[MSPaint] Akula Ship

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I'm having entirely too much fun playing with the firemodes on the Blast Phaser!

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Just so y'all don't think I'm just phaser-wanking...


Don't ask why it's just a black box; apparently Imageshack's thumbnailer is broken. :roll:

Anyways, I adjusted the positioning of a few items, added the dark gray 'bow glove' to the ship's chin, and added a dorsal phaser strip to fix a potential firearc vulnerability.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

More power to the Blast Phaser!!

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Name: Akula

Role: Fast Attack/Heavy Assault Ship.

Crew: Twelve Officers, up to thirty enlistees.

Performance, Warp: Warp 9.6 max cruise, Warp 9.99 (8000c) 12-hour Max, [CLASSIFIED] Emergency Max; 15000c declassified speed.

Performance, Sublight: .9c max Impulse; 5000g Acceleration.

Performance, Atmosphere: Mach 7 at 100kPa and 273K (sea level on Earth); pressure hull rated to withstand 150 atmospheres (15.2MPa).

Armament, Primary: One Spinal Blast Phaser rated at up to 600 gigawatts (four petajoules [one Megaton] per shot at 10RPM or one petajoule [250Kt] at 40RPM); per-shot firepower and firerate are infinitely adjustable and inversely proportional to each other at any given power input up to the maximum capability of the main reactor feeding the weapon.

Armament, Secondary: Two twin pulse-phaser cannons rated at 10 gigawatts per barrel; two single-barrel pulse-phaser cannons rated at 15 gigawatts per barrel.

Armament, Tertiary: Four Edgetech phaser strips rated at 7.5 gigawatts max continuous output; arrays positioned for 360° spherical coverage.

Defense, Primary: Regenerative Shield System rated for 100 gigawatt-seconds continuous dispersion.

Defense, Secondary: 25cm neutronium-impregnated ablative armor divided amongst five overlapping 5cm thicknesses; 10cm tetraburnium-duranium alloy pressure hull.

This ship is the militarized production spinoff of a much smaller experimental high-speed warp-dynamic testbed aimed at determining how fast a Miranda-derived hull configuration, combined with an advanced warp core and nav deflector design, can be made to go. It is greatly scaled up from the testbed design and fitted with all the systems a modern Starfleet combat vessel can be expected to have, including a very large example of an innovative weapon type known as a "Blast Phaser". So far speeds of fifteen kilolights for the Akula prototype have been publically acknowledged.

The ship is atmosphere capable and submersible up to a depth equivalent to 150 atmospheres or fifteen megapascals.

The three things about the ship that really get one's attention are its graceful, flowing, sleek lines, its beautiful pearlescent blue-white hull, and the multitude of sharp, sharklike wings and fins. The ship is highly warp-dynamic and aerodynamic, conveying a sense of enormous speed and grace. Its unusual color is the product of its neutronium-impregnated ablative armor, of which the ship sports five layers. The fins are actually advanced neutrino radiators designed to dissipate the enormous heat generated by the ship's very powerful reactor system. They also house many of the ship's sensors, warp-field-control elements, and shield emitters.

Note: Ship will have two torpedo launchers flanking the primary Blast Phaser weapon; as yet not installed.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


AAed the torpedoes with help of Paint.Net; added a scale by the dimensions.

New 'Replitorp' Torpedo Launch/Ordnance Handling System to be installed in the primary hull. It will be a large device around twenty-two meters long shaped like a thick, flat inverted U installed above the spinal weapon mount, with the actual launch components situated either side of the SWM. Its 'ordnance storage' is accomplished with large containers of powdered alloys for the hull, engine, guidance, and other torpedo components.

The replicator chambers are situated at the top of the inverted U, and they feed into magazines which enable a burst-fire capability of five rounds each for even the largest torpedo type. Replication is guided by editable computer-stored blueprints for these weapons. The system can manufacture standard photon torpedoes, but it is usually configured for any one of a family of very large, highly sophisticated, and very maneuverable weapons of unprecedented lethality.

