I'm the same, I saw Star Wars first but absolutely loved TOS, and after hating the first 2 seasons of TNG I got into for the characters. DS9 wasn't brilliant but Voyager.... FUcking arsewipe Voyager showed how low the producers could go. And now Nemesis! It doesn't open here in th UK until January the 3rd, and the trailer prefaces the TTT movie giving it a high lead-in marketing, plus the trailer is on most the Cable and Satellite channels. Yet with all the aid and promotion, asking anyone if their going to see it invariably gets you a shrug and a maybe.Stravo wrote:With that said, its sad to read these threads and see that there are some Borg drone Trekkies that refuse to see that the franchise is ill. I have been a Trekker most of my life (I was exposed to Wars first but LOVED TOS. So like Spock I am a child of both franchises ) and I saw this coming with DS9. Voyager was the death sentence and Boobyprise the actual execution.
I've seen every ST movie at the cinema when they came out (Except for Shatner Meets God) and I will probably go to see this, but if it's anywhere close to the Annotated script that was put on the net, I know I'm going to be disappointed. The annoying thing is that a few very small changes to the Annotated script could have made it a damned fine film.
Hopefully we won't have to suffer from a ST: Lesserprise movie, what studio will stump uup the cash for a series with only 2 veiwers?