towards the end of the movie. (seeing as how there was a Huge force for a frontal assault and based on the fact that they were flanked from Behind)
Yes, let's look at it. It's roughly 30 xenos, which is what we see on Ripley's motion tracker just before they come through the ceiling, and we never see more than that entering the room itself, from any direction. What happened to the rest of them? Oops, I'll bet you never bothered counting how many xenos they're facing in this "huge" frontal assault force, did you?
On the contrary, It doesn't prove my point either, but then again All I've been trying to do is debunk your point because there is little to no support for it onscreen and that it is based strictly on an assumption and not hard facts. Unless you have another official canon source that supports you I can't agree with your assumption.
Frankly, I have half a mind to ban you for being a lying little shit right here and now. I have no problem with someone presenting alternate interpretations of movie scenes, but simply pretending that a scene never happened? That's fucking lying.

Anybody who watches Aliens can see that they charged headlong into the sentry guns and got mown down; this is not an "assumption"; we saw it onscreen! Three sentry guns ran dry and the fourth one had only a couple of rounds left; that's a lot of concentrated killing. What the fuck do you want? Video clips?
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Post by Aaron »

Naturally. The only reason I would think that they are separately powered is because the AP needs A lot of Power for converting the Atmosphere within a reasonable amount of time, thus it gets it's own Power plant. The Colony get's it's own for it purposes. Or it could be for redundancy reasons.
That doesn't exactly fit in with Weyland-Yutani's known cheapskate ways. If they can get away with having the atmosphere processor power itself and the colony I'm sure they will.
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Post by Vendetta »

It should be noted that the Aliens' main ingress is a whacking great big conduit directly from the terraformer reactor to the colony. Just the kind of thing you'd need if you wanted to power it from the reactor. (it also, of course, makes it easier for them to cut the colony power, as they have access to the power conduits)
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Post by Darth Servo »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:And if you read my whole post then you would have noticed that I mentioned that The combination of Liquid and a lack of leverage needed to create the right momentum to break through obviously hindered any escape.
Oh please. Momentum is directly related to mass and given that the thing can easily be carried around in one hand makes any momentum in the thing pretty much negligible. Probably the same mass as if the thing were made out of rubber (which the prop probably was).
How does that invalidate my point?? For starters we don't know if Kane's helmet was first cracked and then dissolved through. One can assume that the Glass cracking in places is was caused the melt of the faceplate. (Because the broken Glass cut the Facehugger, causing it to bleed )
Damn, does anyone have a pic of this because I seem to recall the only damage to the faceplate. There weren't any cracks on the part of the faceplate that wasn't melted.
"everytime a person is born the Earth weighs just a little more."--DMJ on
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:No. It's based on what we see in all the Alien films.They hide, they use the darkness to their advantage. It very simple. I'm not trying to say they are godlike in power they are simple and very cunning creatures.
Well, we're not going to make this facility of ours dark and with all sorts of crawl spaces, hidden areas and whatever bullshit there is, will we? No. So the aliens won't have anywhere to hide, it'll get caught in the middle of the corridors if it escapes, and it'll end up getting shot.
Now apply that to a city like NYC:
We're in a facility, not New York City. And you're runaway xeno in NYC is probably gonna be just as deadly as a crazed hobo with a switchblade. Hell, if we have a kill-contest between a street person with a switchblade and a xeno, I'd bet on the hobo. Hide amongst the people, be nondescript as opposed to being a seven-foot-tall monster, just knife people discreetly, disappear in the crowds, whatnot. Well, the alien could hide in the sewers and shit - but if it gets spotted, it's gonna cause a shitload of ruckus.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by NecronLord »

To be entirely fair to the critters, their trying to run the machine guns out of bullets doesn't make them particularly dumb. This is what the generals on the Western Front tried for years, when they encountered new defensive techniques.

It's the lack of any evident tool use that makes them dumb.
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Post by Bladed_Crescent »

And you're runaway xeno in NYC is probably gonna be just as deadly as a crazed hobo with a switchblade.
More so, actually - the drone will probably stay underground where its dark and humid, picking off the homeless that live there. With a nesting environment and an abundant food source, that drone might become a queen. Then that becomes more of a problem than a hobo with a switchblade.

But, now for my stab at containment:

First question is viability. For any long-term research to be done on the aliens, you’ll rather obviously need to have them around for a while. Drones in captivity die in a matter of weeks via unknown causes (Labyrinth), so you’ll need a colony to keep your specimens vital, and as a source of new subjects. That means no keeping the drones locked in separate cages all the time, because you’ll have to replace them over and over again. If you’re doing long-term studies, you’ll need to have long-term subjects. More practically, if you have to keep replacing your drones, you’re obviously getting new ones from somewhere and you might as well have everything in one place. You should – and if you don’t, you’re an idiot – keep the queen isolated from her children, because they’ll just free her. (AvP).

Keep the drones in as small groups as you can manage; build their cages on the bottom floor of your facility, with nothing but concrete below. So if they do kill one of their number (Resurrection, Nightmare Asylum), they’ve got nowhere to go. In case they try to burn through the walls, ceiling or access doors – you’ve got to feed them and have access to them somehow for experimentation, not just vivisection – have a 24-hour shift standing by with that liquid nitrogen spray that they used in Resurrection; at the first sign of inter-drone aggression or attempts to escape, nail them with it.

Don’t tease them, either. You wouldn’t do it with chimps or dogs and doing it to something a bit more dangerous isn’t recommended either.

