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Post by Aaron »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I can buy that. Seeing as how it took them quite a while to deal with the damage, which was considerable, I can see that WY obviously didn't really think things through in their design. However it also leaves a lot of other reasons. It could have been the age of the ship.
Why would the age of the ship matter when the amount of play in the landing gear is insufficent?
Plus comparing WY products between decades (approx 40 year difference)can be problematic. They could have more recources and better technology to build better machinery.
WY is described as a mega-corporation in the literature. The overriding concern of such bodies is profit and that is unlikely to change in the future. We see how in Aliens how a relatively minor crash by the dropship caused the atmosphere processor to overload. That implies to me that the processor was built on the cheap as well as the crash shown on screen seemed to be in the entrance way for the processor and really didn't seem to cause much damage.
I'll agree with you there. I would also think that seeing as how the lights conveniently went off right before the xeno attack alludes to the xenos interfering.
But I do still think that it is likely that the Processor was separately powered. I do think that Powering a device that would convert the atmosphere to being breathable would require LOTS of power to get the job done within a reasonable amount of time. It is never stated that it is the powerplant of the entire installation, but it is defined by Burke as being "One big Fusion reactor". It's kind of sketchy but open to interpretation.
What's the simpler scenario? That the processor which was described as a fusion reactor powered the whole complex, or that there was a seperate reactor for the colony that was never referenced.
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Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I can buy that. Seeing as how it took them quite a while to deal with the damage, which was considerable, I can see that WY obviously didn't really think things through in their design. However it also leaves a lot of other reasons. It could have been the age of the ship.
Why would the age of the ship matter when the amount of play in the landing gear is insufficent?

Age Matters with all types of machinery. It's why cars and other types of transportation need to be replaced or overhauled. Parts, both major and minor give out over time. It could have been the case here.
Plus comparing WY products between decades (approx 40 year difference)can be problematic. They could have more recources and better technology to build better machinery.
WY is described as a mega-corporation in the literature. The overriding concern of such bodies is profit and that is unlikely to change in the future. We see how in Aliens how a relatively minor crash by the dropship caused the atmosphere processor to overload. That implies to me that the processor was built on the cheap as well as the crash shown on screen seemed to be in the entrance way for the processor and really didn't seem to cause much damage.[/quote]
Your right. But competition (if there was any) would force them to try to build more quality products.

But Also don't forget the Fire fight in the Sublevel of the Processor. The damage that the smart guns could have caused might also have been a contributing factor as Burke warned. As for the crash being minor: You are right in the sense that it hit a seeming insignificant spot on the Processor. But Take into account the payload it had. It was armed with missiles. We all know that a crash of an armed miltiary vehicle can be made worse when it has ordnance on board.

But I do still think that it is likely that the Processor was separately powered. I do think that Powering a device that would convert the atmosphere to being breathable would require LOTS of power to get the job done within a reasonable amount of time. It is never stated that it is the powerplant of the entire installation, but it is defined by Burke as being "One big Fusion reactor". It's kind of sketchy but open to interpretation.
What's the simpler scenario? That the processor which was described as a fusion reactor powered the whole complex, or that there was a seperate reactor for the colony that was never referenced.[/quote] Well the choice is obvious. However, The Processor's power flucuations from the damage seemed only to be limited to the Processor itself. All other systems were working just fine after the crash. They were able to call up a map of the entire complex on Computer and perform other tasks throughout. One would assume that the damage would have shown itself through brownouts and other problems.
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Post by Aaron »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: Age Matters with all types of machinery. It's why cars and other types of transportation need to be replaced or overhauled. Parts, both major and minor give out over time. It could have been the case here.
Conceeded that age matters in these cases, however in this specific case wouldn't Lambert and Parker have brought it up if the ship was a bucket of bolts? All they said was that they had to drydock.
Your right. But competition (if there was any) would force them to try to build more quality products.
Or to simply out compete the competion by building cheaper products to outprice the competion ala Wal*Mart.
But Also don't forget the Fire fight in the Sublevel of the Processor. The damage that the smart guns could have caused might also have been a contributing factor as Burke warned.
Bishop seemed to think that it was the crash that caused the damage not the firefight. He was the mission specialist, he should know.

