How old were you when you lost your cherry?

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How old were you when you lost your cherry?

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »


Okay here goes mine: I was 17, he was 39 (17 is legal in Louisiana), in a hotel room. His name was Artie, he had nice muscles, and his chest was nice and hairy. He smelled a bit like soap and Old Spice. The actual sex hurt the first dozen times we did it, but it got better. Come to think of it, I still miss Artie...
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Twenty One.

I still can't think of watching Suspense/Film Noir at home the sameway anymore.

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Post by Joe Momma »

Frighteningly, 27. What can I say, I was a late bloomer (not to mention an antisocial nerd in my earlier years).

For the next four months after that wonderously uninhibited barfly decided I needed loosening up, I literally went on a fucking rampage. This was fairly easy since I was at university during the day and working as a roadie for a local band at night, which meant I was in a target-rich environment.

After getting out of that environment, it did take me a while to adjust to certains boundaries, since most of the women my first experiences were with were fairly "free-spirited"...

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Re: How old were you when you lost your cherry?

Post by Rob Wilson »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Well....
18 and a bit, some lady i mety in a Nightclub in York during R&R. Back to her place, where i promptly realised being drunk hinders performance, as does inexperience. Made up for the night with the next morning though, so my ego was intact. I think her name was Rose/Rosalind/ros-something, I do remember that (in hindsight) she gave terrible blowjobs, but made a fucking brilliant breakfast, so I'll forgive her. :D

Considerig most the lads I knew had lost their virginity at around 15-16 i always considered myself a late bloomer, but apparently not. The girls (and boys of course) at all your schools must have actually had principles and some self-control (or they priced themselves out of the schoolboy market :twisted: ).
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Post by CmdrWilkens »


It was with my long time girlfriend and ex-girlfriend (the same person not two different ones). We had spent most of our senior year dating and breaking up in a rather crazy roller coaster and the last time we finally got back together we just started getting wild and found ourselves naked whereupon the rest kinda just...happened. It was actually kinda strange because I puleld out too far once and started moving back in...against the wrong hole...that was a definate slow down for a first time oh yes. But it was good, I think, for a first time even if her brother almost interrupted us just after the act.
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Post by Darth Wong »

What's wrong with the "wrong hole?" :)
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Post by Ted »

My 16th birthday.

It's legal at 16 here.
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

Darth Wong wrote:What's wrong with the "wrong hole?" :)
Nothing, just that, as you pointed out elsewhere, the first time isn't really a good time to experiment. :)
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Post by ArmorPierce »

15 at track camp. My friend who that year got some kind of rash in his groin area at camp( :lol: ) took me with him to find some Russian/eastern European sluts and I got hooked up with some girl at the last 3 days at camp and on the send to last day, the girls seemed to be letting lose at camp. We went into the trees and I got a blowjob, was a bit awkward afterwards, got to my cabin like 40 mins late, got in trouble, had to do push ups, got in bed, sleep. I myself ain't that suave, much easier to pick up girls when you are with suave friends so that they can take the lead and you just follow them.
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Post by Durandal »

I could've lost it a couple months ago, but I'd been drinking a bit, didn't have access to protection and was having a bit of trouble getting it up. All those things combined told me that I didn't want to lose it then and there.
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Post by Stravo »

13. On Columbus day, my parents were working I was off from school and talked my girlfriend into coming over and bang, we did it. Can't say I was impressed by the experience. Its definately worth it to wait until you know what the hell it is you're doing.
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Post by aerius »

19, thanks to the joys of university and co-ed dorms. I was too much of a dork/outcast in highschool to have a shot with the girls, but 1st year taught me that it doesn't matter. If a dork like I was could make a fresh start and get laid on my first week there, I think damn near anyone can. Something's gotta be wrong if you ain't getting action while living in a co-ed dorm.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Why does this thread need to exist?
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Post by Darth Wong »

Why not?

PS. I was 20.
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Post by InnerBrat »


Outside. Three days after Christmas. In the cold. It was shit.
Although I found out later he told everyone I was great - maybe that's a guy thing. I told the same people he was shit.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

still holding possissively onto it =p I'm *very* picky finding someone worthy of going that far.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

I admit it, I'm a portuguese schmuck.

What in hell have cherries got to do with it?

16, BTW. With a nice girl aged 18. In the nice pine woods near my grandparents house.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Colonel Olrik wrote:
What in hell have cherries got to do with it?
As in "Cherry pie" :wink: :twisted:
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Post by Durandal »

innerbrat wrote:17.

Outside. Three days after Christmas. In the cold. It was shit.
Although I found out later he told everyone I was great - maybe that's a guy thing. I told the same people he was shit.
It's not exactly hard for a woman to be good in bed. You've got to be pretty fucking inept to fail to get a guy to blow his load when fucking him.
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Post by Tosho »

innerbrat wrote:I told the same people he was shit.
What he'd do wrong?
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Post by InnerBrat »

Just inexperienced, I guess. We tried to do a 69, but I still don't know whether he was even touching me or not.
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Post by Tosho »

innerbrat wrote:Just inexperienced, I guess. We tried to do a 69, but I still don't know whether he was even touching me or not.
Damn that's bad.
Sun Sep 07, 2003 3:45 pm 666th post.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

damn, how can you not touch during 69? I love those things. .
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Post by InnerBrat »

No idea. Maybe he was just somewhere that had nothing to do with actual feelings. It was bloody cold, though, I may have gone numb.
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