Durandal wrote:
Oh, and giving Dooku a few proton torpedoes and battledroids is a bit much, I think. Why don't we just say that the Jedi would have Acclamators in orbit ready glass the Uruk-hai with its heavy guns? Remember, in Heir to the Empire Pallaeon said that his men could slag a building without touching nearby blades of grass. I don't think it's difficult to believe that gunners could obliterate the Uruk-hai without touching Helm's Deep itself. Not to mention that the Acclamators would own the Trade Federation ships in orbit.
Of course it was a bit much. I wasn't serious. That is totally cruel. That said the Jedi Vs the Orcs it a bit much also...
As for acclamators owning trade fed Battleships.
ICS wrote:Pg. 23 : Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering (subsidiary of KDY)
Make: /Acclamator/-class tran-galactic military transport ship
Dimensions: length 752m; width 460m; depth (with landing gear) 200m; depth (in flight) 183m
Max. acceleration (linear, in open space): 3,500 G
Power: main reactor peak 2e23 W; peak shielding 7e22 W
Hyperdrive: class 0.6; range 250,000 light-years fully fueled
Passengers: 16,000 clone troopers and support personnel
Armament: 12 quad turbolaser turrets (200 gigatons per shot); 24 laser cannons (6 megatons per shot); 4 missile/torpedo launch tubes
ICS wrote:Pg. 18 : Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. (basic Core Ship); Baktoid Combat Automata (droid-army contol core)
Model: /Lucrehulk/-class modular control core (LH-1740)
Dimensions: diameter 696m; depth (when landed, minus transmission mast) 914m
Max. acceleration: (linear, in open space) 300G
Power: reactor peak 3e24W; peak shield capacity 6e23W
Armament: 280 point-defense ligth laser cannons (8 kilotons per shot max.)
Core-Ship design has changed little in the last century. In a typical display of Neimoidian thrift, the spheres can serve a variety of craft: The split-ring freighter-battleships of the Naboo blockade; larger, unarmored container vessels and tankers; and newer warships of the post-Naboo period, including cruisers with improved weapons placement and smaller, faster destroyers that defend the fleets and chase down blockade runners.
One acclamator broadside:
(6 QTL) = 800GT per shot
(12 LC) = 72Mt per shot
Total = 800,072 Mt per shot
800074 megaton = 3,347,509,616,000 gigajoule (Approx)
3,347,509,616,000 gigajoule ~= 3.3e21J
3.3e21J < 6e23J (per second of course)
Assuming the weapons on an acclamator have a similar refire rate to an ISD-1 (once per 2 seconds) then they can't touch a core ship (one on one). The Core ship has no way to kill an Acc using it's normal weapons. However what a post Naboo Battleship has in the way of armaments is speculation (unless someone has some nice sized screens of the end of Geonosis, enven then they may be transports.) In conclusion Acclamator
Transports do not own Trade Fed
Battleships. Not really a surprise. If they did why didn't they do so at Geonosis?