Ender wrote:Ok. Not great, not crap, but ok.
Seconded. Finished reading it and here are my thoughts.
Han and Leia: I still think Denning does the best job in writing them as a couple. And now I think we know why LOTF IV is entitled "Exiles"
Jacen: Okay, despite my comments in the talkback for
Betrayal and
Bloodlines, we can now officially, absolutely, and sufficently declare that Jacen Solo is batshit and gone Grandfather. He's even got the cape and Force Choke now.
Ben Skywalker: After the stunt he tried to pull on the
Falcon during the Battle of Hapes, I do believe we can start moving the son of the Son of the Suns into the batshit category as well.
Vergere & Lumiya: Interesting revelations. As with
Betrayal, if Lumiya is to be believed, than this explains why Vergere took her sweet time getting back to Tsavong Lah between
Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial and
Edge of Victory II: Rebirth. And we may now have the origin of the
Legacy comics-era Sith too. Again, if she is to be believed. Nice duel with Luke, too. Not Luke vs. Shimrra badass, but still good. And the shades of
Labyrinth of Evil in the Hunt for Lumiya were a nice touch; no wonder Denning acknowledged Luceno in the preface.
Alema Rar: Look kids; it's the next Assaj Ventress! This is why the book loses half a point. I can understand Denning utilizing characters he'd previously created (such as Admiral Bwua'tu's cameo) but there are some villains who should just stay dead, which leads into...
"Nashtah": This is the reason
Tempest lost a point and there are two reasons. 1). Bringing Aurra Sing into this doesn't feel natural and more of a way to go, "Oh, let's slip in PT-references now!" Granted, I'm expecting Luke and Leia to make a side-trip to Naboo one of these days now that they know Padme's identity, but still. If anything, Boba Fett should have been saved for this and not appeared in
Bloodlines. 2). Major plot hole. We learn from Leia that Luke learned of Sing from records recovered from
Chu'unthor. Now, Aurra Sing was born 53 BBY. The
Chu'unthor crashed
340 BBY. How in the hell did Shelly Shaprio and Denning let that slip by?.
Anywya, like Ender said, good. Not great, but still good.