As for the crash being minor: You are right in the sense that it hit a seeming insignificant spot on the Processor. But Take into account the payload it had. It was armed with missiles. We all know that a crash of an armed miltiary vehicle can be made worse when it has ordnance on board.

Well the choice is obvious. However, The Processor's power flucuations from the damage seemed only to be limited to the Processor itself. All other systems were working just fine after the crash. They were able to call up a map of the entire complex on Computer and perform other tasks throughout. One would assume that the damage would have shown itself through brownouts and other problems.
So? Evidently the processor was durable enough that the problems didn't become apparent until shortly before the processor went critical. Don't forget that the colony lost power roughly 30 minutes before the processor went up. Problems with the colony power grid might not have become noticable until problems with the main processor itself started happening.
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Vendetta wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:No Shit! That actually debunks your declaration that they charged in there row by row. As I've been saying, (and this goes back) they used the walls in an attempt to avoid the guns. (Which had varying degrees of success) Wall to Wall means that they obviously tried to use the walls. Looking How we see them move in the series, Xenos do use their agility to evade attacks by using their surrounding enviroments. Aliens clearly shows this.
Actually, it doesn't. It doesn't show any form of agility from the Aliens at all, (because the suits were large, bulky, and not conducive to free movement). It shows them using walls, floor and celing crawlspaces, and vents for surprise attack and concealment. They don't do anything agile in the whole film.
So leaping from wall to wall isn't an example? What about scaling a 90 degree wall and carrying a person in tow? There is one scene that Clearly shows a xeno attempting to dodge Pulse Rifle Fire by leaping from wall to wall. They are agile in the sense that they can cling to walls and ceiling with little effort.
Hudson's quote was clearly intended to portray the fact that the Aliens were packing the corridor wall to wall (a scene the film couldn't show, because they only had six Alien suits). Attempting to portray it as otherwise is a clear misrepresentation.
He stated they were "wall to wall". Drawing anything beyond the fact that there were lots of them, is specualtion.
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If you're going to tell me that your idea of contradictory evidence is to use qualitative terms like "massive" and "huge" with no real attempt to generate an actual number whatsoever, you're going to quickly learn that we expect a higher standard of evidence. Especially when I can produce a number, and you have done precisely jack shit to show that anything's wrong with it.
Well naturally. If you look at all of my posts, then you would know that I have been strictly trying to discount your claims. Thus I didn't put my opinions/quantifications on this matter YET. The General point that I have been trying to make from the beginning is that with the Alien films, it is harder to specifically quantify some of the point you bring up. (i.e. Sentry gun Casualties, Numbers of Xenos in the final attack)
As for the 30 xenos in the final attack, (I already discussed it)did you actually try to count them? The motion tracker won't help the because it clearly doesn't show specific beings/objects moving nor does it give a quantative number.
You are also demonstrating an appalling lack of general intelligence. Just how the fuck do you advance upon a machine-gun which is firing down a corridor almost constantly, moron?
You don't do it.
I'd love to see your tactical plan to explain how they are accomplishing this without using a wall of flesh. Are they laying down suppressing fire on the sentry gun, to cover their advance?
Obviously not.
You ask for it by being a fucking liar.
I again ask: What specifically have I lied about??
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Post by Vendetta »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: So leaping from wall to wall isn't an example? What about scaling a 90 degree wall and carrying a person in tow? There is one scene that Clearly shows a xeno attempting to dodge Pulse Rifle Fire by leaping from wall to wall. They are agile in the sense that they can cling to walls and ceiling with little effort.
I don't recall any scene with an Alien even attempting to get out of the way of gunfire. When does this scene occur?

And the fact that they can cling to walls means shit. Sloths can hang upside down on branches, and they sure as fuck ain't agile. We see Aliens attacking from the walls, because they've been waiting there immobile for the target to come close.