The magazines feed into a simple 'F-22 Lightning' type drop launcher, vastly different from a standard photon tube's subspace accelerator barrel. This is enabled by the self-contained nature of the Replitorp missiles.

The 'smallest' member of this quartet of weaponsis used as an 'anti-ship' weapon and is a ten-meter-long device shaped like a highly-streamlined spike with fins. It sports a combined high-output warp/impulse engine mounted on a gimbal at the rear of the weapon. Anterior to this is the guidance computer; the missile's brain. Four popout fins act as aerosurfaces within atmosphere and mount secondary sensors. The warhead ahead of this is a very large M/AM charge driving a powerful and highly-destructive bomb-pumped graser for both a spherical blast and a 'shaped-charge' effect; in effect the Twenty-Fifth Century equivalent of a High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Munition. Estimated yield is 150 megatons spherical and 60 megatons beam yield with a beam dispersion of one hundred microradians. The nose cone tip houses the primary sensor and shield-disrupting 'penetration aid' devices to increase effectiveness against a shielded target. The M/AM charge can be replaced with a quantum warhead to double the spherical blast yield. This weapon is the Class Alpha Missile.

The next two are quite similar in most respects; being 16.2 and 16.5 meters long respectively, with 600MT(S)/200MT(B) yield. These are the Class Bravo and Bravo Prime weapons.

The large weapon is an incredible 18.3 meters long with a massive 1.1GT(S)/450MT(B) yield! This is the terrifying Class Charlie Missile.

Akula's Replitorp system can fabricate and launch Class Alphas at a rate of two per second per launcher. A Class Charlie can be fabbed and launched in ten seconds.

EDIT: updated pic.
EDIT: 22m long, not 19 for the Replitorp Machine.
Last edited by Einhander Sn0m4n on 2006-09-18 03:29am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Torpedo Launcher INSTALLED!
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Hmm, apparently I lowballed the estimate on the torp bay capacity...

I'm keeping the 'Official' figures of four Alphas or one Charlie per side; the real capability as seen here (note in this view the actual 'magazines' above the bays are empty!) is for us to know and some Breen, Borg, or Son'a bitch to find out the Hard Way™. :lol:
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


This is the Charlie missile at a scale of two centimeters per pixel. I'm seriously toying with the idea of a cutaway view, and I already plan on giving the Alpha and Bravo this treatment.

EDIT: Updated with vectoring gimbal at the junction between the engine and the main body.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Alpha Missile, same scale.
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Post by Havok »

Why that's a big missle you have there Ein. ;)
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

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Bravo and Bravo Prime missiles. I think I'll make the Bravo Prime have enhanced graser output compared to the Bravo at the expense of some spherical blast.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


I think you guys can figure out what's what, but here goes. The blue bit in the nose is the primary sensor. The long red/magenta bit that looks like a buncha rods bundled together is... essentially a buncha rods bundled together; they are gamma-ray laser rods pumped by the antimatter annihilation. The yellow spheres are antimatter blobs held in suspension by the large red object aft of the laser rods: a stasis field generator. The dark blue gas is ordinary air at high-pressure; the matter to react with the antimatter.

The midsection is barely begun; it will hold the gimbal, fuel tanks, and computers.

The green egg-shaped bits are the warp coils in cross-section with their plasma feeder (the tiny cyan/green thing). The impulse system and M/AM fuel cell are as yet undesigned.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Added fusion tokamak, redesigned warhead a bit to ease work on the stasis field generator, thickened the midsection wall a bit, and designed the gimbal ball joint. It's very substantial due to the massive forces it is expected to transmit.

