Now, what I'd like to know is, has anyone else heard of these or any other rediculous SD's?
Centaurian SSD
Imperial SSD- I think he may be talking about the Star Destroyer-class Star Battlecruiser.
Dreadnaught SSD- I think he assumed Star Dreadnaught is a class instead of the name for the SD's classified as battleships.
Exitus SD
Research SD- Possibly the Arc Hammer
Spector SD
Eradicator SD
Republic Liberator SD- Perhaps he confused the Liberator (Ex-Adjucator) as a new class?
Repressor SSD
Obliterator SSD
Melevolent SSD
Inquisitor SSD
Tarkin 2 Command Cruiser
Now he gave us some info on both the Tarkin 2 and Exitus, which is pure wankage, but I'll let you in on.
*I believe he means that he has it statted in the WEG rules (D6 System) and is going to convert them to the Revised D20 Version, I don't think anyone at WEG is stupid enough to actually try to actually add this to canon.Lord Lemartes wrote:And as far as i can tell the EXITUS is a newer version of the TARKIN 2 class command cruiser, (i have that statted originally in weg* and converted to rcr by myself by the way), the tarkin 2 has the 2 wave grav shock bombard weapon and nanofactories that are 80% faster and more efficient than the nanofactories on the world devastators, also according to it's write up, the ship can "Give birth" to a Executor class ssd from out of it's bow.
The Exitus as far as i can find out is suppose to have something like a 12 or more barreled DEATH STAR 2 Type Super Laser.