This is a Mon Cal "STar Defender", those ones in Betrayal were Corellian. Corellians seem to build muich smalle battleships (the corellian BB's mentioned in the ROTJ novelization were smaller than Home One...)Jim Raynor wrote:Holy shit! Damn, it's not often that we get such cool official updates/retcons. "Star Defender" minimalism (remember how recently it was implied to be approximate in size to a Star Destroyer?) and the "Super-class" bullshit have been destroyed in one fell swoop.
On the other hand, some insist the "Star Defender" is as much slang as the "SSD" designation was (There might even have been some mention of that in some source, I don't recall offhand that it was used to divorce NR ships from their Imperial counterparts.) so there might be some very small or very large "STar Defenders." There is also the fact that the Viscount is evidently also a carrier vessel (The corellian version may be pure battleship.)
The Knight Hammer in Darksaber carried thosuands of TIEs (possibly only of TIE bombers, I dont remember the reference.)Some of the stats are still off though. 144 TIEs on the Executor have been reconfirmed (after Saxton tried to make it more ambiguous by mentioning that the ship carried "wings" of fighters). 216 New Republic fighters (which take up a lot more space than TIEs) being able to fit on a smaller ship because of supposed engineering advances makes little sense. But oh well, this was an awesome update overall. One step at a time guys, one step at a time.
I still maintain that the "Super-class" was simply the designation for the 5-mile SSD (which is both visually and statistically a distinct vessel.) The fighter complmenet and weapons could be holdover "errors" (we know the Executor has 5,000 TLs/Ion cannons after all.) IT may be that the 8 km SSD was built in some numbers as a smokescreen to substantiate the "misrepresentation" the WOTC entry suggests.