Try to get your personnel familiar with their subjects and vice versa; drones can and do recognize individuals and seem to prefer their ‘favorite’s’ presence, but if it comes down to it, the most you’ll get is for the alien to hesitate before attacking (Music of the Spears). That moment may be all your people need to get away or kill the attacking animal. This is another reason not to tease them, because they’ll remember that you were the one doing it.

You’ll also have to watch out for kings arising in the population, (Nightmare Asylum), since these individuals are larger than a drone, much stronger, and hyper-aggressive. However, they do appear to be more intelligent than a drone – they won’t kill creatures they don’t perceive to be a threat, unless they’re hungry. (Rogue).

So, the thing to do is allow a small population of kings – and keep them the hell away from each other and the other drones. It doesn’t matter if they waste away like an isolated drone will, because they rarely survive to mate and those that do get killed by the queen immediately thereafter. So, use kings to ensure to some genetic variations in your population (in the absence of kings, queens are self-fertilizing (Nightmare Asylum) – the alien reproductive drive is… heavily redundant). Then, if the queen doesn’t kill them, you do.

The queen. This is bit more ticklish; queens are smart. In Earth Hive, it’s mentioned that an average queen’s IQ is something like 175, I believe. In other sources, the intelligence of the queens is consistently high (Nightmare Asylum, The Female War, Prey) – even in Aliens where she held her drones back from attacking Ripley over the threat to her eggs, then figured out how to use an elevator (given that elevators will not automatically move once you step inside, she had not only to figure out what the buttons were, what they did, but also made a guess as to which the right one was; given that her elevator was only seconds behind Ripley, it couldn’t have been stopping at every floor).

So, complete isolation of the queen. I’d like to say make all the access routes to her chambers too small for her to get through – and double for the elevators – but if you need to move large equipment through the complex, that’s not very practical. Instead, all elevators and most, if not all doors, will operate on a keycode/card system. Everyone will know this code – it’ll be a simple three-digit one. 123, even. But in the event of a breakout, it will slow down or outright stop any upward movement, since aliens aren’t really that literate and even queens won’t know what order the little squiggles have to go in.

Complete isolation is impossible, of course – whatever a drone sees, a queen knows. It’s highly unlikely that the queen will be able to read labels, or understand what bits of machinery do, but it’s still something to keep in mind, that whatever you do to a drone, the queen knows about it. Not that she’ll care overmuch; the eggs are what she values, not the drones (Nightmare Asylum). Use them to ensure her compliance, but unlike General Spears, I will not use my face as the one she’ll associate with her babies being torched if she doesn’t play along. I don’t plan on her getting out, but if she does, I don’t want her or her brood specifically targeting me.

Next: no training the drones to use guns. Ever. (Nightmare Asylum). That’s just a bad idea, start to finish. I don’t care if their accuracy is piss-poor. No touching guns.

That’s the alien aspect of the facility, on to the next bits.

Armour piercing rounds are standard-issue. Normal slugs do roughly jack and shit to alien exoskeleton – in Aliens, Gorman unloaded a full pistol clip point-blank into a drone’s face and it only broke its jaw and the lower part of its skull; it was still alive and flopping around in pain. The casualties came from the sentry guns, and the marine’s pulse rifle AP rounds; this facet of xenomorph physiology is confirmed in the Aliens EU.

Gas defences will not be used; aliens can operate for extended periods in space (Nightmare Asylum), so I doubt that problems with their respiration are much of an issue for them.

The alien habitation levels will be, as above, right at the bottom of the facility. All air ducts will be large enough for a person to wiggle through, not an alien. Screen meshes precent facehuggers or chestbursters from slinking through. Meshes that require opposable thumbs to remove. (In the event of something playing hide and seek in the vents, this will at least help in locating said interloper; intact screens haven’t been passed through – the ones gnawed and/or burnt through however might be a clue as to which direction it went.)

All corridors leading down into the habitat levels will be secured via an in-base bunker of sorts, each contained a small armoury and round-the-clock security personnel, each bunker protecting an elevator shaft/staircase – a fall back point, if you will.

Researchers and visitors to these levels will always be accompanied by at least two armed and armoured guards. Visitors to the queen will rate a full squad. It may be excessive, but better to be excessive and not need it than the reverse.

Anyone coughing or complaining of chest pains gets a free X-ray. No exceptions.

Keep an on-house psychiatric staff; exposure to the aliens’ telempathic sense causes continuing nightmares in a small subset of the population (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, The Female War). Those sensations created by queens are even stronger, and I don’t want my personnel to go wiggy. Especially if they’re the type to snap and start worshipping the damn things.

The facility itself will be as isolated a possible; ideally on an uninhabited island, where even if they escape, they’ve got nowhere to go. In the event of a breach, there will be several options. The first and simplest is to kill the drones using the security forces at hand. Next is in case of a escape that manages to overcome the soldiers present; charges in stairwells, corridors and elevators will be set off, collapsing all routes out of the affected areas. This will keep the aliens contained – and weaken them by cutting off their food supply – until an organized cleansing operation can take place to restore order. If the base is assumed to be a total loss, see below.

In the event of the queen about to break free, a rather potent explosive charge beneath her enclosure will be set off. If we still have viable drones, one of them will eventually undergo a “hormone storm” and we’ll have a replacement monarch (Nightmare Asylum).

If a full-scale escape seems inevitable, all personnel will evacuate and the entirely facility will be destroyed via a most powerful self-destruct charge; nuclear or not doesn’t matter, and for good measure, the island sterilized. In this instance, post-evacuation procedures call for a free X-ray for each and every survivor.

I think that’s about it; keep troops on-hand, have plans on-hand for worst case scenarios, isolate the facility from the population at large and make sure the things don’t get out and you should be fine. I don’t think too much more is necessary.
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