And now you're admitting that there were lots of Aliens in the attack on the sentryguns, and that your claim that "wall to wall" implied some kind of superagility or even use of cover is you making shit up. Nice that you tried to slip that in as a criticism of my post, rather than a retraction though, eh?
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Post by Vendetta »

In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle.
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Vendetta wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: So leaping from wall to wall isn't an example? What about scaling a 90 degree wall and carrying a person in tow? There is one scene that Clearly shows a xeno attempting to dodge Pulse Rifle Fire by leaping from wall to wall. They are agile in the sense that they can cling to walls and ceiling with little effort.
I don't recall any scene with an Alien even attempting to get out of the way of gunfire. When does this scene occur?
It's the "last stand" scene. Vasquez Is Holding off some Xenos and one is leaping from wall to wall but gets gunned down. Watch it again.
And the fact that they can cling to walls means shit.
In what way? If you think I'm trying to make an arguement about the prospect of xenos skillfully dodging bullets, then I'll shut you down there.
Sloths can hang upside down on branches, and they sure as fuck ain't agile.
Bad analogy. That is the extent of their physical abilities. It's quite obvious that an Alien can do much more than a Sloth.
We see Aliens attacking from the walls, because they've been waiting there immobile for the target to come close.
That's one tactic they use it for. But it is also used for stalking.
And now you're admitting that there were lots of Aliens in the attack on the sentryguns,
When have I ever stated otherwise?? It's blatantly obvious that LOTS Aliens participated in the attack.
Super agility?? Now you are being ridiculous. The fact that you thought I was impling something that stupid is not even worth a response. It's obvious that they were everywhere. The problem is that we don't specifically see what goes on in either scene that prove either point. That's why we are speculating on the scene. My "Wall to Wall" explanation simply eant that they dispersed and crawled up on the walls, ceilings etc. and nothing more.

Hardly. It's speculation based on the little concrete evidence that we see in the film. Xenos use cover typically. In this case, they had less cover and probably used it. Which is neither supported nor contradicted on film.

To Answer Mike: While it is stupid to do it no matter what tactics you use: Disperse!!
Disperse you forces. Keeping your forces in groups even small ones makes a juicy target for a Machine gun with a High cyclic rate. If you keep your group scattered it gives the MGs too many targets to kill. Note: Each of the kills that we see on screen are only one xeno getting blown apart and not a dozen.
See above. It certainly isn't wise or sane to employ it, but that's what the Queen though would work.
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-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
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Vendetta wrote:In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle.
Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall to wall that gets blasted by Vasquez.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: Age Matters with all types of machinery. It's why cars and other types of transportation need to be replaced or overhauled. Parts, both major and minor give out over time. It could have been the case here.
Conceeded that age matters in these cases, however in this specific case wouldn't Lambert and Parker have brought it up if the ship was a bucket of bolts? All they said was that they had to drydock.
I'll give you that one.
Your right. But competition (if there was any) would force them to try to build more quality products.
Or to simply out compete the competion by building cheaper products to outprice the competion ala Wal*Mart.[/quote]True. But that could only be effective for so long. Look at what has been happening to Ford. (this isn't an analogy) They started making shitty/unsafe cars in the 70's, 80's right up until today. They are starting to pay for it now. (With the Police cruiser incidents)
But Also don't forget the Fire fight in the Sublevel of the Processor. The damage that the smart guns could have caused might also have been a contributing factor as Burke warned.
Bishop seemed to think that it was the crash that caused the damage not the firefight. He was the mission specialist, he should know.[/quote]
But he also was there to see the actual events that led to the Damage. Lt. Gorman did. Bishop got the whole story secondhand and surmised that it probably was the downed dropship.

