InnocentBystander wrote:Has anyone noticed that your catapults miss city walls about half the time, and that in every situation (esp. on the field) the AIs catapults seem to be 5 or 6 times more accurate?
I've noticed that too.
Kind of sucks when despite higher ground, you lose your 2 ccatapult units against one of his (I was using stones, he was using flaimng things - which supposedly are less accurate).
GuppyShark wrote:Yeah, tried that. It stays on 0% damage.
Simply continue shooting at them. After some time, they will light up, be abandoned, and then slowly burn to pieces.
You do not see any damage until they start burning.
Dartzap wrote:The Mongols are on crack, or some other hardcore drug. They've wiped out Egypt, Turkey and are currently smashing into the Greeks. It's going to get fugly when all the major European powers start heading out there...
Mongols are crazy (10 star generals, units have 8-9 experience-ouch!).
Has anyone managed to get into the New World yet?
I looked at what buildings I can build, and the shipyards that I need to build the right ships can't be built anywhere - In cities it says I need a Citadel, and in Fortresses it says I need Metropolises (is that the right word for the biggest cities? - I have the german version).