R.M. Schultz wrote:Darth Wong wrote:OK R.M. Shultz, since you have been totally evasive about the subject upon which you were challenged earlier, I have three questions:
10 Do you have any evidence whatsoever to support your bizarre claims about the way sexuality works? If not, then will you concede that your claims are unsubstantiated? And do not say "personal experience".
Look, I have offered an hypothesis to explain human sexual behavior and I have offered to defend it against any reasoned argument.
Which you have yet to do. You have not, Mr. Schultz, explained how your 'thesis' explains how there can be homosexuals at all, let alone the entire heterosexual/homosexual spectrum that we actually observe.
R.M. Schultz wrote:The only response I have gotten (aside from infantile name-calling) has been a chorus insisting that “homosexuality is biologically determined.”
Because the weight of the scientific evidence points in that direction, fuckface.
R.M. Schultz wrote:This answer does not explain how significant numbers of people routinely change their orientation, whereas my theory does.
Have people changed their orientation? Do the psychological metrics used to diagnose sexual orientation show that people do indeed purposefully change their orientation? Or do you actually swallow the claptrap of the "homosexual reeducation" faction's
claims that they have make gay people straight, hook, line and sinker?
A phenomenon that doesn't exist requires no explanation.
R.M. Schultz wrote:Will someone please offer a theory that is comprehensive enough to include the idea that sexual orientation is fixed while simultaneously accounting for how in many cases it is not?
Simple. You haven't proved that people
do really substantially change orientation, fuckface, as opposed to just SAYING that they change orientation because they are under pressure to do so. The phenomenon you "explain" is
not observed, therefore, we
do not have to explain it.
R.M. Schultz wrote:Darth Wong wrote:2) Do you have any response to the argument that the only way to escape these programs was to deceive the authorities about your true nature, either for Jews or homosexuals?
Supposing you were born Jewish — how could someone tell? Well, there would be your birth certificate which, until fairly recently, listed the parents religious affiliation. There would also be records of temple membership and a corresponding lack of baptismal records. If that didn’t do it, the Nazis were quite willing to go back to the eighteenth century with records or one’s forbearers. Ultimately, you were simply trapped.
Ah, but it
does require you to go back through the records to hunt for a name. Do you think they did this for absolutely EVERYONE who walked through their door? No way! They asked around. Neighbors, friends, the local grocier.
If you move to a new neighborhood, change your name and refrain from practicing Judeism, then divining you are a Jew becomes much harder. The Nazis were NOT about to hunt through the records of everyone in their country and everyone they capture. The task grows intractible very quickly without the help of computers.
R.M. Schultz wrote:But if you were gay, all you had to do was keep your pants up and for all legal purposes cease to be gay!
Bullshit. History has shown that such activities get driven underground. It happened with Prohibition, it happened with the War on Drugs, and it will certainly happen with anti-sodomy laws.
When you make a law, people will break it. So the question is, are the people breaking the law
actually doing something wrong?
R.M. Schultz wrote:I guess the issue here ultimately comes down to respect for the rule of law. In a totalitarian state one really does not owe the government any loyalty and is not bound, morally at least, to follow the laws. But in a free society, such as the one Alan Turing lived in, social order is not maintained by force but rather by the good behavior of the citizens and respect for the rule of law becomes a moral obligation.
So, again, by this argument, blacks should've kept their mouths shut, their assholes open and receptive, and never engaged in the prolonged period of organized civil disobediance called the Civil Rights movement, because their country had not yet crossed the line into the totalitarianistic domain. This is just more legalistic bullshit. A wrong law
should be challenged, and if you're in the minority, the prelude to striking down an unjust law is to
break it; to challenge a law in our legal court, you have to have standing.
R.M. Schultz wrote:There are going to be bad laws in any system, but in a democratic system our duty is not to pick-and-choose which laws we will follow, but to endeavor to change those laws we disagree with at the ballot box.
So tough cheese if you're in a minority, eh? Fuck you, shitchugger!
R.M. Schultz wrote:Thus I would maintain that the Nazi persecution of Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies was of an order of magnitude worse than the persecution of Homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Communists, while the persecution of Allan Turing was (however foolish and misguided) accomplished within the rule of laws that he was obliged to obey. Sure what happened to Alan Turing was tragic, but he could have acted differently and avoided it.
In other words, Alan Turing should've taken the injustice up the ass like a good little boy. Fuck you, again!
R.M. Schultz wrote:Darth Wong wrote:3) Would you make the same moral argument about (for example) a law mandating the execution of all Christians, since Christianity is definitely far more of a voluntary choice than homosexuality is?
While I favor religious liberty I also recognize that I live in a democracy where my views are not always going to prevail. The traditional Christian response to persecution is the acceptance of martyrdom — not a lot of sore-headed belly-aching!
Actually, I can make an argument that the fundamentialist flavor of Christianity (and most of the Abrahamic religions) are pretty toxic to any
real morality you care to name. I'm soooo glad to see that you're agreeable to the Abrahamic Purge. Into the death chambers!
Well, bully for the Christian's acceptance of martyrdom. Too bad nobody asked the poofters and the kikes and the niggers whether they wanted to be persecuted.
Kindly go fuck yourself!