Students: Schedules for next semester

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Students: Schedules for next semester

Post by Alex Moon »

'K, like the subject says. If anyone's a student, what are your class schedules for your next term?


Calculus 5 credits
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 3 credits
Japanese 1020 5 credits
Japanese Literature 3 credits
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Does high school count? :P
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Post by Alex Moon »

JediNeophyte wrote:Does high school count? :P
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

In that case:

French III (ugh... just a few more months... then its Deutsch I for me!)
Algebra II (ugh... just a few more months... then its Pre-Calculus...ugh...)
CP Chemistry (ugh...)
Lunch! w00t!
World Civilizations
"American Literature and Composition" AKA 10th grade English
Drawing 1A! w00000t!
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Post by Alex Moon »

JediNeophyte wrote:In that case:

French III (ugh... just a few more months... then its Deutsch I for me!)
Algebra II (ugh... just a few more months... then its Pre-Calculus...ugh...)
CP Chemistry (ugh...)
Lunch! w00t!
World Civilizations
"American Literature and Composition" AKA 10th grade English
Drawing 1A! w00000t!
I liked the one semester of French I was able to take.

What instrument do you play?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »


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Post by Alex Moon »

JediNeophyte wrote:FLUTE

That's cool. I played trumpet/baritone. You a guy or a girl?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Alex Moon wrote:
JediNeophyte wrote:FLUTE

That's cool. I played trumpet/baritone. You a guy or a girl?
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Post by Alex Moon »

JediNeophyte wrote:
Alex Moon wrote:
JediNeophyte wrote:FLUTE

That's cool. I played trumpet/baritone. You a guy or a girl?
Ok. Just wondering becaue most of the female flute players I've known have been well, airheaded, so if you were a girl you'd be the first one I've met who wasn't :)
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Ok. Just wondering becaue most of the female flute players I've known have been well, airheaded, so if you were a girl you'd be the first one I've met who wasn't
In a very large flute section where I'm the only guy, I'd have to agree with the first part there... :)
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Post by Alex Moon »

JediNeophyte wrote:
Ok. Just wondering becaue most of the female flute players I've known have been well, airheaded, so if you were a girl you'd be the first one I've met who wasn't
In a very large flute section where I'm the only guy, I'd have to agree with the first part there... :)
On the other hand, you've got the perfect excuse to get them alone.

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Post by Sienthal »

Literature 11 Honors
Global Realities
French 3/4
Integrated 3
Advanced Tech Drafting
Journalism Projects

I'm skipping my lunch to get a few more classes in, and I'm trying to get pre- and post-general time classes.

And yet, I'm barely passing many of my classes...God I hate worthless homework. That's not to say that I have failed some so far, as I, luckily enough, haven't. Many of these are just classes that I think I'll like.

Worst thing though is that I can't play my cello anymore, due to the budget cuts in our state... :cry:
Last edited by Sienthal on 2002-12-29 04:55am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Durandal »

PHY 111 - Electricity and Magnetism
MAT 175 - Linear Algebra
ACS 165 - Programming for Scientists

Registration is closed right now, but when it opens back up, I'm going to sign up for Philosophy of Science to satisfy some Gen. Ed. requirements.
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Post by Alex Moon »

Durandal wrote:PHY 111 - Electricity and Magnetism
MAT 175 - Linear Algebra
ACS 165 - Programming for Scientists

Registration is closed right now, but when it opens back up, I'm going to sign up for Philosophy of Science to satisfy some Gen. Ed. requirements.
What's your major?
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Post by Specialist »


I'm worried about PHL though. I took Philosophy of Religon last semester and didn't do so good. Since this is first year if I don't choose another field of "electives" in the lower elective group I'll be stuck with Philosophy for the upper level electives. Right now I'm leaning to Perspectives in Psychology so I'm not too limited in the future.

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Post by weemadando »

Lets see,

Race and Ethnic Politics, 5 hours a fortnight
War and Peace in the Pacific, as above
Roman Empire Tiberius to Hadrian, ditto
History of Philosophy Socrates to Sartre (I know it totally blows, but they cut the Roman Republic course that I REALLY wanted to do, and I'd done every other course offered by the Ancient Civs faculty), and thats another five hours a fortnight.

Man, 20 hours a fortnight of classes. Hell yeah.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

A 'fortnight' is what, 2 weeks? That doesn't sound too bad...
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Chinese 8
Epic & Myth
Assuming I get more than 34% on my Trig final, Adv. Math Topics
Driver's Ed
Physics 2
US History 2

I'm in high school, BTW.
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Post by God Emperor »

Algebra I
English I
9th Social Studies
Pers Comp I
Debate II

first year HS
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Post by starfury »

ACC201-elemantary accounting
ELE205-micoprocessor lecture/lab
ELE205 lab-micoprocessor lab
ENG160-world literature
MTh142(second attempt)-Calculus II
Phy204-elementary physics II
Phy274 lab-elemantary physics II lab
Phy274 recitation-elemantary physics II recitation

I passed CSC200, though it I didn't do so well, still now I can cocentrate on these classes, I had to drop the MTH142 to make room for it, now I can finally put real effort into it.
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Post by Beowulf »

Calc for engineers part C - MAT 21C
Basic Chem part A - CHE 2A
English - ENGL 3
something else i can't remember.
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Post by Yogi »

ITP-101 Introduction to Information Technology (4)
EE-457x Computer System Orginizatino (3)
CSCI-485 File and Database Manegement (3)
CSCI-460 Introduction to Artificial Intellegence (3)
CSCI-402x Operating Systems (3)

Taking it eeeasy this semester.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

By hour

Theatrical Arts 2

German 2

Anatomy and Physiology

Algebra 2*shudder*

American History 3(Yet another 100% for the semester, and yet there are still idiots that cant pass a history class)

Principles or English 2(same as stated befire, how someone can fail an english class, so long as it is their native language is beyond me. Though, I enjoy reading and writing)
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Post by Sienthal »

Indeed, reading and writing are very fun pastimes, :)
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