I'm wondering if 'warp plasma' can be exhausted for a small amount of thrust after used to energize the warp coils. If so, there's already a nozzle in the middle of the aerospike for this; if not, the nozzle will be deleted or turned into an 'alternate thrust path' for the fusion drive.
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Post by TimothyC »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:I'm wondering if 'warp plasma' can be exhausted for a small amount of thrust after used to energize the warp coils. If so, there's already a nozzle in the middle of the aerospike for this; if not, the nozzle will be deleted or turned into an 'alternate thrust path' for the fusion drive.
I don't see why not, but you might not be able to maintain warp for very long if you're dumping your power transfer plasma (AKA Warp Plasma).
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

MariusRoi wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:I'm wondering if 'warp plasma' can be exhausted for a small amount of thrust after used to energize the warp coils. If so, there's already a nozzle in the middle of the aerospike for this; if not, the nozzle will be deleted or turned into an 'alternate thrust path' for the fusion drive.
I don't see why not, but you might not be able to maintain warp for very long if you're dumping your power transfer plasma (AKA Warp Plasma).
I was thinking after it had transmitted its excitation energy to the warp coils to make way for new plasma, or does plasma excitation of warp coils work more like a balloon (i.e. more pressure in the nacelle the more warp field comes out)?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Redesigned warhead slightly yet again to be 'tighter', added antimatter bottle within the warp coil toroids, installed deuterium tank and microcomputer, added passthrough to gimbal ball-joint, redesigned the graser rod sheath, spacers between it and the outer aerospace shell, tweaked gimbal and stasis field generator, and minor touchups.

The missile is still to have its matter/antimatter reaction assembly designed and some other touchups done, then it will be finished.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Warp Core installed; needs refinement to another WIP, possibly an RC.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Internal bracing added to engine components, slight redesign (yet again) to gimbal, and provision for separation of engine from rest of the vehicle designed in the form of a thin ring of explosive compound. Slight tweaks with warhead secondary (graser rod bundle sheath) and braces for same.

Sectioned top fin to depict embedded sensors and attachment method to mid-hull structure. Bottom fin is not given this treatement for clarity. Deuterium tank is also braced with thin spacer ribs to outer wall as compromise between rigidity and thermal conductivity.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

I love the level of detale here. It once more makes me think of the expanse of what can be done with Federation tech, nd the lack of imagination with what was really done.

Eins ship from start to finish is such a great example of this. One last thing though... Looking at the multicolored Cutaway pics make me wonder exactly Ein was doing when he painted those... (waves hand up and down) the colorssss!
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:I love the level of detail here. It once more makes me think of the expanse of what can be done with Federation tech and the lack of imagination with what was really done.
Yeah, it's a shame what can be done but isn't because the Feddies were so bogged down and saddled with bullshit lack of imagination, both in-universe and out.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Ein's ship from start to finish is such a great example of this.
These are simple exercises in unlocking the innovative potential in Treknology, as all my designs tend to be.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:One last thing though. Looking at the multicolored cutaway pics make me wonder exactly what Ein was doing when he painted those... (waves hand up and down) the colorssss!
Just making sure different parts are distinguishable from each other for clarity. Most of these are false colors in reality except for the hull structure. That's simple mirror-polished (or brushed, bead/sand/ball-blasted, matte, or various combinations thereof as the situation may demand) metallic golden, coppery, or steel/silvery/platinum color. Note that the color has no bearing on actual gold, copper, steel, or platinum content. Titanium Nitride brings that point across beautifully. ;)

Thanks, Crossroads.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


I used PDN to rotate the engine section to show the gimbal action. Pretty self-explanatory, really. :)
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Post by wilfulton »

Actually, Ein, I was looking at some aerospike rocket concepts the other day, apparently, you can thrust vector an aerospike engine, which might help alleviate the need for your gimbals. The engine can just direct its thrust in the direction it needs to steer to track its target. This would leave your more room for "da big boom" :twisted:
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

wilfulton wrote:Actually, Ein, I was looking at some aerospike rocket concepts the other day, apparently, you can thrust vector an aerospike engine, which might help alleviate the need for your gimbals. The engine can just direct its thrust in the direction it needs to steer to track its target. This would leave your more room for "da big boom" :twisted:
Ah kewl. Got links?
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