What's with all the Star Wars vs Star Trek animosity? It's just a damned moviephongn wrote:What's with all the Mac-haters here? It's just a damned computer!
Anyway, besides my "wetware computer", I have four machines:
#1: Celeron-600 with 256MB RAM and integrated audio/video/LAN on an MSI i815 mainboard. 30GB Quantum Fireball LM hard drive. This is my file server.
#2: Celeron-1400 with 384MB RAM, GeForce2 MX400, 3Com NIC, and Hercules Game Theatre XP on an Asus i815 mainboard. 15GB Quantum Fireball LM hard drive. This is my machine.
#3: Celeron-1700 with 512MB DDR RAM, GeForce2 GTS, 3Com NIC, and integrated audio on an Asus SiS-chipset P4 mainboard. 60GB Western Digital hard drive. This is my older son Matthew's machine.
#4: Athlon T-Bird 1GHz with 512MB RAM, GeForce2MX, 3Com NIC, and SBLive on an Asus VIA KT133 mainboard. 13GB Quantum Fireball KX hard drive. This is my younger son David's machine.