Well the choice is obvious. However, The Processor's power flucuations from the damage seemed only to be limited to the Processor itself. All other systems were working just fine after the crash. They were able to call up a map of the entire complex on Computer and perform other tasks throughout. One would assume that the damage would have shown itself through brownouts and other problems.
So? Evidently the processor was durable enough that the problems didn't become apparent until shortly before the processor went critical. Don't forget that the colony lost power roughly 30 minutes before the processor went up. Problems with the colony power grid might not have become noticable until problems with the main processor itself started happening.[/quote]True, but it still doesn't account for the lifts still working within the Colony and the Processor itself.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Post by Darth Wong »

Vendetta wrote:In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle.
Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall to wall that gets blasted by Vasquez.
You're still ignoring the fact that every time we see aliens in the entire movie, they're either laying in wait or they're charging. They never exhibit any more sophisticated tactics than that. And this "jumping from wall to wall" thing is bullshit; they're not dodging gunfire, they're just charging and using any surface they can find in order to hurl themselves forward.

Your fucking wankery is unbelievable; we can see the fuckers in the command centre and all they do is charge. That's it; that's the limit of their brilliant tactics. They are dangerous only because of various Acts of Plot and their sheer numbers, most of which are squandered. As I said before, what the fuck happened to these vast hordes by the end of the movie? What is your fucking problem with admitting that they're not anywhere near as dangerous as you make them out to be? Just look at the kill ratios scored by any Marines that engaged xenos straight-up.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Vendetta wrote:In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle.
Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall to wall that gets blasted by Vasquez.
Brilliant and effective bullet dodging there.
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Adrian Laguna wrote:
Vendetta wrote:In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle.
Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall to wall that gets blasted by Vasquez.
Brilliant and effective bullet dodging there.
Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll:
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Let's get to the bottom of this, shall we?

Question to everyone: Can a Queen and, what, five xeno specimens overrun a lab inside a fortified military installation? No stupid crawl spaces, the containment areas are acid-proofed, and a bunch of guys have guns.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Adrian Laguna wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall to wall that gets blasted by Vasquez.
Brilliant and effective bullet dodging there.
Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll:
To even attempt to dodge bullets requires supernatural vision, thought speed, reflexes, and motor control. The very idea is utterly ridiculous; they were simply using any available surface to hurl themselves toward their targets.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll:
That kind of kills your point right there. If they can't dodge bullets skillfully, then they're stupid for even trying. That is, if they even where trying, which I doubt they were.
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Post by Aaron »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: True. But that could only be effective for so long. Look at what has been happening to Ford. (this isn't an analogy) They started making shitty/unsafe cars in the 70's, 80's right up until today. They are starting to pay for it now. (With the Police cruiser incidents)
Perhaps Weyland-Yutani simply hasn't reached that point yet. Or they're the only game in town. According to the literature The Company literally has it's hands in all forms of the space trade.
But he also was there to see the actual events that led to the Damage. Lt. Gorman did. Bishop got the whole story secondhand and surmised that it probably was the downed dropship.
Don't you think they'd be able to tell what was damaged by using the colony's computer?
True, but it still doesn't account for the lifts still working within the Colony and the Processor itself.
Obviously the colony had an emergency backup supply, probably batteries to power the lifts. Or the Aliens cut the power to the lights but not the lifts.

And do you think it would be asking to much not to fuck up the quote tags? Use the preview button.
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Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:And do you think it would be asking to much not to fuck up the quote tags? Use the preview button.
My bad! It's been awhile since I've posted here and I have gotten used to other MB formats.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Darth Wong wrote:
Your fucking wankery is unbelievable;
Really?? Then if that was the case then I should've made an argument on how Xenos are telepathic and that they actively use these abilities in attacks. Then I could cite how the Queen used her Telepathy to tell the Aliens guarding the nest to stand down. :roll: Please!! Cut the bullshit!! Nothing I have stated is really over the top.
we can see the fuckers in the command centre and all they do is charge. That's it; that's the limit of their brilliant tactics. They are dangerous only because of various Acts of Plot and their sheer numbers, most of which are squandered.
Those were all examples of close quarters combat. Most if not all charges were at most 5ft apart. (from attacker to Victim)

As I said before, what the fuck happened to these vast hordes by the end of the movie?

