VT-16 wrote:[
That's not what I've been harping on all this time. Every single time this battle comes up, it seems people think the fleet had no orders to shoot no matter the circumstance, which we can plainly see in the film is not true.
If that was not the case, please word yourselves better, because it's been reading like people thought the Imperial fleet didn't do jack shit at any point in the battle, which is retarded.
Its also quite clear they were not using their maximum firepower as well as they could have (we see few if any massed braodsides or maximum-use firepower examples.) If they WERE using firepower at all, it was defensively (either to drive off/box in, or to cripple/disable.) They don't need to avoid firing any shots at all for the order to constrain or hamper them, the added level of complication to "damage/cripple without destroying" on a shielded target is problematic enough as it is, especially when the Rebels are under no compunction to hold back any.
To put it another way: They had orders to shoot back, but not to shoot to kill deliberately. There clearly WERE cases where Rebel ships were destroyed, but it is also equally clear that they weren't employing their full firepower. Ackbar made it claer in the novel and movie that the Imperials outgunned them drastically. And it is also rather clear that Piett's aide was not referring simply to firing on them when he says "attack", he means they're not going to "fight" them, as in try to destroy them. They were going to let the Death Star do that.
To put it bluntly - Palpatine didn't give a flying fuck about casualties in that situation, or the difficulties he imposed on his commanders with his orders. He only cared about having things done his way and in turning Luke to the Dark Side. To achieve his ends, anyything, even the Imperial fleet and troops he had present at Endor, were expendable. (EG, such as blowing up Endor with his own troops still on it. Or using himself and the DS2 as bait.)
As for "keeping them form escaping", aside from weapons fire, they can also make use of tractor beams to trap ships there (the Executor alone outmasses the Rebel fleet substantially, so I doubt they would be able to break free if it decided to capture them.)