I thought I responded to it in the last page.
Here it is again:
The first solid point made here. I'll give you this point. BUT, take into account the fact Ripley walked in there alone. By The Queen's rekoning she was much of a threat until she used her flame thrower. For all we know the rest of the xenos were Either not close enough to reach the queen at the time she need them. (which would make sense since she sent out an attack party) The Processor was a pretty considerable distance from the Command center they occupied. Ripley had a Head start with the Dropship.
The Next possiblity is that the Xeno Attack force was dwindled down by the marines in their last stand at the command center. Mostly by Vasquez and Gorman's suicide attack which was considerable explosion. Or a combination of both.
And to adress your 30 Aliens argument:
My issue is that seem to be trying to quantify the number of xenos in that attack based on the motion tracker. The Problem with doing that is that in all instances of it's usage it didn't give a clear, consise number of moving targets, it just gave a vague, cloudy representation of an object or being in motion and it's specific distance. If you are basing it on the motion tracker then your quantification is meaningless.
What is your fucking problem with admitting that they're not anywhere near as dangerous as you make them out to be? Just look at the kill ratios scored by any Marines that engaged xenos straight-up.
Because I don't hold the Alien to such a high level as you think I do. They are dagerous, But they are not the ultimate Species as you seem to think I believe. Seeing as how you fail to even bother asking What I think of them I'll just post it:
For starters: I don't think that they are "just Animals". Comparisons to any earthbound predator is Superficial. All predators hunt/kill for survival, this includes Aliens. The difference is that Earthbound predators hunt/kill for food and for defense. Aliens Hunt and kill Defensively and Offensively. They look at any living being (of a certain size) as a threat, and they kill them. They derive no needs from beyond survival and if in a hive enviroment harvesting for implantation.
They are far more relentless in hunting than any earthbound predator. Nothing on earth has the patience of an Alien. They can stalk for long periods because they aren't hunting for food.
What makes Aliens so dangerous is their singleminded instinct to kill all life that they perceive to be a threat. The Size of the assumed threat does matter since they tend to leave smaller life forms alone. (Hamsters and Cats) Their reproduction methods, their Stalking tactics, and the fact that they Kill simply for the sake of killing makes them more dangerous than your typical predator, nothing more. They can be handled with proper measures.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

remember baking soda, lots of bleach and bakingsoda....

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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

They are far more relentless in hunting than any earthbound predator. Nothing on earth has the patience of an Alien. They can stalk for long periods because they aren't hunting for food. they aren't. What we've seen in the movies doesn't put them that high above normal critters. Sure, they're very sneaky, and so? When we've truly seen them hunt (Alien, Alien 3), they just sneak around and eat bumbling fools who don't know what's out to get them. Ain't much difference than a lion munching on a dumb cow, except that the xenos are highly proffcient at sneaking around ventilation shafts and such.

I think those dumb species of fish that lie down and chomp on fish that bite on them are more patient then an alien.

I'll give you that. They're sneaky, they reproduce god awful fast, and they're very aggressive. That doesn't make them uber, and the proper measures don't include nuclear weapons (like what someone said) unless they're already numbering in the billions. The proper measures would be a bunch of guys with guns, who aren't stupid, who've got decent gear, with the knowledge of what they're dealing with.

I guess if you put a handful of National Guardsmen in the African jungle and had a whole pack of lions hunting them, they'd be just as fucked as those guys in Aliens.
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Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Shroom Man 777 wrote:
They are far more relentless in hunting than any earthbound predator. Nothing on earth has the patience of an Alien. They can stalk for long periods because they aren't hunting for food. they aren't. What we've seen in the movies doesn't put them that high above normal critters. Sure, they're very sneaky, and so? When we've truly seen them hunt (Alien, Alien 3), they just sneak around and eat bumbling fools who don't know what's out to get them.
That's a bit of an embellisment there. You are right about the fact that the main reasons Aliens are so successful in hunt involves the total ignorance of it's prey. But I would hardly say that it's that simple.
Ain't much difference than a lion munching on a dumb cow, except that the xenos are highly proffcient at sneaking around ventilation shafts and such.
Again that is an embellishment. Xenos have done more than just sneaking around in the movies. It was somehow able to anticipate Ripley's destination in Alien, even when she was trying to draw it away from the Shuttle entrance. Lions hunt because they primarily have needs. The only needs that we see a lone Xeno have is to kill strictly for survival.

I'll give you that. They're sneaky, they reproduce god awful fast, and they're very aggressive. That doesn't make them uber,
Never said they were uber nor would I ever allude to that notion. They are very dangerous and can be difficult to control, but they can be managed with the proper, explicit study of their habits and hunting techniques.
and the proper measures don't include nuclear weapons (like what someone said) unless they're already numbering in the billions. The proper measures would be a bunch of guys with guns, who aren't stupid, who've got decent gear, with the knowledge of what they're dealing with.
Again My 500 MT nuke countermeasure is there for many reasons. Most of them are for Avoiding a PR nightmare. (As I have stated before) The other reason is to eliminate a threat completely and quickly.
I guess if you put a handful of National Guardsmen in the African jungle and had a whole pack of lions hunting them, they'd be just as fucked as those guys in Aliens.
I'd doubt it. There have been people that have constantly throughout the ages that have dealt with Lions and other predators with far less than what we have today and much less than what we have and certainly less than what the marines in Aliens had. Romans Have been able to easily capture and contain Tigers for gladiator shows. A Lion isn't going relentlessly hunt you. It can't. It not going to be so meticulous as to follow it prey until it succeeds or dies. Any nature show will tell you that a lion will hunt and if it's prey can elude the lion it will give up and save it's energy for a more convenient kill or it will scavenge from other competing predators. A perfect example would be from Alien: When Ripley get surprised by the very creature she thought was destroyed on the Nostromo on her Lifeboat. Show me a Lion that is capable of both that level of relentlessness and anticipation. (no I am not alluding to any non-existent xeno precog) Or causing major inconveiniences throughout Aliens. And almost completely foiling traps in Alien 3.

I still say the comparison to earthbound predators are superficial at best.
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-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
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Adrian Laguna wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll:
That kind of kills your point right there. If they can't dodge bullets skillfully, then they're stupid for even trying. That is, if they even where trying, which I doubt they were.
Not really. Generally all complex organisms have a response to stimuli in dangerous situations. When a Projectile or an assumed projective is coming towards you, you attempt to avoid if you either retreating or advancing. It's risky and foolish, but that is how instinct works. That is the basic point I was making.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote: True. But that could only be effective for so long. Look at what has been happening to Ford. (this isn't an analogy) They started making shitty/unsafe cars in the 70's, 80's right up until today. They are starting to pay for it now. (With the Police cruiser incidents)
Perhaps Weyland-Yutani simply hasn't reached that point yet. Or they're the only game in town. According to the literature The Company literally has it's hands in all forms of the space trade.
But he also was there to see the actual events that led to the Damage. Lt. Gorman did. Bishop got the whole story secondhand and surmised that it probably was the downed dropship.
Don't you think they'd be able to tell what was damaged by using the colony's computer?[/quote]Well since Bishop diagnosed the problem from a visual of the processor and not the computers, he obviously didn't use them. Or the computers weren't capable of giving him a full explanation of what was damaged. The emergency venting is what confirmed his suspision that the AP was critically damaged.
True, but it still doesn't account for the lifts still working within the Colony and the Processor itself.
Obviously the colony had an emergency backup supply, probably batteries to power the lifts. Or the Aliens cut the power to the lights but not the lifts.[/quote]Perhaps. But much of the Lights the Xeno's cut off were Localized to the command Center. Many of the Corridors were still light.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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Darth Wong wrote:
Adrian Laguna wrote: Brilliant and effective bullet dodging there.
Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll:
To even attempt to dodge bullets requires supernatural vision, thought speed, reflexes, and motor control. The very idea is utterly ridiculous; they were simply using any available surface to hurl themselves toward their targets.
Thank You for stating the Obvious!
Now, I was suggesting that their attempts to avoid gun Fire are no less different than the simple response to stimulus that all Complex organisms have.(instinct) When a projectile is thrown at you (or shot) we all take some (sometimes futile) attempts to avoid being hit which works to varying degrees. (Luck or poor marksmanship)
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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